Al Gore, Vice President of the United States, official portrait 1994
Albert A. Gore
Dan Quayle
James D. Quayle
James Stockdale Formal Portrait
James B. Stockdale
Henry Ross Perot
Bill Clinton
William(Bill) J. Clinton
George H. W. Bush, President of the United States, 1989 official portrait (cropped)
George H. W. Bush
Arguments Table
Speech Name Component Year Date
Good evening from Atlanta and welcome to the vice presidential debate sponsored by the Nonpartisan Commission on Presidential Debates. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
It's being held here in the Theater for the Arts on the campus of Georgia Tech. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I'm Hal Bruno from ABC News and I'm going to be moderating tonight's debate. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
The participants are Republican Vice President Dan Quayle. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) Democratic Senator Al Gore. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) And retired Vice Admiral James Stockdale, who is the vice presidential nominee -- (APPLAUSE) -- for independent candidate Ross Perot. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) Now, the ground rules for tonight's debate. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Each candidate will have 2 minutes for an opening statement. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I will then present the issues to be discussed. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
For each topic, the candidates will have a minute and 15 seconds to respond. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Then this will be followed by a 5 minute discussion period in which they can ask questions of each other if they so choose. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Now, the order of response has been determined by a drawing and we'll rotate with each topic. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
At the end of the debate, each candidate will have 2 minutes for a closing statement. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Our radio and TV audience should know that the candidates were given an equal allocation of auditorium seats for their supporters. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
So I'd like to ask the audience here in the theater to please refrain from applause or any partisan demonstration once the debate is under way because it takes time away from the candidates. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
So with that plea from your moderator let's get started. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
And we'll turn first to Senator Gore for his opening statement. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Good evening. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
It's great to be here in Atlanta for this debate where America will be showcased to the world when the 1996 Olympics are put on right here. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
It's appropriate because in a real sense, our discussion this evening will be about what kind of nation we want to be 4 years from now. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
It's also a pleasure to be with my 2 opponents this evening. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Admiral Stockdale, may I say it's a special honor to share this stage with you. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Those of us who served in Vietnam looked at you as a national hero even before you were awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
And Mr. Vice President -- Dan, if I may -- it was 16 years ago that you and I went to the Congress on the very first day together. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
I'll make you a deal this evening. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
If you don't try to compare George Bush to Harry Truman, I won't compare you to Jack Kennedy. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) Harry Truman -- Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Do you remember the last time someone compared themselves to Jack Kennedy? James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Do you remember what they said? James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Harry Truman, it's worth remembering, assumed the presidency when Franklin Roosevelt died here in Georgia -- only one of many occasions when fate thrust a vice president into the Oval Office in a time of crisis. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
It's something to think about during the debate this evening. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
But our real discussion is going to be about change. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Bill Clinton and I stand for change because we don't believe our nation can stand 4 more years of what we've had under George Bush and Dan Quayle. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
When the recession came they were like a deer caught in the headlights -- paralyzed into inaction, blinded to the suffering and pain of bankruptcies and people who were unemployed. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
We have an environmental crisis, a health insurance crisis, substandard education. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
It is time for a change. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Bill Clinton and I want to get our country moving forward again, put our people back to work, and create a bright future for the US of America. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Okay, the next statement will be from Vice President Quayle. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Well, thank you, Senator Gore, for reminding me about my performance in the 1988 vice presidential debate. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
This is 1992, Bill Clinton is running against President George Bush. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
There are 2 things that I'm going to stress during this debate: one, Bill Clinton's economic plan and his agenda will make matters much, much worse -- he will raise your taxes, he will increase spending, he will make government bigger, jobs will be lost; second, Bill Clinton does not have the strength nor the character to be president of the US. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) Let us look at the agendas. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
President Bush wants to hold the line on taxes, Bill Clinton wants to raise taxes. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
President Bush is for a balanced budget amendment, Bill Clinton is opposed to it. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
We want to reform the legal system because it's too costly, Bill Clinton wants the status quo. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
We want to reform the health care system, Bill Clinton wants to ration health care. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Bill Clinton wants to empower government, we want to empower people. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
In St. Louis, Missouri, in June of this year, Bill Clinton said this: "America is the mockery of the world." James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
He is wrong. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
At some time during these next 4 years there is going to be a crisis -- there will be an international crisis. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
I can't tell you where it's going to be, I can't even tell you the circumstances -- but it will happen. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
We need a president who has the experience, who has been tested, who has the integrity and qualifications to handle the crisis. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
The president has been tested, the president has the integrity and the character. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
The choice is yours. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
You need to have a president you can trust. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Can you really trust Bill Clinton? James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Admiral Stockdale, your opening statement, please, sir? Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Who am I? James B. Stockdale O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Why am I here? James B. Stockdale O 1992 13 Oct 1992
(Laughter and applause) I'm not a politician -- everybody knows that. James B. Stockdale O 1992 13 Oct 1992
So don't expect me to use the language of the Washington insider. James B. Stockdale Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Thirty-seven years in the Navy, and only one of them up there in Washington. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
And now I'm an academic. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
The centerpiece of my life was the Vietnam War. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
I was there the day it started. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
I led the first bombing raid against North Vietnam. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
I was there the day it ended, and I was there for everything in between. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Ten years in Vietnam, aerial combat, and torture. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
I know things about the Vietnam War better than anybody in the world. James B. Stockdale Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
I know some things about the Vietnam War better than anybody in the world. James B. Stockdale Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
And I know how governments, how American governments can be -- can be courageous, and how they can be callow. James B. Stockdale Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
And that's important. James B. Stockdale Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
That's one thing I'm an insider on. James B. Stockdale Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
I was the leader of the underground of the American pilots who were shot down in prison in North Vietnam. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
You should know that the American character displayed in those dungeons by those fine men was a thing of beauty. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
I look back on those years as the beginning of wisdom, learning everything a man can learn about the vulnerabilities and the strengths that are ours as Americans. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Why am I here tonight? James B. Stockdale O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I am here because I have in my brain and in my heart what it takes to lead America through tough times. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Thank you, Admiral. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I thought since you're running for vice president, that we ought to start off by talking about the vice presidency itself. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
The vice president presides over the Senate, he casts a deciding vote in case of a tie, but his role really depends on the assignments that are given to him by the president. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
However, if a president should die in office, or is unable to serve for any other reason, the vice president automatically becomes president, and that has happened 5 times in this century. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
So the proposition I put on the table for you to discuss is this. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
What role would each of you like to play as vice president, what areas interest you, and what are your qualifications to serve as president, if necessary? Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
In the case of Vice President Quayle, who we're starting with, I suppose you'd tell us the role that you did play in the first term and which you'd like to do in a 2nd term. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Go ahead, sir. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Well, then I won't give you that answer. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Qualifications. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
I've been there, Hal. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
I've done the job. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
I've been tested. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
I've been vice president for 4 years. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Senator Gore referred to us being elected to the Congress together in 1976. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
I've done the job. James D. Quayle NaN 1992 13 Oct 1992
I've done many things for the president. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
But even as vice president you never know exactly what your role is going to be from time to time, and let me just give you an example of where I was tested under fire and in a crisis. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
President Bush was flying to Malta in 1989 to meet with President Gorbachev. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
It was the first meeting between President Bush and President Gorbachev. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
They had known each other before. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
A coup broke out in the Philippines. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
I had to go to the situation room. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
I had to assemble the president's advisers. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
I talked to President Aquino. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
I made the recommendation to the president. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
The president made the decision, the coup was suppressed, democracy continued in the Philippines, the situation was ended. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
I've been there. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
And I'll tell you one other thing that qualifies you for being president -- and it's this, Hal -- you've got to stand up for what you believe in. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
And nobody has ever criticized me for not having strong beliefs. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE.) James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Admiral Stockdale. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
My association with Mr. Perot is a very personal one and as I have stood in and finally taken his running mate position, he has granted me total autonomy. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
I don't take advantage of it, but I am sure that he would make me a partner in decision, in making decisions about the way to handle health care, the way to get this economy back on its feet again, in every way. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
I have not had the experience of these gentlemen, but -- to be any more specific -- but I know I have his trust, and I intend to act in a way to keep that situation alive. James B. Stockdale O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Thank you. James B. Stockdale O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Senator Gore. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Bill Clinton understands the meaning of the words "teamwork" and "partnership." Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
If we're successful in our efforts to gain your trust and lead this nation, we will work together to put our country back on the right track again. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
The experience that George Bush and Dan Quayle have been talking about includes the worst economic performance since the Great Depression. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Unemployment is up, personal income is down, bankruptcies are up, housing starts are down. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
How long can we continue with trickle-down economics when the record of failure is so abundantly clear? Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Discussions of the vice presidency tend sometimes to focus on the crisis during which a vice president is thrust into the Oval Office, and indeed, one-3rd of the vice presidents who have served have been moved into the White House. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
But the teamwork and partnership beforehand -- and hopefully that situation never happens -- how you work together is critically important. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
The way we work together in this campaign is one sample. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Now I'd like to say in response to Vice President Quayle- -he talked about Malta and the Philippines. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
George Bush has concentrated on every other country in the world. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
When are you guys going to start worrying about our people here in the US of America and get our country moving again? Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Again, I will ask the audience: please do not applaud, it takes time from the candidates. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
All right, now we have 5 minutes for discussion. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Go ahead, Vice President Quayle. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
The answer to that is very simple: we are not going to raise taxes to create new jobs, we have a plan to create new jobs. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
But that wasn't the question. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
The question dealt with qualifications. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Teamwork and partnership may be fine in the Congress, Senator Gore -- that's what Congress is all about, compromise, teamwork, working things out. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
But when you're president of the US or when you're vice president and you have to fill in like I did the night of the crisis in the Philippines, you've got to make a decision, you've got to make up your mind. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Bill Clinton, running for president of the US, said this about the Persian Gulf war. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
"Had I been in the Senate, I would have voted with the majority, if it was a close vote. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
But I agreed with the arguments of the minority." James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
You can't have it both ways, you have to make a decision. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
You cannot sit there in an international crisis -- (APPLAUSE) -- and sit there and say, well, on the one hand, this is okay, and, on the other hand, this is okay. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
You've got to make the decision. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
President Bush has made the decisions; he's been tested, he's got the experience, he's got the qualification, he's got the integrity to be our president for the next 4 years. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Thank you, Mr. Vice President. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Admiral Stockdale, it's your turn to respond next, and then Senator Gore will have his chance to respond. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Okay. James B. Stockdale O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I thought this was just an open session, this 5-minute thing, and I didn't have anything to add to his. James B. Stockdale O 1992 13 Oct 1992
But I will -- James B. Stockdale O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Well, I'll jump in if you don't want -- (Laughter) Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I thought anyone could jump in whenever they wanted to. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Okay, whatever pleases you gentlemen is fine with me. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
You're the candidates. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
But I want Admiral Stockdale's time. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
(Laughter and applause) James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
This is not the Senate, where you can trade off time. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Go ahead, Senator Gore. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I'll let you all figure out the rules, I've got some points that I want to make here, and I still haven't gotten an answer to my question on when you guys are going to start worrying about this country, but I want to elaborate on it before -- Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Why doesn't the Democratic Congress -- why doesn't the Democratic Congress pass the president’s bill? James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Mr. Vice President, let him say his thoughts, and then you can come in. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I was very patient in letting you get off that string of attacks. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
We've been listening to -- Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Good points. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
-- trickle-down economics for 12 years now, and you all still support trickle-down to the very last drop. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
And, you know, talking about this point of concentrating on every other country in the world as opposed to the people of our country right here at home, when George Bush took former Secretary of State Baker out of the State Dept and put him in charge of the campaign and made him chief of staff in the White, Mr. Baker, who's quite a capable man, said that for these last 4 years George Bush was working on the problems of the rest of the world and in the next 4 years he would target America. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Well, I want you to know we really appreciate that. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
But Bill Clinton and I will target America from day one. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
We won't wait 4 years before we concentrate on the problems in this country. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
He went on to say that it's really amazing what George Bush can do when he concentrates. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Well, it's time that we had a president like Bill Clinton who can concentrate and will concentrate and work on the problems of real people in this country. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
You know, our country is in trouble. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
We simply cannot continue with this philosophy of giving huge tax cuts to the very wealthy, raising taxes on middle income families the way Bush and Quayle have done and then waiting for it to work. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
How much longer will it take, Dan, for trickle down economics to work, in your theory? Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Well, we're going to have plenty of time to talk about trickle down government, which you're for. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
But the question -- James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Well, I'd like to hear the answer. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
But the question is -- the question is -- and which you have failed to address, and that is, why is Bill Clinton qualified to be president of the US. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
You've talked about -- James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Oh, I'll be happy to answer that question -- Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
You've talked about Jim Baker. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
You've talked about trickle down economics. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
You've talked about the worst economy- James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Now, wait a minute. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
The question was about -- Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
-- in 50 years. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I'll be happy to answer those. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
May I answer -- Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Why is he qualified to be president of the US? James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I'll be happy to -- Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I want to go back and make a point -- James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Well, you've asked me the question. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
If you won't answer my question I will answer yours. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I have not asked you a question. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I've made a statement. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I have not asked you a question, I’ve made a statement that you have not told us why Bill Clinton is qualified to be president of the US. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I pointed out what he said about the Persian Gulf War. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
But let me repeat it for you. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Here's what he said, Senator. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
You know full well what he said. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
You want me to answer your question? Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I'm making a statement. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Then you can answer it. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Can we give Admiral Stockdale a chance to come in, please -- (APPLAUSE) And again, audience -- (Simultaneous conversation) Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
(Inaudible) here's what he said. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I mean, this is the Persian Gulf War -- the most important event in his political lifetime and here's what Bill Clinton says. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
If it's a close vote, I'd vote with the majority. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Let's give Admiral Stockdale a chance to come in. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
But he was the minority. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
That qualifies you for being president of the US. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I hope America is listening very closely to this debate tonight. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
And I think America is seeing right now the reason this nation is in gridlock. James B. Stockdale Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
(Laughter, applause) The trickle downs and the tax and spends, or whatever you want to call them are at swords points. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
We can't get this economy going. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Over here we've got Dan whose president is going to take 8 years to balance the budget and on my left, the senator, whose boss is going to get it half way balanced in 4 years. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Ross Perot has got a plan to balance the budget 5 years in length from start to finish. James B. Stockdale Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
And we're -- people of the non-professional category who are just sick of this terrible thing that's happened to the country. James B. Stockdale O 1992 13 Oct 1992
And we've got a man who knows how to fix it, and I'm working for him. James B. Stockdale Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) James B. Stockdale O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I was a little bit worried that there might not be a free flowing discussion tonight. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
(Laughter) Let's move on to the economy. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Specifically the economy was talked about at great length the other night in the presidential debate. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Let's talk about a very particular aspect of the economy and that is, getting people back to work. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
For the average person, the great fear is losing his or her job and many Americans have lost jobs in this recession, which also means the loss of benefits, the loss of a home, the destruction of a family's security. Hal Bruno Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Specifically, how would your administration go about getting people back to work and how long is it going to take? Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
And we start with Admiral Stockdale. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
The lifeblood of our economy is investment. James B. Stockdale Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
And right now when we pay $350 -- we borrow $350 billion a year it saps the money markets and the private investors are not getting their share. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
What we do is work on that budget by an aggressive program, not a painful program, so that we can start borrowing less money and getting more investment money on the street through entrepreneurs who can build factories, who will hire people, and maybe we'll start manufacturing goods here in this country again. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
That's -- that's my answer. James B. Stockdale O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Okay. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Senator Gore. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Bill Clinton's top priority is putting America back to work. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Bill Clinton and I will create good, high-wage jobs for our people, the same way he has done in his state. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Bill Clinton has created high-wage manufacturing jobs at 10 times the national average and in fact according to the statistics coming from the Bush-Quayle Labor Dept, for the last 2 years in a role Bill Clinton's state has been number one among all 50 in the creation of jobs in the private sector. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
By contrast, in the nation as a whole, during the last 4 years, it is the first time since the presidency of Herbert Hoover, that we have gone for a 4-year period with fewer jobs at the end of that 4-year period than we had at the beginning. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
And look at manufacturing. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
We have lost 1.4 million jobs in manufacturing under George Bush and Dan Quayle. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
They have even -- we learned 2 weeks ago -- taken our tax dollars and subsidized the moving of US factories to foreign countries. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Now don't deny it because 60 Minutes and Nightline and the nation's newspapers have investigated this very carefully. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
(Laughter.) Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
When are you going to stop using our tax dollars to shut down American factories and move 'em to foreign countries and throw Americans out of work? Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Vice President Quayle. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Senator, don't always believe what you see on television. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE.) James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
the media have been wrong before. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
We have never subsidized any country -- or any company to move from the US to Latin America. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
You know full well the Caribbean Basin Initiative, you've supported that. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
No. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
That is a program there -- James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I voted against it. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
You voted for it and your record -- James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
No. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Okay. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Well, we'll -- we'll have a lot of interesting debate after this debate. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Our people will be glad to furnish the press, if they're interested, in Senator Gore's voting record on the Caribbean Basin Initiative. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
But let's talk -- you know, you keep talking about trickle-down economics and all this stuff, about the worst economy since Hoover. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
It is a bad economy. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
It's a tough economy. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
The question isn't -- it's not who you're going to blame; it’s what are you going to do about it? James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Your proposal it to raise $150 billion in taxes. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
To raise $220 billion in new spending. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
No. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
How is raising taxes going to help small business? James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
How is raising taxes going to help the farmer? James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
How is raising taxes going to help the consumer in America? James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I submit to you that raising taxes will make matters much, much worse. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE.) James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Admiral. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
We now throw it open for discussion. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Admiral Stockdale, it's your turn to start the discussion. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Well, we've got to re -- we've got to clean out the barn, if I may quote my boss, and start getting this investment money on the street so we can get, and encourage entrepreneurs to build factories. James B. Stockdale O 1992 13 Oct 1992
We -- the program is out there. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
It's a put-together thing that requires some sacrifice, but not excessive, and we are willing to move forward in -- on a 5-year clip to put us back where we can start over and get -- get this nation straightened out. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Senator Gore, getting people back to work. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Well, the difference between the Perot- Stockdale plan and the Clinton-Gore plan is that Ross Perot's plan concentrates almost exclusively on balancing the budget and reducing the budget deficit, and the danger is that if that is the only goal it could throw our nation back into an even worse recession. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Bill Clinton and I have a detailed 5-year budget plan to create good jobs, cut the budget deficit in half, and eliminate the investment deficit in order to get our economy moving forward again. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
We have a $20-billion infrastructure fund to create a nationwide network of high-speed rail, for example, and what are called information superhighways to open up a whole universe of knowledge for our young people and to help our universities and companies that rely on new advances in the information revolution. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
We also have tax incentives for investment in job-creating activities, not the kind of encouragement for short-term rip-offs like the proposal that we have had from George Bush. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
But I want to return and say one more time: you have used our tax dollars to subsidize the recruitment of US companies to move overseas and throw Americans out of work. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
In Decaturville, Tennessee, not very far from my home, a factory was shut down right there when they were solicited by officials paid with US taxpayers' money, and then the replacement workers in a foreign country were trained with our tax dollars and then their imports were subsidized coming back into the US. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
When are you going to stop that program? Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
We do not have any program that encourages companies to close down here and to go and invest on foreign soil. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
That is absolutely outrageous. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Of course American businesses do have business abroad; we've got global competition. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
We want businesses to expand. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Do you realize this, Senator, that every job that's overseas there's 3 jobs back here to support that. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
But never have we ever, nor would we, support the idea of someone closing down a factory here and moving overseas. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
That's just totally ridiculous. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
It's going on right now; it happened in Tennessee, in Decaturville, Tennessee. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
When George Bush went to Nashville, the employees who lost their jobs asked to meet with -- Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I want to get back -- James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I talked with them. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Let me tell you what they're feeling. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Some of them are in their 50s and 60s. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
They want to know where they're going to get new jobs when their jobs have been destroyed. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
And there are 1.4 million manufacturing jobs that have been lost because of the policies of you and George Bush. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Do you seriously believe that we ought to continue the same policies that have created the worst economy since the Great Depression? Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I hope that when you talked to those people you said: and the first thing that Bill Clinton and I are going to do is to raise $150 billion in new taxes. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
You got that wrong, too. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
And the first -- that is part of your plan. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
No, it's not. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
A hundred and fifty billion dollars in new taxes. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Well, you're going to disavow your plan. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Listen, what we're proposing -- Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
You know what you're doing, you know what you're doing? James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
You're pulling a Clinton. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
(Laughter) And you know what a Clinton is? James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
And you know what Clinton is? James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
A Clinton is, is what he says -- he says one thing one day and another thing the next day -- you try to have both sides of the issues. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
The fact of the matter is that you are proposing $150 billion in new taxes. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
No. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
And I hope that you talk to the people in Tennessee -- James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
No, we're not. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
-- and told them that -- James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
You can say it all you want but it doesn't make it true. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
-- going to have new taxes. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I hope you talked to them about the fact that you were going to increase spending to $220 billion. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I'm sure what you didn't talk to them about was about how we're going to reform the health care system, like the president wants to do. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
He wants to go out and to reform the health care system so that every American will have available to them affordable health insurance. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
I'm sure one other thing that you didn't talk to them about, Senator, and that is legal reform, because your position on legal reform is the status quo. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
And yet you talk about foreign competition. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Why should an American company have to spend 15 to 20 times on product liability and insurance costs compared to a company in Japan or a company in Germany or somewhere else? James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
That's not right. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
We have product liability reform legislation on Capitol Hill. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
It will create jobs. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
And a Democratic Congress won't pass it. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Okay. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I think it's time to move on to our next topic. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
All 3 of you gentlemen have some expertise in defense and the armed forces. Hal Bruno Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Vice President Quayle and Senator Gore both served on the Senate Armed Services Committee. Hal Bruno Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Admiral Stockdale, of course, has a very distinguished military career. Hal Bruno Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
With the end of the Cold War, everyone agrees that there are going to be major cuts. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
They've already started in the defense budget. Hal Bruno Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
But this country has a long history of neglecting its military needs in peace time and then paying for it with heavy casualties when we're caught unprepared. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
How much of a defense cut is safe? Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
What happens to the people who are forced to leave the military services, or if they lose their jobs because they're working in defense industries. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I think we start with Senator Gore this time. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Bill Clinton and I support a strong national defense. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
He and I have both fought for change within the Democratic Party as well as within the country. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
In the aftermath of the Cold War, the definition of strong national defense has obviously changed somewhat. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
For example, George Bush wants to maintain at least 150,000 American soldiers in Europe, even though World War II ended 50 years ago. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Bill Clinton and I agree with so many military experts who believe that it is time for the Europeans, who are so much wealthier now and more powerful than they were at the end of World War II to start picking up a little more of that tab themselves and not rely so exclusively on the US taxpayers for the defense of Europe. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
We believe that we can make savings in our defense budget and at the same time, improve our national security. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Now, for those who are affected by the cutbacks, whether they come from George Bush or Bill Clinton and me -- the difference is, Bill Clinton and I have a defense conversion program so that those who won the Cold War will not be left out in the cold. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
We want to put them to work, building an infrastructure and an economy here in this country for the '90's and the next century. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Vice President Quayle. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
We won the Cold War because we invested in national security. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
We won the Cold War because we invested in our military. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
We didn't win the Cold -- we won the Cold War because we invested in national security. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
We won the Cold War because America had the political will and made the right decisions. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Yes, we can make the cuts in defense and we have. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Bill Clinton wants to cut defense another $60 billion. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
I'd say to the defense workers in California and elsewhere, a $60 billion defense cut is going to cut a lot of jobs out. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Yes, we are making a conversion and we can go to a civil space rather than having defense -- or the defense industry. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Well, let me say this: we would not have won the Cold War if we had listened to Senator Gore and his crowd, and had supported a nuclear freeze. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
If you would have supported that attitude -- if you would have supported that attitude, we would not have won the Cold War. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
We won the Cold War because we invested and we went forward. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE.) James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Mr. -- Admiral Stockdale, please. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Yes, thanks. James B. Stockdale O 1992 13 Oct 1992
The numbers, in terms of the dollar cuts, as they stand on our plans now, show us almost the same as the vice president's. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
But we'd note that Mr. -- Governor Clinton's plan is almost twice as much a cut as either one of us. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
I've been through the end of World War II, and the surprise beginning of Korea, to see how we -- it cost us more money because we overcut the defense budget in the first place. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
I don't say that -- (APPLAUSE.) James B. Stockdale O 1992 13 Oct 1992
So I think that should be eyed with great suspicion, people that are really kicking the props out from under our grand military establishment prematurely. James B. Stockdale Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Now there's other differences between the Perot approach and what we see up here on either side of me, and that has to do with we want to focus our interests, economic and military, more to the Pacific. James B. Stockdale Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
We figure that we are generally going along with any sort of a troop removal from Europe. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
So that's still another face of this puzzle. James B. Stockdale O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Senator Gore, would you like to start the discussion period on this topic? Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Yeah, I'd like to respond first to you, Admiral Stockdale. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Under the details of our 5-year budget plan, we do propose more in defense cuts than George Bush and Dan Quayle, but only 5 % more. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Admiral Crowe, who I think was one of your classmates in Annapolis -- Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Oh, yes, I've known him -- James B. Stockdale O 1992 13 Oct 1992
-- has endorsed -- Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
-- 50 years. James B. Stockdale O 1992 13 Oct 1992
-- the military portions of our plan, even though he was the chairman of the Joint Chiefs under George Bush, and John White has endorsed the economic aspects of our plan, even though I believe he was the architect of Ross Perot's economic plan. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Now when I heard George Bush say at the convention in Houston, that when he heard the phrase "we won the Cold War," it made him wonder who the "we" was. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Well, I want to tell you, President Bush, the "we" is the people of the US of America. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
This wasn't a partisan victory that came suddenly, a few months after you took the oath of office. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
This started with Harry Truman and it was a bipartisan effort from the very beginning. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
George Bush taking credit for the Berlin Wall coming down is like the rooster taking credit for the sunrise. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE.) Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
And I want to, I want to add -- I want to add one other thing, because in the debate a few nights ago, I think President Bush made a very serious misstatement of fact in response to Ross Perot. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
It was kind of a little lecture he gave to Ross Perot when he said those SS-18s are gone, Ross, that's done. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
He -- he reached a deal with Boris Yeltsin to completely remove them so we can all sleep safely without any fear tonight. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
But you know what? Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
They thought they were going to get that deal, but when he took the person in charge of the negotiations out of the State Dept and put him in charge of the reelection campaign, the deal unraveled and now there is no START II deal at all. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
In fact there are serious problems. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Isn't it a fact, Dan, that every single one of those SS-18s is still there, in the silos, and under the START I treaty, only half of the silos are supposed to be dismantled, and there is no deal to get rid of the other half? Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Didn't the president make a mistake there? Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Vice President Quayle, please. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
The president does have a commitment from Boris Yeltsin to eliminate the SS-18s. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
That is a commitment to -- James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Is it an agreement? Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
It is a commitment. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Oh. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
(Laughter) Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Let's talk about, let's talk about -- James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Well, he said he'd -- Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Let him talk, Senator. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Lighten up here, Al. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
(Laughter and applause) James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Go ahead. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Let's talk about getting agreements. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
You know, the president of the US doesn't just negotiate with your friends in Congress; the president of the US deals on the international scene. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
He's got to deal with the president of Russia, he's got to deal with the chancellor of Germany, the prime minister of Britain, the president of France, the prime minister of Japan -- he's got to deal with a whole host of leaders around the world. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
And the leaders sit down and they will negotiate, and they will come to agreements with people that they trust. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
And this is a fundamental problem with Bill Clinton, is trust and character. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
It is not the issue of how he avoided military service 20-some years ago; it's the fact -- it's the fact that he does not tell the truth about it. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
He first said he didn't get an induction notice, then we find out that he did; he said he didn't have an ROTC slot, then we find out he did; he said he didn't use Senator Fulbright's office for special influence, then we find out that he did. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
These are inconsistencies. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Bill Clinton has trouble telling the truth. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
And he will have a very difficult time dealing with somebody like President Yeltsin or Chancellor Kohl or Prime Minister Major or President Mitterrand, because truth and integrity are prerequisites to being president of the US. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I want to respond to that, I want to respond to that. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
George Bush, in case you've forgotten, Dan, said "Read my lips -- no new taxes." Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
(Laughter and applause) And you know what? Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I didn't think I was going to hear that tonight. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Hold on, hold on, let me finish. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Okay. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
He also said he wanted to be the environmental president; then he went on to say he wanted to be the education president. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Then he said that he wouldn't raise taxes again -- no, never, ever, ever. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Then the next day his spokesman, Marlin Fitzwater, came out and said that's not a pledge. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Then 2 weeks ago he said that after the election, if you win, then James Baker's going to go back to be secretary of state; then a week later, in the debate a few nights ago, he said, no, after the election, if we win, James Baker is going to be in charge of domestic policy. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Which is it, Dan? Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Is he going to -- what's your role in this going to be? Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
(Laughter and applause) Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Well, we'll have to move on to another topic. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Let me -- James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Sorry, Mr. Vice President. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I don't have time to respond to that? James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
You'll get plenty of chance to respond, so don't worry. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Okay, you're the moderator. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I was under the assumption that when the thing is like that that you get a chance to respond. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Well, we ran out of time; according to the agreement, it's time to move on. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
And I want to stick to the agreement. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Okay. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Well, you got the last word on that, but we'll come back to it. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
But you'll have a chance -- I can see what's happening here: we throw out the topic and then we drift. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
But that's okay, because I think it's making for a healthy exchange. Hal Bruno Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
(Laughter) The only thing I would ask of you -- Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I'm enjoying it. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
(Laughter) Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
The only thing I would ask of you gentlemen is that when we get to the discussion period, whoever talks first be considerate of the others, because you have a tendency to filibuster. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Look over there. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
(Laughter) James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Okay, I'm not pointing any fingers. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Let's talk about the environment -- we'll get away from controversy. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
(Laughter) Everyone wants a safe and clean environment, but there's an ongoing conflict between environmental protection and the need for economic growth and jobs. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
So the point I throw out on the table is, how do you resolve this conflict between protection of the environment and growth in jobs, and why has it taken so long to deal with basic problems, such as toxic waste dumps, clean air and clean water? Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
And, Vice President Quayle, it's your turn to start first. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Hal, that's a false choice. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
You don't have to have a choice between the environment and jobs -- you can have both. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Look at the president's record: clean air legislation passed the Democratic Congress because of the leadership of George Bush. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
It is the most comprehensive clean air act in our history. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
We are firmly behind preserving our environment, and we have a good record with which to stand. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
The question comes about: What is going to be their position when it comes to the environment? James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I say it's a false choice. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
You ought to ask somebody in Michigan, a UAW worker in Michigan, if they think increasing the CAFE standards, the fuel economy standards, to 45 miles a gallon is a good idea -- 300,000 people out of work. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
You ought to talk to the timber people in the Northwest where they say that, well, we can only save the owl, forget about jobs. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
You ought to talk to the coal miners. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
They're talking about putting a coal tax on. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
They're talking about a tax on utilities, a tax on gasoline and home heating oil -- all sorts of taxes. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
No, Hal, the choice isn't the environment and jobs. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
With the right policies -- prudent policies -- we can have both. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Admiral Stockdale. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I read Senator Gore's book about the environment and I don't see how he could possibly pay for his proposals in today's economic climate. James B. Stockdale Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) You know, the Marshall Plan of the environment, and so forth. James B. Stockdale O 1992 13 Oct 1992
And also, I'm told by some experts that the things that he fears most might not be all that dangerous, according to some scientists. James B. Stockdale O 1992 13 Oct 1992
You know, you can overdo, I'm told, environmental cleaning up. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
If you purify the pond, the water lilies die. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
You know, I love this planet and I want it to stay here, but I don't like to have it the private property of fanatics that want to overdo this thing. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) James B. Stockdale NaN 1992 13 Oct 1992
Senator Gore. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Bill Clinton and I believe we can create millions of new jobs by leading the environmental revolution instead of dragging our feet and bringing up the rear. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
You know, Japan and Germany are both opening proclaiming to the world now that the biggest new market in the history of world business is the market for the new products and technologies that foster economic progress without environmental destruction. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Why is the Japanese business organization -- the largest one they have, the Ki Den Ren (phonetic), arguing for tougher environmental standards than those embodied in US law? Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Why is MITI -- their trade organization -- calling on all Japanese corporations everywhere in the world to exceed by as much as possible the environmental standards of every country in which they're operating? Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Well, maybe they're just dumb about business competition. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
But maybe they know something that George Bush and Dan Quayle don't know -- that the future will call for greater efficiency and greater environmental efficiency. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
This is a value an issue that touches my basic values. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
I'm taught in my religious tradition that we are given dominion over the Earth, but we're required to be good stewards of the Earth, and that means to take care of it. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
We're not doing that now under the Bush-Quayle policies. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
They have gutted the Clean Air Act. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
They have broken his pledge to be the environmental president. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Bill Clinton and I will change that. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Okay. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Discussion period now. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Again, leave time for each other, please. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Vice President Quayle, go ahead. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Well, I'm tempted to yield to Admiral Stockdale on this. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
But I -- you know, the fact of the matter is that one of the proposals that Senator Gore has suggested is to have the taxpayers of America spend $100 billion a year on environmental projects in foreign countries -- James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
That's not true -- Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Foreign aid -- well, Senator, it's in your book. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
On page 304 -- James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
No, it's not. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
It is there. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) It is in your book. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
You know, Hal, I wanted to bring the Gore book tonight, because I figured he was going to pull a Bill Clinton on me and he has. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Because he's going to disavow what's in his book. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
It's in your book -- James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
No. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
It comes out to $100 billion of foreign aid for environmental projects. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
All right. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Let's give him a chance to answer. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Now, how are we going to pay for it? James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
How are we going to pay for an extra $100 billion of the taxpayers' money for this? James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Dan, I appreciate you reading my book very much, but you've got it wrong. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
No, I've got it right. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
There's no such proposal. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Okay, well, we'll find -- James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Let him talk, Mr Vice President. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Let the senator talk. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Go ahead. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
There is no such proposal. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
What I have called upon is a cooperative effort by the US and Europe and Asia to work together in opening up new markets throughout the world for the new technologies that are necessary in order to reconcile the imperatives of economic progress with the imperatives of environmental protection. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Take Mexico City for an example. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
They are shutting down factories right now, not because of their economy, but because they're choking to death on the air pollution. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
They're banning automobiles some days of the week. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Now what they want is not new laser-guided missile systems. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
What they want are new engines and new factories and new products that don't pollute the air and the water, but nevertheless allow them to have a decent standard of living for their people. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Last year 35 % of our exports went to developing countries, countries where the population is expanding worldwide by as much as one billion people every ten years. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
We cannot stick our heads in the sand and pretend that we don't face a global environmental crisis, nor should we assume that it's going to cost jobs. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Quite the contrary. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
We are going to be able to create jobs as Japan and Germany are planning to do right now, if we have the guts to leave. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Now earlier we heard about the auto industry and the timber industry. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
There have been 250,000 jobs lost in the automobile industry during the Reagan-Bush-Quayle years. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
There have been tens of thousands of jobs lost in the timber industry. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
What they like to do is point the finger of blame with one hand and hand out pink slips with the other hand. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
They've done a poor job both with the economy and the environment. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE.) Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
It's time for a change. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE.) Albert A. Gore NaN 1992 13 Oct 1992
Admiral Stockdale, you had something you wanted to say here? Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I know that -- I read where Senator Gore's mentor had disagree with some of the scientific data that is in his book. James B. Stockdale Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
How do you respond to those criticisms of that sort? James B. Stockdale O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Do you -- James B. Stockdale O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Deny it. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Well -- (Laughter.) Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Do you take this into account? James B. Stockdale O 1992 13 Oct 1992
(Laughter.) James B. Stockdale O 1992 13 Oct 1992
No, I -- let me respond. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Thank you, Admiral, for saying that. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
You're talking about Roger Revelle. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
His family wrote a lengthy letter saying how terribly he had been misquoted and had his remarks taken completely out of context just before he died. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
(Jeers.) Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
He believed up until the day he died -- no, it's true, he died last year -- Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
I'd ask the audience to stop, please. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
-- and just before he died, he co- authored an article which was -- had statements taken completely out of context. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
In fact the vast majority of the world's scientists -- and they have worked on this extensively -- believe that we must have an effort to face up to the problems we face with the environment. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
And if we just stick out heads in the sand and pretend that it's not real, we're not doing ourselves a favor. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Even worse than that, we're telling our children and all future generations that we weren't willing to face up to this obligation. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Hal, can I -- James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I believe that we have a mandate -- Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Sure. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
We've still got time. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
-- to try to solve this problem, particularly when we can do it while we create jobs in the process. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Go ahead, Mr. Vice President, there's still time. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Not much, though. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I know it. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
We've got to have a little equal time here now, Hal. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
In the book you also suggest taxes on gasoline, taxes on utilities, taxes on carbon, taxes on timber. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
There's a whole host of taxes. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
And I don't just -- I don't believe raising taxes is the way to solve our environmental problems. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
And you talk about the bad situation in the auto industry. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
You seem to say that the answer is, well, I'll just make it that much worse by increasing the CAFE standards. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Yes, the auto industry is hurting, it's been hurting for a long time, and increasing the CAFE standards to 45 miles per gallon, like you and Bill Clinton are suggesting, will put, as I said, 300,000 people out of work. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Okay, let's move on now. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I would like to remind the audience of one thing. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Trying to stop you from applauding may be a lost cause. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I didn't say anything about hissing, but I do think it is discourteous, and there's no call for that, and it reflects badly on the candidate you're supporting. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
So let's knock that off. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Let's go on to health care. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Health care protection has become a necessity of life in our society, yet millions of Americans are not ensured and the cost of medical treatment is practically out of control. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
How do you propose to control these costs and how are you going to provide access to health care for every American? Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Let's see, whose turn is it to go now? Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I think it's Admiral Stockdale's. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I think it's Admiral Stockdale's turn to go first. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Go ahead, sir. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Well, we have excellent technical health care, but we don't administer it very well, and the escalating costs top any other budget danger in the -- on the horizon, I think. James B. Stockdale O 1992 13 Oct 1992
And what Mr Perot has suggested is that we try to re- -to look at the incentives, the incentives that are in our current way of doing business, are what are killing us. James B. Stockdale O 1992 13 Oct 1992
There's -- there's no incentive for a hypochondriac not to go to the -- to Medicare every day. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
There is no incentive for a doctor to curtail the expensive tests because he's under threat of malpractice lawyers. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
And so we -- we just have a web of wrong-way incentives that has to be changed by some people who are in the medical profession and some other crafty people who know how to write contracts to change incentives or get -- get the -- the incentives situation under control. James B. Stockdale Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Senator Gore. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Bill Clinton and I believe that if a criminal has the right to a lawyer, every American family ought to have the right to see a doctor of their own choosing when they need to see a doctor. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
There are almost 40 million Americans who work full time today and yet have no health insurance whatsoever. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
We are proposing to change that, not with a government-run plan, not with new taxes, but with a new approach called managed competition. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
We are going to provide a standard health insurance package provided by private insurance companies and eliminate the duplication and red tape, and overlap, and we're going to have cost controls to eliminate the unnecessary procedures that are costing so much money today. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
There was a bipartisan commission evenly divided between Republicans and Democrats who looked at our plan and the Bush-Quayle proposal. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
They said ours will save tens of billions of dollars and cover every American. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
The Bush proposal, by contrast, will cost us tens of billions and still leave Americans uninsured. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
But what I want to know is, why has George Bush waited for 3 and a half years during this health insurance crisis before finally coming out with a proposal, just before the election, and he still hasn't introduced it in Congress. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Why the long wait, Dan? Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Mr Vice President. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Hal, President Bush has had his health care reform agenda on Capitol Hill for 8 months. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
He's had parts of it up there for years. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
You talk about increasing costs that the president has had on Capitol Hill- - medical malpractice reform legislation -- for several years. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Defensive medicine and health care today cost $20.7 billion. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Defense medicine defined as testing and treatment that is only necessary in case of a law suit. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Wouldn't that be nice to take $20.7 billion that we're putting into our legal system and put it to preventive health care or women's health care or something else besides trial lawyers? James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
But no -- you don't want to reform the health care system to drive down costs through medical malpractice. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
What you're doing -- you are talking about a government program. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Your program is to ration health care. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
You said in your statement to see a doctor when you want to see a doctor. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
When you start rationing health care there's going to be a waiting line to see a doctor unless it's an emergency. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Remember when we rationed energy in this country? James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Waiting lines at the gasoline stations. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
The same thing would happen when you ration health care. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
The president's proposal deals with tax credits, deductions and purchasing health care in the private sector and making health care affordable and available to every single American. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Admiral Stockdale, would you like to start the discussion period? Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Well, I'm out of ammunition on this -- James B. Stockdale O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Well, let me talk then because I've got a couple of things that I want to say. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Go ahead, Senator. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
We still didn't get an answer to the question of why George Bush waited for 3 and a half years -- Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
He didn't wait 3 and a half years. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
-- during the national -- Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I did answer the question. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
-- health insurance crisis before he even made a proposal. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
And it still hasn't been submitted to Congress in the form of legislation. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
I also want to respond to the question about malpractice. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Do you know which state has the lowest malpractice premiums in the entire country? Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Bill Clinton's Arkansas does -- partly because he has passed reform measures limiting the time during which malpractice suits can be filed. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
In fact, tort claims generally have fallen 10 % under Bill Clinton there. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
But you know, that's not the reason for this health insurance crisis. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
The reason is, we've had absolutely no leadership. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Let me tell you about a friend of mine named Mitch Philpot from Marietta, Georgia -- not far from here -- who Tipper and I met with his family in Johns Hopkins Hospital. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Their son, Brett, was in the bed next to our son and they couldn't pay their medical bills. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
They used to live in Atlanta, but they lost their house. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
And while they were there, both Mitch and his wife lost their jobs because they could not get unpaid leave. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
We pass legislation to give family leave under circumstances like that, exempting small business. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
How can you talk about family values, Dan, and twice veto the Family Medical Leave Act? Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Mr Vice President. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Pass our Family Leave Act, because it goes to small businesses where the major problem is. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Your proposal excluded small business. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
That's the problem. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Now, let me talk about health care and -- James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Did you require it? Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Did you require it? Albert A. Gore NaN 1992 13 Oct 1992
My turn -- (holding hand up at Gore) James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Did you require (inaudible) -- (Simultaneous conversation) Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Lighten’ up Al. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
My turn. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
It's a free discussion. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Take a breath, Al. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Inhale. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
It's a free discussion. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) Did you require family leave in that legislation? Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Yes or no? Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
We offered incentives to small businesses. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Yes or no -- James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
That's a no, isn't it? Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Was small business exempted under your proposal? James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Yes. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Yes. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
And that's where the biggest problem is -- James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Did you require it of anyone? Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I'm going to get back to the topic again -- James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Did you require it of anyone? Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
-- because he obviously doesn't want to talk about health insurance or health care, which you address. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I was absolutely -- I shouldn't say that -- another Clinton. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
You pulled another Clinton on me because here you go again. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Medical malpractice legislation has been before the Congress of the US and you tried to convince the American people that Bill Clinton is for tort reform? James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
The biggest campaign contributors to your campaign are the trial lawyers of America. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
We have a letter -- and we're going to release it again to the media, if the media is interested -- where the head of the trial lawyers of Arkansas said that Bill Clinton was basically in their back pocket, that Bill Clinton has always opposed tort reform of any kind. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
It's in the letter, we have it, we'll make it available -- because Bill Clinton is not for tort reform. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
I'd like to know where Bill Clinton stands on health insurance. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
When he was campaigning in New Hampshire, he said I am for the pay-or-play health insurance. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Pay or play, that's a 7 to 9 % payroll tax on every worker in America that participates in this program. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Can I respond? Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
And then, all of a sudden, this summer he says, oh, I'm not for a pay or play. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Here we go again. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Bill Clinton, one day he's for pay or play, the next day he's against pay or play. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
He does it in education. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
He writes Polly Williams, a Democrat state legislator in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, saying I'm for choice in education; then he goes to the NEA teachers union and says, sorry, I'm not for choice in education because you won't let me be for choice in education. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
One time Bill Clinton says term limits -- we ought to limit terms, it's ridiculous that a member of Congress can serve for 30, 40, 50 years, and you limit the terms of the president -- but that's another subject. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
We're fixing to limit one. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
(Laughter) Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
It's not going to be mine; it's going to be people like you and Kennedy and Metzenbaum and George Mitchell and the rest of that Democratic Congress on Capitol Hill -- that's who we're talking about. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) And that's who the American people -- as you well know, you've got term limits for a president, you don't have term limits for Congress, and I think it's absolutely ridiculous that we don't. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I want to respond to some of this. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Here goes Bill Clinton again: he says, well, term limits, that's an interesting idea, I think I might be in favor of that. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Then his Democratic friends in Congress say, no, Bill, you can't be for that. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Bill Clinton has trouble telling the truth. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
You have to tell the truth. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
I want to respond, if I might. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Go ahead, Senator, quickly. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
You know, in response to my question before that long laundry list, he said that they had their own family leave proposal. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
It was just like the proposal of your party back when Social Security was first proposed. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
we're for it as long as it's voluntary. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Same with Medicare. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
we're for it so long as it's voluntary. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Civil rights -- we're for it so long as it's voluntary. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Senator, I'm going to have to ask you to wrap this one up. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Family leave is important enough to be required. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Okay, thanks. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Coming out of health care, again trying to avoid controversy, let's talk about the abortion debate. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
(Laughter) Abortion rights has been a bitter controversy in this country for almost 20 years. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
It's been heightened by the recent Supreme Court decisions. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
So I'll make it very simple in this question: Where do each of you stand on the issue? Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
What actions will your president's administration take on the abortion question? Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Will it be a factor in the appointment of federal judges, especially to the Supreme Court? Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
And I believe that Senator Gore goes first. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Bill Clinton and I support the right of a woman to choose. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) That doesn't mean we're pro-abortion; in fact, we believe there are way too many abortions in this country. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
And the way to reduce them is by reducing the number of unwanted pregnancies, not vetoing family planning legislation the way George Bush has consistently done. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
The reason we are pro-choice and in favor of a woman's right to privacy is because we believe that during the early stages of a pregnancy the government has no business coming in and ordering a woman to do what the government thinks is best. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
What Dan Quayle and George Bush and Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson think is the right decision in a given set of circumstances is their privilege -- but don't have the government order a woman to do what they think is the right thing to do. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
We ought to be able to build more common ground among those who describe themselves as pro-choice and pro-life in efforts to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
But, Dan, you can clear this up very simply by repeating after me: I support the right of a woman to choose. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Can you say that? Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Vice President Quayle, your turn. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
This issue is an issue that divides Americans deeply. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I happen to be pro-life. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
I have been pro-life for my 16 years -- (APPLAUSE.) James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
-- in public life. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
My objective and the president's objective is to try to reduce abortions in this country. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
We have 1.6 million abortions. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
We have more abortions in Washington, DC, than we do live births. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Why shouldn't we have more reflection upon the issue before abor -- the decision of abortion is made. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
I would hope that we would agree upon that. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Something like a 24-hour waiting period, parental notification. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
I was in Los Angeles recently and I talked to a woman who told me that she had an abortion when she was 17 years of age. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
And looking back on that she said it was a mistake. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
She said -- she said I wished at that time, that I was going through this difficult time, that I had counseling to talk about the post-abortion trauma, and talk about adoption rather than abortion. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Because if I had had that discussion, I would have had the child. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Let's not forget that every abortion stops a beating heart. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
I think we have far too many abortions in this country, in this country of ours. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Admiral Stockdale. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I believe that a woman owns her body and what she does with it is her own business, period. James B. Stockdale Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE.) James B. Stockdale O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Period. James B. Stockdale O 1992 13 Oct 1992
That's it? Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE.) Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I don't -- I, too, abhor abortions, but I don't think they should be made illegal, and I don't -- and I don't think it's a political issue. James B. Stockdale Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
I think it's a privacy issue. James B. Stockdale Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE.) James B. Stockdale O 1992 13 Oct 1992
You caught me by surprise. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Let's go ahead with the discussion of this issue. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Senator Gore. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Well, you notice in his response, that Dan did not say I support the right of a woman to choose. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
That is because he and George Bush have turned over their party to Pat Buchanan and Phyllis Schlafly, who have ordered them to endorse a platform which makes all abortions illegal under any circumstances, regardless of what has led to that decision by a woman. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Even in cases of rape and incest, their platform requires that a woman be penalized, that she not be allowed to make a choice, if she believes, in consultation with her family, her doctor, and others, whoever she chooses, that she wants to have an abortion after rape, or incest. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
They make it completely -- Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Senator, do you support a 24-hour waiting period? James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
-- illegal under any of those circumstances. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Now they want to waffle around -- Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Do you support a 24-hour waiting period? James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Let me finish this, briefly. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Now -- now you want to waffle around on it and give the impression that maybe you don't really mean what you say. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
But again, you can clear it up by simply repeating I support the right of a woman to choose. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Say it. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Let him say it himself. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Let him say his own words. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Go ahead, Mr Vice President. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Thank you. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Talk about waffling around. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
This issue is a very important issue. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
It has been debated throughout your public life and throughout my public life, and one thing that I don't think that it is wise to do, and that is to change your position. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
At one time, and most of the time in the House of Representatives, you had a pro-life position. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
That's simply not true. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
In 1987, you wrote a letter, and we'll pass this out to the media -- James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
That is simply not true. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
You wrote a letter saying that you oppose taxpayer funding of abortion. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Bill Clinton has the same type of a record. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
In some circumstances. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
You're going to qualify it now. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
And I still do. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
And Bill Clinton, when he was governor of Arkansas, also worked with the Right to Life people and supported Right to Life positions and now he has changed. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Talk about waffling around. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
This is the typical type of Clinton response. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Even on the issue like abortion. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
He's on both sides of the issue. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Take the NAFTA agreement -- James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Well, wait -- Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Let's stick with the question, Mr Vice President. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
How long did he have -- James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I know you want to change the subject, Dan, but let's stay on this one for a while. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
How long did he have to wait -- or how quickly did he change his position on education? James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
He changes his position all the time. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Let's stay with this issue for a while. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Bill Clinton -- Bill Clinton has trouble telling the truth. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
3 words he fears most in the English language. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Does anybody have any view about the appointment of judges on this? Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Tell the truth. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Yeah, I want to talk about this, because the question was not about free trade or education. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
The question -- Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Talk about waffling. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
You're the one who brought up the -- James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Now, I let you talk. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
-- issue of waffling. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
He's waffled on the abortion issue. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I let you talk. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Let me talk now. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
It's going to be a long evening if you're like this, now. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Oh, no, it's not -- James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Don't change the subject -- Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Let's get on with it. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Gentlemen, let's get on with it. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Don't change the subject -- Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Well, answer my questions, then. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
What you have done -- Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Answer my questions. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
On the 24 hour waiting period -- do you support that? James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I have had the same position -- Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Do you support that? James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I have had the same position on abortion in favor of a woman's right to choose. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Do you support a woman's right to choose -- Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Do you support a 24 hour waiting period to have -- James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
You're still avoiding -- Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
How about avoiding the question? James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
-- the question. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Now, wait a minute. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Let me tell you why this is so important. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
There are millions of women in this country who passionately believe in the right of a woman to privacy. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
And they want to stack the Supreme Court with justices who will take away the right to privacy. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Make no mistake about it. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
That is their agenda -- (APPLAUSE) And if you support them, don't be surprised that that is exactly what they want to do and that is why Dan Quayle refuses to say this evening that he supports the right of a woman to choose. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
I agree with Admiral Stockdale and the vast majority of Democrats and Republicans in this country. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
You know, one of the reasons so many Republicans are supporting the Clinton- Gore ticket is because they've turned over the party to this right wing extremist group which takes positions on issues like abortion that don't even allow exceptions for rape and incest. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Senator -- Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Again, can't you just say you support the right of a woman to choose? Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Could we give Admiral Stockdale a chance to jump in here if he wants to, if he dares to. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I would like to get in -- I feel like I'm an observer at a pingpong game, where they're talking about well, you know, they're expert professional politicians that massage these intricate plots and know every nuance to 'em. James B. Stockdale O 1992 13 Oct 1992
And meantime, we're facing a desperate situation in our economy. James B. Stockdale Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
I've seen the cost of living double in my lifetime. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
A new granddaughter was born in my family -- my granddaughter- -3 weeks ago. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
And according to the statistics that we have -- that is, the Perot group -- the chances of her seeing a doubling of the standard of living are nil. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
In fact, her children will be dead before another -- this standard of living is doubled. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
So what the heck! James B. Stockdale O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Let's get on with talking about something substantive. James B. Stockdale O 1992 13 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) James B. Stockdale O 1992 13 Oct 1992
All right. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Mr Vice President, you'll have a chance to -- (APPLAUSE) You'll have a chance in the closing statements. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
We need to get on -- James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
No, let's move on to another topic. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Just 15 seconds to respond. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Well, can I have 15 seconds also? Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
No, let's move on, gentlemen. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I'll tell you what. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
If -- James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Let's not -- we're not horse trading. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
We're having a debate. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Let's go on. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Let's talk about the cities. Hal Bruno Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Because that's where a majority of Americans live, in urban areas, and they're facing a financial and social crisis. Hal Bruno Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
They've lost sources of tax revenue. Hal Bruno Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
The aid that once came from the federal and state governments has been drastically cut. Hal Bruno Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
There's an epidemic of drugs, crime and violence. Hal Bruno Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Their streets, their schools are like war zones. Hal Bruno Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
It's becoming increasingly difficult to pay for public education, for transportation, for police and fire protection, the basic services that local government must provide. Hal Bruno Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Now, everybody says, talks about enterprise zones, that may be part of the solution, but what else are your administrations really going to be willing to do to help the cities? Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Vice President Quayle, it's your turn to go first. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Well, Hal, enterprise zones are important and it's an idea that the president has been pushing, and there's been very strong reluctance on, with the Democratic Congress. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
We'll continue to push it. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
We also want, Hal, to have home ownership. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
I was at a housing sub -- a housing project in San Francisco several months ago and met with people that were trying to reclaim their neighborhood. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
They wanted home ownership. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
They didn't want handouts. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
And I was with the Democrat mayor of San Francisco who was there supporting our idea. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
But when you look at the cities and you see the problems we have with crime, drugs, lack of jobs, I also want to point out one of the fundamental problems that we have in American cities and throughout America today, and that is the breakdown of the American family. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
I know some people laugh about it when I talk about the breakdown of the family, but it's true. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
60 % of the kids that are born in our major cities today are born out of wedlock. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
We have too many divorces. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
We have too many fathers that aren't assuming their responsibility. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
The breakdown of the family is a contributing factor to the problems that we have in urban America. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Admiral Stockdale. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I think enterprise zones are good, but I think the problem is deeper than that. James B. Stockdale Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
I think we are -- you know, when I was -- I ran a civilization for several years, a civilization of 3 to 4 hundred wonderful men. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
We had our own laws. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
We had our own, practically our own constitution. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
And I put up -- I was the -- I was the sovereign for a good bit of that. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
And I tried to analyze human predicaments in that microcosm of life in the -- in the world. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
And I found out that when I really got down to putting out do's and don'ts, and lots of these included take torture for this and that, and this and that, and never take any amnesty, for reasons they all understood and went along with. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
But one of the -- we had an acronym, BACKUS, and each one of those B-a-c-k was something for which you -- you had to make them hurt you before you did it. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Bowing in public, making, making -- getting on the radio and so forth. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
But at the end it was US, BACKUS. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
You got the double meaning there. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
But the US could be called the US, but it was Unity Over Self, Loners Make Out. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Somehow we're going to have to get some love in this country between races, and between rich and poor. James B. Stockdale Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
You have got to have leaders -- and they're out there -- who can do this with their bare hands, with -- working with, with people on the scene. James B. Stockdale Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Senator Gore, please. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
George Bush's urban policy has been a tale of 2 cities: the best of times for the very wealthy; the worst of times for everyone else. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
We have seen a decline in urban America under the Bush-Quayle administration. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Bill Clinton and I want to change that, by creating good jobs, investing in infrastructure, new programs in job training and apprenticeship, welfare reform -- to say to a mother with young children that if she gets a good job, her children are not going to lose their Medicaid benefits; incentives for investment in the inner city area, and, yes, enterprise zones. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Vice President Quayle said they're important, but George Bush eliminated them from his urban plan, and then -- Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Well, that's not true. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
And then, when they were included in a plan that the Congress passed, -- Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
We have been for enterprise zones -- James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
-- George Bush vetoed the enterprise zone law, the law that included them, for one reason: because that same bill raised taxes on those making more than $200,000 a year. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Let's face up to it, Dan: your top priority really, isn't it, to make sure that the very wealthy don't have to pay any more taxes. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
We want to cut taxes on middle-income families and raise them on those making more than $200,000 a year. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
What plan is that? James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
And if we can take our approach, the cities will be much better off. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Let's start the discussion period right here. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Go ahead. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
What plan is that that's just going to raise taxes on those making over $200,000 a year? James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
You may call that your plan, but everyone knows that you simply can't get $150 billion in new taxes by raising the marginal tax rate to a top rate of 36 % and only tax those making $200,000 a year. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
It's absolutely ridiculous. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
The top 2 % which you refer to, that gets you down to $64,000; then you have about a $40-billion shortfall -- that gets you down to $36,000 a year. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Everybody making more than $36,000 a year will have their taxes increased if Bill Clinton is president of the US. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
And I don't know how you're going to go to urban America and say that raising taxes is good for you. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
I don't know how you're going to go to urban America and say, well, the best thing that we can offer is simply to raise taxes again. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
This is nothing more than a tax-and-spend platform. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
We've seen it before. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
It doesn't work. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Let me tell you about a story. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Can I respond to some of that? Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I've got a very good example -- James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Can I respond to some of that? Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
-- when we talk about families here, because I was meeting with some former gang members in Phoenix and Los Angeles and Albuquerque, New Mexico. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
And when I talked to those former gang members, here's what they told me why they joined the gang. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
They said, well, joining a gang is like joining a family. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
I said, joining a family? James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Yes, because the gang offered support, it offered leadership, it offered comfort, it was a way to get ahead. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Where have we come if joining a gang is like being a member of the family? James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Senator Gore, you wanted to respond? Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
And that's why I think that families have to be strengthened, and you don't strengthen the American family by raising taxes. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
I do want to respond to that. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Go ahead, Senator, Admiral. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
George Bush and Dan Quayle want to protect the very wealthy. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
That is the group that has gotten all of the tax cuts under the Bush-Quayle administration. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Nobody here who is middle income has gotten a tax cut because middle-income families have had tax increases under Bush and Quayle in order to finance the cuts for the very wealthy. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
That's what trickle-down economics is all about. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
And they want to continue it. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
We're proposing to also require foreign corporations to pay the same taxes that American corporations do when they do business here in the US of America. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
George Bush has not been willing to enforce the laws and collect those taxes. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
We want to close that loophole and raise more money in that way. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Senator, can we stick to the cities, sir? Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Excuse me? Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Stick to the cities. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
All right. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Well, he, he talked about ways to raise money to help the cities. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
What we're proposing is to invest in the infrastructure in cities and have targeted tax incentives for investment right in inner city areas. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
The enterprise zones represent a part of our proposal also, and strengthening the family through welfare reform. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
And you know the Bush administration has cut out -- has vetoed family leave, they have cut childhood immunization and college aid. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
If you don't support parents and you don't support children, how -- how can you say you support families? Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
How about supporting parents and the right to choose where their kids go to school, Al? James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE.) James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Do you support that? James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
We -- Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Let the parents -- let the parents -- James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Do you want me to answer? Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
-- public or private schools? James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Want me to answer? Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Go ahead. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
We support the public school choice to go to any public school of your choice. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
What we don't support -- and listen to what they're proposing -- to take US taxpayer dollars and subsidize private schools. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Now I'm all for private schools, but to use taxpayer dollars, when the people who get these little vouchers often won't be able to afford the private school anyway, and the private school is not -- Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Al, I think, I think it's important -- James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
-- under any obligation to admit them, that is a ripoff of the US taxpayer. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
That's important. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
This is a very- -this is a very important issue. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Choice in education is a very important issue. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Let him respond. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
And he said that he was not for choosing -- giving the parents the right to choose to send their children to public schools. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
But it's okay for the wealthy to choose to send their kids to private schools, but it's not okay for the middle class and the working poor to choose where they want to send their kids to school. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
I think that it's time that all parents in America have a right to choose where they send their kids to school to get an education. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE.) James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Admiral Stockdale, would you like to have the last word in this period? Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I -- I come down on the side of freedom of school choice. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
The -- and there's a lot of misunderstandings that I've heard here tonight, that I may have the answer to. James B. Stockdale O 1992 13 Oct 1992
The -- starting at, you know, for the last, almost a decade, we've worried about our schools officially through Washington, and the president had a meeting of all the governors, and then they tried the conventional fixes for schools, that is, to increase the certification of -- requirements for the teachers, to lengthen the school day, to lengthen the school year and nothing -- this is a very brief overview of the thing -- but nothing happened. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
And it's time to change the school's structure. James B. Stockdale Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
In schools, bureaucracy is bad and autonomy is good. James B. Stockdale Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
The only good schools -- (APPLAUSE.) James B. Stockdale O 1992 13 Oct 1992
-- we have are those run by talented principals and devoted teachers, and they're running their own show. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
How many times have I thrived? James B. Stockdale O 1992 13 Oct 1992
You know, the best thing I had when I ran that civilization, it succeeded, and it's a landmark. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
The best thing I had going for me was I had no contact with Washington for all those years. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE.) James B. Stockdale NaN 1992 13 Oct 1992
Could I respond? Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
We have to go on. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
What I'm about to say doesn't apply to the debate tonight; it applies to the campaign that's been going on outside this auditorium. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
With 3 weeks to go, this campaign has at times been very ugly, with the tone being set by personal negative attacks. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
As candidates, how does it look from your viewpoint? Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
And are these tactics really necessary? Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Admiral Stockdale -- it's your turn to go first. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
You know, I didn't have my hearing aid turned on. James B. Stockdale O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Tell me again. James B. Stockdale O 1992 13 Oct 1992
(Laughter) James B. Stockdale O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I'm sorry, sir. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I was saying that at times this campaign has been very ugly with personal negative attacks. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
As a candidate, how does it look from where you are and are these tactics really necessary? Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Nasty attacks -- well, I think there is a case to be made for putting emphasis on character over these issues that we've been batting back and forth and have a life of their own. James B. Stockdale Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Sure, you have to know where you're going with your government, but character is the big variable in the success. James B. Stockdale O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Character of the leaders is the big variable in the success -- long term success -- of an administration. James B. Stockdale Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
I went to a friend of mine in New York some years ago and he was a president of a major TV network and he said, you know, I think we have messed up this whole -- this election process -- it was an election year -- by stressing that -- putting out the dogma that issues are the thing to talk about, not character. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
He said, I felt so strongly about this, I went back and read the Lincoln-Douglas debates. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Read those debates. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
How do they come down? James B. Stockdale O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Douglas is all character. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
He knows all of the little stinky numbers these guys do. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Abraham Lincoln had character. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Thank God we got the right president in the Civil War. James B. Stockdale O 1992 13 Oct 1992
But that is a question that is a valid one, and you know, I would like to brag about the character of my boss. James B. Stockdale O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Okay, Senator Gore. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
This election is about the future of our country, not about personal attacks against one candidate or another. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Our nation is in trouble and it is appalling to me that with 10 million Americans out work, with the rest working harder for less money than they did 4 years ago, with the loss of 1.4 million manufacturing jobs in our nation, with the health care crisis, a crisis of crime and drugs and AIDS, substandard education, that George Bush would constantly try to level personal attacks at his opponent. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Now, this, of course, just reached a new low last week when he resorted to a classic McCarthyite technique of trying to smear Bill Clinton over a trip that he took as a student along with lots of other Rhodes Scholars who were invited to go to Russia. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
It's a classic McCarthyite smear technique. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I think the president of the US ought to apologize. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
I think that he insulted the intelligence of the American people and I'm awful proud that the American people rejected that tactic so overwhelmingly that he decided he had made a mistake. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Do you think it was a mistake, too, Dan? Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Okay. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Vice President Quayle. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Let me answer the question. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Go ahead. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Hal, you said -- and I wrote it down here -- "personal negative attacks." James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
(Laughs) Has anyone been reading my press clippings for the last 4 years? James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) But I happen to -- I agree with one thing on -- with Senator Gore, and that is that we ought to look to the future, and the future is, who's going to be the next president of the US. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
And is it a negative attack and a personal attack to point out that Bill Clinton simply has trouble telling the truth? James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
He said that he didn't even demonstrate -- he told the people in Arkansas in 1978. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Then we find out he organized demonstrations. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
You know, I don't care whether he demonstrated or didn't demonstrate. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
The fact -- the question is, tell the truth. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Just tell us the truth. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Today, Bill Clinton -- excuse me -- yesterday in Philadelphia on a radio show, just yesterday on a radio show, he attacked -- Admiral, he attacks Ross Perot saying the media is giving Ross Perot a free ride. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
The press asked him when the klieg lights are on, said what do you mean by Ross Perot getting a free ride? James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
He says I didn't say that at all. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
I mean, you can't have it both ways. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
No, I don't think that is a personal attack. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
What I find troubling with Bill Clinton is he can't tell the truth. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
You cannot lead this great country of ours by misleading the people. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) James D. Quayle NaN 1992 13 Oct 1992
All right, gentlemen, the control room advises me that in order to have time for your closing statements, which we certainly want, there simply is not going to be time for a discussion period on this particular topic. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
So let's go to the closing statements. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
You have 2 minutes each. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
And we'll start with Admiral Stockdale. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I think the best justification for getting Ross Perot in the race again to stay is that we're seeing this kind of chit-chat back and forth about issues that don't concentrate on where our grandchildren -- the living standards of our children and grandchildren. James B. Stockdale Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
He is, as I have read in more than one article, a revolutionary; he's got plans out there that are going to double the speed at which this budget problem is being cared for. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
It was asked how, if we would squeeze down so fast that we would strangle the economy in the process. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
That is an art, to follow all those variables and know when to let up and to nurse this economy back together with pulls and pushes. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
And there's no better man in the world to do that than that old artist, Ross Perot. James B. Stockdale Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
And so I think that my closing statement is that I think I'm in a room with people that aren't the life of reality. James B. Stockdale Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
The US is in deep trouble. James B. Stockdale Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
We've got to have somebody that can get up there and bring out the firehoses and get it stopped, and that's what we're about in the Perot campaign. James B. Stockdale Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Thank you. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE.) Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Senator Gore, your closing statement, sir. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Three weeks from today, our nation will make a fateful decision. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
We can continue traveling the road we have been on, which has led to higher unemployment and worse economic times, or we can reach out for change. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
If we choose change, it will require us to reach down inside ourselves to find the courage to take a new direction. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Sometimes it seems deceptively easy to continue with the old habits even when they're no longer good for us. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Trickle-down economics simply does not work. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
We have had an increase in all of the things that should be decreasing. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Everything that should have been increasing has been going down. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
We have got to change direction. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Bill Clinton offers a new approach. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
He has been named by the other 49 governors, Republicans and Democrats alike, as the best and most effective governor in the entire US of America. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
He's moved 17,000 people off the welfare rolls and on to payrolls. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
He has introduced innovations in health care and education, and again, he has led the nation for the last 2 years in a row in the creation of jobs in the private sector. Albert A. Gore Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Isn't it time for a new approach, a new generation of ideas and leadership, to put our nation's people first and to get our economy moving again? Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
We simply cannot stand to continue with this failed approach that is no good for us. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Ultimately, it is a choice between hope and fear, a choice between the future and the past. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
It is time to reach out for a better nation. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
We are bigger than George Bush has told us we are, as a nation, and we have a much brighter future. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Give us a chance. Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
With your help, we'll change this country and we can't wait to get started. Albert A. Gore Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE.) Albert A. Gore O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Vice President Quayle. Hal Bruno O 1992 13 Oct 1992
Thank you, Hal. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I'd like to use this closing statement to talk to you about a few people that I have met in these last 4 years. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I think of a woman in Chicago when I was talking to parents about education where she stood up and said I'm sick and tired of these schools in this city being nothing but a factory for failure. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
And that's why we support choice in education. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I was in Beaumont, Texas, and met with small business people, and they wanted to reform the civil justice system because they think our legal system costs too much and there's too much of a delay in getting an answer. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
I was in Middletown, Ohio, talking to a welfare woman, where she said I want to go back to work and I had a job offered to me but I'm not going to take it because I have 2 children at home and the job that is offered to me doesn't have health insurance. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Under President Bush's health care reform package that woman won't have to make a choice about going back to work or health care for her children, because she'll have both. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
I was in Vilnius, Lithuania, Independence Square, speaking to 10,000 people in the middle of winter. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Hundreds of people came up to me and said: God bless America. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
Yes, in the next 4 years, as I said, somewhere, some time, there's going to be a crisis, and you need to have a president that is qualified, has the experience, and has been tested. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Not one time during this evening, during 90 minutes, did Al Gore tell us why Bill Clinton is qualified to be president. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
He never answered my charges that Bill Clinton has trouble telling the truth. James D. Quayle Premise 1992 13 Oct 1992
The choice is yours. James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
The American people should demand that their president tell the truth. James D. Quayle Claim 1992 13 Oct 1992
Do you really believe -- do you really believe Bill Clinton will tell the truth? James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
And do you, do you trust Bill Clinton to be your president? James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) James D. Quayle O 1992 13 Oct 1992
I think the principal that separates me is that 5 and a half million people came together on their own and put me on the ballot. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
I was not put on the ballot by either of the 2 parties; I was not put on the ballot by any PAC money, by any foreign lobbyist money, by any special interest money. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
This is a movement that came from the people. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
This is the way the framers of the Constitution intended our government to be, a government that comes from the people. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Over time we have developed a government that comes at the people, that comes from the top down, where the people are more or less treated as objects to be programmed during the campaign with commercials and media events and fear messages and personal attacks and things of that nature. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
The thing that separates my candidacy and makes it unique is that this came from millions of people in 50 states all over this country who wanted a candidate that worked and belonged to nobody but them. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
I go into this race as their servant, and I belong to them. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
So this comes from the people. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Governor Clinton, a one minute response. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
The most important distinction in this campaign is that I represent real hope for change, a departure from trickle-down economics, a departure from tax and spend economics, to invest in growth. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
But before I can do that, I must challenge the American people to change, and they must decide. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Tonight I say to the President: Mr. Bush, for 12 years you've had it your way. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 11 Oct 1992
You've had your chance and it didn't work. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
It's time to change. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
I want to bring that change to the American people. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
But we must all decide first we have the courage to change for hope and a better tomorrow. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
President Bush, one minute response, sir. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Well, I think one thing that distinguishes is experience. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
I think we've dramatically changed the world. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
I'll talk about that a little bit later, but the changes are mind-boggling for world peace. George H. W. Bush O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Kids go to bed at night without the same fear of nuclear war. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
And change for change sake isn't enough. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
We saw that message in the late 70s when heard a lot about change, and what happened, that misery index went right through the roof. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
But my economic program is the kind of change we want. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
And the way we're going to get it done is we're going to have a brand new Congress. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
A lot of them are thrown out because of all the scandals. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
I'll sit down with them, Democrats and Republicans alike, and work for my agenda for American renewal, which represents real change. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
But I'd say, if you had to separate out, I think it's experience at this level. George H. W. Bush O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Governor Clinton, how do you respond to the President on the -- you have two minutes -- on the question of experience? Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
He says that is what distinguishes him from the other two of you. Jim Lehrer Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
I believe experience counts, but it's not everything. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Values, judgment, and the record that I have amassed in my state also should count for something. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
I've worked hard to create good jobs and to educate people. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
My state now ranks first in the country in job growth this year, fourth in income growth, fourth in reduction of poverty, third in overall economic performance, according to a major news magazine. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
That's because we believe in investing in education and in jobs. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
And we have to change in this country. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
You know, my wife, Hillary, gave me a book about a year ago in which the author defined insanity as just doing the same old thing over and over again and expecting a different result. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
We have got to have the courage to change. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Experience is important, yes. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
I've gotten a lot of good experience in dealing with ordinary people over the last year and month. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
I've touched more people's lives and seen more heartbreak and hope, more pain and more promise, than anybody else who's run for president this year. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
I think the American people deserve better than they're getting. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
We have gone from first to thirteenth in wages in the world in the last twelve years, since Mr. Bush and Mr. Reagan have been in. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Personal income has dropped while people have worked harder. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
In the last four years, there have been twice as many bankruptcies as new jobs created. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
We need a new approach. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
The same old experience is not relevant. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
We're living in a new world after the Cold War, and what works in this new world is not trickle down, not government for the benefit of the privileged few, not tax and spend, but a commitment to invest in American jobs and American education, controlling American health care costs, and bringing the American people together. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
That is what works. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
And you can have the right kind of experience and the wrong kind of experience. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Mine is rooted in the real lives of real people, and it will bring real results if we have the courage to change. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
President Bush, one minute to respond. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
I just thought of another -- another big difference here between me. George H. W. Bush O 1992 11 Oct 1992
I don't believe Mr. Perot feels this way, but I know Governor Clinton did because I want to accurately quote him. George H. W. Bush O 1992 11 Oct 1992
He thinks, I think he said, that the country is coming apart at the seams. George H. W. Bush O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Now, I know that the only way he can win is to make everybody believe the economy's worse than it is. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
But this country is not coming apart at the seams, for heaven's sakes. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
We're the United States of America. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
In spite of the economic problems, we're the most respected economy around the world. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Many would trade for it. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
We've been caught up in a global slowdown. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
We can do much, much better, but we ought not try to convince the American people that America is a country that's coming apart at the seams. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
I would hate to be running for president and think that the only way I could win would be to convince everybody how horrible things are. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Yes, there are big problems, and yes, people are hurting. George H. W. Bush O 1992 11 Oct 1992
But I believe that this Agenda for American renewal I have is the answer to do it, and I believe we can get it done now, whereas we didn't in the past, because you're going to have a whole brand new bunch of people in the Congress that are going to have to listen to the same American people I'm listening to. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Mr. Perot, a minute response, sir. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Well, they've got a point. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 11 Oct 1992
I don't have any experience in running up a $4 trillion debt. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
(Laughter.) Henry Ross Perot O 1992 11 Oct 1992
I don't have any experience in gridlock government where nobody takes responsibility for anything and everybody blames everybody else. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
I don't have any experience in creating the worst public school system in the industrialized world, the most violent crime-ridden society in the industrialized world. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
 But I do have a lot of experience in getting things done. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
So, if we're at a point in history where we want to stop talking about it and do it, I've got a lot of experience in figuring out how to solve problems, making the solutions work, and then moving on to the next one. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
I've got a lot of experience in not taking 10 years to solve a 10-minute problem. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
So, if it's time for action, I think I have experience that counts. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
If there's more time for gridlock and talk and finger pointing, I'm the wrong man. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
President Bush, the question goes to you. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
you have two minutes. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
And the question is this: Are there important issues of character separating you from these other two men? Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
I think the American people should be the judge of that. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
I think character is a very important question. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
I said something the other day where I was accused of being like Joe McCarthy because I questioned -- I put it this way; I think it's wrong to demonstrate against your own country or organize demonstrations against your own country in foreign soil. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
I just think it's wrong. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
I -- well, maybe they say, "Well, it was a youthful indiscretion." George H. W. Bush O 1992 11 Oct 1992
I was 19 or 20 flying off an aircraft carrier and that shaped me to be Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
And I'm sorry, but demonstrating -- it's not a question of patriotism. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
It's a question of character and judgment. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
They get on me -- Bill's gotten on me about, "read my lips." George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
When I make a mistake I'll admit it. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
But he has made -- not admitted a mistake and I just find it impossible to understand how an American can demonstrate against his own country in a foreign land -- organizing demonstrations against it when young men are held prisoner in Hanoi or kids out of the ghetto were drafted. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Some say, "well, you're a little old fashioned." George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Maybe I am, but I just don't think that's right. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Now, whether it's character or judgment -- whatever it is -- I have a big difference here on this issue and so we'll just have to see how it plays out. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
But I -- I couldn't do that. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
And I don't think most Americans could do that. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
And they all say, "Well, it was a long time ago." George H. W. Bush O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Well, let's admit it then. George H. W. Bush O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Say, "I made a terrible mistake." George H. W. Bush O 1992 11 Oct 1992
How could you be Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces and have some kid say -- when you have to make a tough decision, as I did in Panama or Kuwait and then have some kid jump up and say, "Well, I'm not going to go. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
The Commander-in-Chief was organizing demonstrations halfway around the world during another era. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
So there are differences but that's about the main area where I think we have a difference. George H. W. Bush O 1992 11 Oct 1992
I don't know about -- we'll talk about that a little with Ross here in a bit. George H. W. Bush O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Mr. Perot, you have one minute. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
I think the American people will make their own decisions on character and at a time when we have work to do and we need action I think they need to clearly understand the backgrounds of each person. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
I think the press can play a huge roll in making sure that the backgrounds are clearly presented in an objective way. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Then, make a decision. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Certainly anyone in the White House should have the character to be there. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
But, I think it's very important to measure when and where things occurred. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Did they occur when you were a young person, in your formative years? Henry Ross Perot O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Or did they occur while you were a senior official in the federal government? Henry Ross Perot O 1992 11 Oct 1992
When you’re a senior official in the federal government spending billions of dollars in taxpayer’s money and you’re a mature individual and you make a mistake, then that was on our ticket. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
If you make it as a young man, time passes. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
So I would say just, you know, look at all three of us. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Decide who you think will do the job. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Pick that person in November because believe me, as I've said before, "The party's over and it's time for the clean-up crew." Henry Ross Perot O 1992 11 Oct 1992
And we do have to have change and people who never take responsibility for anything when it happens on their watch and people who are in charge -- Henry Ross Perot O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Your time is up. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
The time is up. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 11 Oct 1992
(Laughter). Henry Ross Perot O 1992 11 Oct 1992
The time is up. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
More later. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Governor Clinton, you have one minute. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Ross gave a good answer but I've got to respond directly to Mr. Bush. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 11 Oct 1992
You have questioned my patriotism. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
(Inaudible). George H. W. Bush O 1992 11 Oct 1992
You even brought some right-wing congressman into the White House to plot how to attack me for going to Russia in 1969-70, when over 50,000 other Americans did. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Now, I honor your service in World War II, I honor Mr. Perot's service in uniform and the service of every man and woman who ever served, including Admiral Crowe, who was your Chairman of the joint Chiefs and who's supporting me. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
But when Joe McCarthy went around this country attacking people's patriotism he was wrong. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
He was wrong. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
And a senator from Connecticut stood up to him named Prescott Bush. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Your father was right to stand up to Joe McCarthy, you were wrong to attack my patriotism. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
I was opposed to the war but I loved my country and we need a president who will bring this country together, not divide it. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
We've had enough division. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
I want to lead a unified country. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 11 Oct 1992
We move now to the subject of taxes and spending. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
The question goes to Governor Clinton for a two minutes answer. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
It will be asked by Ann Compton. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
ANN Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Governor Clinton, can you lock in a level here tonight on where middle-income families can be guaranteed a tax cut or, at the very least, at what income level they can be guaranteed no tax increase? COMPTON O 1992 11 Oct 1992
The tax increase I have proposed triggers in at family incomes of $200,000 and above. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Those are the people who in the 1980s had their incomes go up while their taxes went down. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Middle-class people, defined as people with incomes of $52,000 and down, had their incomes go down while their taxes went up in the Reagan-Bush years because of 6 increases in the payroll taxes. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
So that is where my income limit would trigger. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
There will be no tax increases-- COMPTON Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Right. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 11 Oct 1992
My plan - William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 11 Oct 1992
--below 200,000-- COMPTON O 1992 11 Oct 1992
--notwithstanding my opponent's ad, my plan triggers in at gross incomes, family incomes of $200,000 and above. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Then we want to give modest middle-class tax relief to restore some fairness, especially to middle- class people with families with incomes of under $60,000. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
In addition to that, the money that I raise from upper-income people and from asking foreign corporations just to pay the same income on their income earned in America that American corporations do will be used to give incentives back to upper-income people. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
I want to give people permanent incentives on investment tax credit, like President Kennedy and the Congress inaugurated in the early '60s to get industry moving again; a research and development tax credit; a low-income housing tax credit; a long-term capital gains proposal for new business and business expansions. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
We've got to have no more trickle down. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
We don't need across-the-board tax cuts for the wealthy for nothing. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
We need to say here's your tax incentive: if you create American jobs, the old-fashioned way. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
I'd like to create more millionaires than were created under Mr. Bush and Mr. Reagan, but I don't want to have 4 years where we have no growth in the private sector, and that's what's happened in the last 4 years. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
We're down 35,000 jobs in the private sector. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
We need to invest and grow, and that's what I want to do. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
President Bush, one minute, sir. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Well, let me--I have to correct one thing. George H. W. Bush O 1992 11 Oct 1992
I didn't question the man's patriotism. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
I questioned his judgment and his character. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
What he did in Moscow, that's fine. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Let him explain it. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
He did. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
I accept that. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
What I don't accept is demonstrating and organizing demonstrations in a foreign country when your country's at war. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
I'm sorry. George H. W. Bush O 1992 11 Oct 1992
I cannot accept that. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
In terms of this one on taxes spells out the biggest difference between us. George H. W. Bush O 1992 11 Oct 1992
I do not believe we need to go back to the Mondale proposals or the Dukakis proposals of tax and spend. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Governor Clinton says $200,000 but he also says he wants to raise $150 billion. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Taxing people over $200,000 will not get you $150 billion. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
And then when you add in his other spending proposals, regrettably you end up socking it to the working man. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
That old adage they use--we're going to soak the rich- -we're going to soak the rich--it always ends up being the poor cab driver or the working man that ends up paying the bill. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
And so I just have a different approach. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
I believe the way to get the deficit down is to control the growth of mandatory spending programs, and not raise taxes on the American people. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
We've got a big difference there. George H. W. Bush O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Mr. Perot, one minute. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
We've got to have a growing, expanding job base to give us a growing, expanding tax base. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Right now we have a flat to deteriorating job base and where it appears to be growing, it's minimum-wage jobs. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
So we've got to really rebuild our job base. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
That's going to take money for infrastructure and investment to do that. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Our foreign competitors are doing it; we're not. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
We cannot pay off the $4 trillion debt, balance the budget and have the industries of the future and the high- paying jobs in this country without having the revenue. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
We're going to go through a period of shared sacrifice. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
There's one challenge. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 11 Oct 1992
It's got to be fair. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 11 Oct 1992
We've created a mess, don't have much to show for it and we have got to fix it. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
And that's about all I can say in a minute. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Okay. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) Next question goes to President Bush for a 2-minute answer, and it will be asked by Sandy Vanocur. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Mr. President, this past week your secretary of the Army, Michael Stone, said he had no plans to abide by a congressional mandate to cut US forces in Europe from 150 to 100 thousand by the end of September 1996. Sander Vanocur O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Now, why, almost 50 years after the end of World War II, and with the total collapse of the Soviet Union, should American taxpayers be taxed to support armies in Europe when the Europeans have plenty of money to do it for themselves? Sander Vanocur O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Well, Sander, that's a good question, and the answer is: for 40-some years we kept the peace. George H. W. Bush O 1992 11 Oct 1992
If you look at the cost of not keeping the peace in Europe, it would be exorbitant. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
We have reduced the number of troops that are deployed and going to be deployed. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
I have cut defense spending. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
And the reason we could do that is because of our fantastic success in winning the Cold War. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
We never would have got there if we had gone for the nuclear freeze crowd; we never would have got there if we had listened to those that wanted to cut defense spending. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
I think it is important that the US stay in Europe and continue to guarantee the peace. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
We simply cannot pull back. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Now, when anybody has a spending program they want to spend money on at home, they say, well, let's cut money out of the Defense Dept. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
I will accept and have accepted the recommendations of 2 proven leaders, General Colin Powell and Secretary Dick Cheney. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
They feel that the levels we're operating at and the reductions that I have proposed are proper. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
And so I simply do not think we should go back to the isolation days and starting blaming foreigners. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
We are the sole remaining superpower, and we should be that. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
And we have a certain disproportionate responsibility. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
But I would ask the American people to understand that if we make imprudent cuts, if we go too far, we risk the peace. George H. W. Bush O 1992 11 Oct 1992
And I don't want to do that. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
I've seen what it is like to see a war, to see the burdens of a war, and I don't want to see us make reckless cuts. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Because of our programs we have been able to significantly cut defense spending. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
But let's not cut into the muscle, and let's not cut down our insurance policy, which is participation of American forces in NATO, the greatest peace- keeping organization ever made. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Today you've got problems in Europe, still bubbling along even though Europe's gone democracy's route. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
But we are there, and I think this insurance policy is necessary. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
I think it goes with world leadership, and I think the levels we've come up with are just about right. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Mr. Perot, one minute, sir. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
If I'm poor and you're rich, and I can get you to defend me, that's good. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
But when the tables get turned, I ought to do my share. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Right now we spend about $300 billion a year on defense, the Japanese spend around 30 billion in Asia, the Germans spend around 30 billion in Europe. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
For example, Germany will spend a trillion dollars building infrastructure over the next 10 years. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
It's kind of easy to do if you only have to pick up a $30-billion tab to defend your country. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
The European Community is in a position to pay a lot more than they have in the past. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
I agree with the president: when they couldn't, we should have; now that they can, they should. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
We sort of seem to have a desire to try to stay over there and control it. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
They don't want us to control it, very candidly. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
So it I think is very important for us to let them assume more and more of the burden and for us to bring that money back here and rebuild our infrastructure, because we can only be a superpower if we are an economic superpower; and we can only be an economic superpower if we have a growing, expanding job base. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) Henry Ross Perot O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Governor Clinton, one minute, sir. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
I agree with the general statement Mr. Bush made. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
I disagree that we need 150,000 troops to fulfill our role in Europe. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
We certainly must maintain an engagement there. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
There are certainly dangers there, there are certainly other trouble spots in the world which are closer to Europe than to the US. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
But 2 former defense secretaries recently issued a report saying that 100,000 or slightly fewer troops would be enough, including President Reagan's former defense secretary, Mr. Carlucci. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Many of the military experts whom I consulted on this agreed. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
We're going to have to spend more money in the future on military technology and on greater mobility, greater airlift, greater sealift, the B-22 airplane. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
We're going to have to do some things that are quite costly. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
And I simply don't believe we can afford nor do we need to keep 150,000 troops in Europe given how much the Red Army, now under the control of Russia, has been cut, the arms control agreement concluded between Mr. Bush and Mr. Yeltsin, something I have applauded. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
I don't think we need 150,000 troops. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Let me make one other point. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Mr. Bush talked about taxes. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 11 Oct 1992
He didn't tell you that he vetoed a middle class tax cut because it would be paid for by raising taxes on the wealthy and vetoed an investment tax credit paid for by raising taxes on the wealthy. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
All right. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
We go now to Mr. Perot for a 2-minute question, and it will be asked by John Mashek. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Mr Perot, you talked about fairness just a minute ago and sharing the pain. MASHEK O 1992 11 Oct 1992
As part of your plan to reduce the ballooning federal deficit, you've suggested that we raise gasoline taxes 50 cents a gallon over 5 years. MASHEK O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Why punish the middle class consumer to such a degree? MASHEK O 1992 11 Oct 1992
It's 10 cents a year cumulative. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
It finally gets to 50 cents at the end of the 5th year. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
I think "punish" is the wrong word. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Again, see, I didn't create this problem. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
We're trying to solve it. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Now, if you study our international competitors, some of our international competitors collect up to $3.50 a gallon in taxes, and they use that money to build infrastructure and to create jobs. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
We collect 35 cents, and we don't have it to spend. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
I know it's not popular, and I understand the nature of your question. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 11 Oct 1992
But the people who will be helped the most by it are the working people who will get the jobs created because of this tax. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Why do we have to do it? Henry Ross Perot O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Because we have so mismanaged our country over the years, and it is now time to pay the fiddler. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
And if we don't, we will be spending our children's money. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
We have spent $4 trillion worth. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
An incredible number of young people are active in supporting my effort because they are deeply concerned that we have taken the American dream from them. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
I think it's fitting that we're on the campus of a university tonight. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
These young people, when they get out of this wonderful university, will have difficulty finding a job. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
We've got to clean this mess up, leave this country in good shape, and pass on the American dream to them. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
We've got to collect the taxes to do it. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
If there's a fairer way, I'm all ears (laughter) --aah. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 11 Oct 1992
(Laughter and applause) But--but--see, let me make it very clear. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 11 Oct 1992
If people don't have the stomach to fix these problems, I think it's a good time to face it, November. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
If they do, then they will have heard the harsh reality of what we have to do. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
I'm not playing Lawrence Welk music tonight. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
All right, Governor Clinton, you have a minute, sir. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
I think Mr. Perot has confronted this deficit issue, but I think it's important to point out that we really have 2 deficits in America, not one. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 11 Oct 1992
We have a budget deficit in the federal government, but we also have an investment, a jobs, an income deficit. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
People are working harder for less money than they were making 10 years ago, 2- 3rds of our people--a $1600 drop in average income in just the last 2 years. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
The problem I have with the Perot prescription is that almost all economists who've looked at it say that if you cut the deficit this much this quick it will increase unemployment, it will slow down the economy. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
That's why I think we shouldn't do it that quickly. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
We have a disciplined reduction in the deficit of 50 % over the next 4 years, but first get incentives to invest in this economy, put the American people back to work. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
We've got to invest and grow. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
9 Nobel Prize-winning economists and 500 others, including numerous Republican and Democratic business executives, have endorsed this approach because it offers the best hope to put America back to work and get our incomes rising instead of falling. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
President Bush, one minute, sir. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Your question was on fairness. George H. W. Bush O 1992 11 Oct 1992
I just disagree with Mr. Perot. George H. W. Bush O 1992 11 Oct 1992
I don't believe it is fair to slap a 50-cent-a-gallon tax over whatever many years on the people that have to drive for a living, people that go long distances. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
I don't think we need to do it. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
You see, I have a fundamental difference. George H. W. Bush O 1992 11 Oct 1992
I agree with what he's talking about in trying to get this spending down and the discipline, although I think we ought to totally exempt Social Security. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
But he's talking tough medicine, and I think that's good. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
I disagree with the tax-and-spend philosophy. George H. W. Bush O 1992 11 Oct 1992
You see, I don't think we need to tax more and spend more, and then say that's going to make the problem better. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
And I'm afraid that's what I think I'm hearing from Governor Clinton. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
I believe what you need to do is some of what Ross is talking about: control the growth of mandatory spending and get taxes down. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
He's mentioned some ways to do it--and I agree with those. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
I've been talking about getting a capital gains cut forever, and his friends in Congress have been telling me that's a tax break for the rich. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
It would stimulate investment. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
I'm for an investment tax allowance; I'm for a tax break for first- time homebuyers. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
And with this new Congress coming in, gridlock will be gone, and I'll sit down with them and say let's get this done. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
But I do not want to go the tax-and-spend route. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
All right, let's move on now to the subject of jobs. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
The first question goes to President Bush for 2 minutes, and John will ask that question. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Mr. President, last month you came to St. Louis to announce a very lucrative contract for McDonnell Douglas to build F-15s for Saudi Arabia. MASHEK O 1992 11 Oct 1992
In today's Post- Dispatch, a retired saleswoman, a 75-year-old woman named Marjorie Roberts, asked if she could ask a question of the candidates. MASHEK O 1992 11 Oct 1992
She said she wanted to register her concern about the lack of a plan to convert our defense-oriented industries into other purposes. MASHEK O 1992 11 Oct 1992
How would you answer her. MASHEK O 1992 11 Oct 1992
I assume she was supportive of the decision on McDonnell Douglas, I assume she was supporting me on the decision to sell those airplanes. George H. W. Bush O 1992 11 Oct 1992
I think it's a good decision--took a little heat for it, but I think it was the correct decision to do. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
And we worked it out, and indeed we're moving forward all around the world in a much more peaceful way. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
So that one we came away with in creating jobs for the American people. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
I would simply say to her, look, take a look at what the president has proposed on job retraining. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
When you cut back on defense spending, some people are going to be thrown out of work. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
If you throw another 50,000 kids on the street because of cutting recklessly in troop levels, you're going to put a lot more out of work. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
I would say to them, look at the job retraining programs that we're proposing. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Therein is the best answer to her. George H. W. Bush O 1992 11 Oct 1992
stimulate investment and savings. George H. W. Bush O 1992 11 Oct 1992
I mean, we've got big economic problems, but we are not coming apart at the seams; we're ready for a recovery. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
With interest rates down and inflation down, the cruelest tax of all, caught up in a global slowdown right now, that that will change if you go with the programs I've talked about and if you help with job retraining and education. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
I am a firm believer that our America 2000 education problem is the answer--a little longer run; it's going to take awhile to educate. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
But it is a good program. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
So her best help for short term is job retraining, if she was thrown out of work at a defense plant. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
But tell her it's not all that gloomy; we're the US, we faced tough problems before. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Look at the misery index when the Democrats had both the White House and the Congress. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
It was just right through the roof. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Now, we can do better. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
And the way to do better is not to tax and spend but to retrain, get that control of the mandatory spending programs. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
I'm much more optimistic about this country than some. George H. W. Bush O 1992 11 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) George H. W. Bush O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Mr. Perot? Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Mr. Perot, you have one minute, sir. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Defense industries are going to have to convert to civilian industries. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Many of them are. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
And the sooner they start, the sooner they'll finish. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 11 Oct 1992
And there will be a significant transition. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
And it's very important that we not continue to let our industrial base deteriorate. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
We had someone who I'm sure regrets said it in the president's staff said he didn't care whether we made potato chips or computer chips. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Well, anybody that thinks about it cares a great deal. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Number one, you make more making computer chips than potato chips; and, number 2, 19 out of 20 computer chips that we have in this country now come from Japan. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
We've given away whole industries. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
So as we phase these industries over, there's a whole of intellectual talent in these industries. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
A lot of these people in industries can be converted to the industries of tomorrow, and that's where the high-paying jobs are. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
We need to have a very carefully thought through phase-over. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Now, see, we practice 19th century capitalism. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 11 Oct 1992
The rest of the world practices 21st century capitalism. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
I can't handle that in a minute, but I hope we can get back into it later. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 11 Oct 1992
In the rest of the world, the countries and the businesses would be working together to make this transition in an intelligent way. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Governor Clinton, you have one minute, sir. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
We must have a transition plan to plan to convert from a defense to a domestic economy. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
No other nation would have cut defense as much as we already have without that. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
There are 200,000 people unemployed in California alone because we have cut defense without planning to retrain them and to reinvest in the technologies of the future here at home. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
That is what I want to do. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
This administration may say they have a plan, but the truth is they have not even released all the money, the paltry sum of money, that Congress appropriated. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
I want to take very dollar by which we reduce defense and reinvest it in technologies for the 21st century--in new transportation, in communication, in environmental clean-up technologies. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Let's put the American people to work, and let's build the kind of high-tech, high-wage, high-growth economy that the American people deserve. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 11 Oct 1992
All right. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
The next question goes to Mr. Perot for a 2-minute answer. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
It will be asked by Ann. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Ann? Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Mr. Perot, you talked a minute ago about rebuilding the job base. COMPTON O 1992 11 Oct 1992
But is it true what Governor Clinton just said, that that means that unemployment will increase, that it will slow the economy? COMPTON O 1992 11 Oct 1992
And how would you specifically use the powers of the presidency to get more people back into good jobs immediately? COMPTON O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Step one, the American people send me up there, the day after election, I'll get with congressional--we won't even wait till inauguration, and I'll ask the president to help me and I'll ask his staff to help me. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
And we will start putting together teams to put together--to take all the plans that exist and do something with them. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Please understand. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 11 Oct 1992
There are great plans lying all over Washington nobody ever executes. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
It's like having a blueprint for a house you never built. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
You don't have anywhere to sleep. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Now our challenge is to take these things, do something with them. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Step one, we want to put America back to work, clean up the small business problem, have one task force at work on that. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
The second, you've got your big companies that are in trouble, including the defense industries--have another one on that. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Have a 3rd task force on new industries of the future to make sure we nail those for our country and they don't wind up in Europe and Asia. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Convert from 19th to 21st century capitalism. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
See, we have an adversarial relationship between government and business. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Our international competitors that are cleaning our plate have an intelligent relationship between government and business, and a supportive relationship. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Then have another task force on crime because, next to jobs, our people are concerned about their safety. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Health care, schools--one on the debt and deficit. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
And finally in that 90- day period before the inauguration, put together the framework for the town hall and give the American people a Christmas present. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Show them by Christmas the first cut at these plans. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
By the time Congress comes into session to go to work, have those plans ready to go in front of Congress. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Then get off to a flying start in '93 to execute these plans. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Now, there are people in this room and people on this stage who've been in meetings when I would sit there and say, "Is this the one we're going to talk about or do something about?" Henry Ross Perot O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Well, obviously, my orientation is let's go do it. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Now, put together your plans by Christmas, be ready to go when Congress goes, nail these things. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Small business--you've got to have capital, you've got to credit, and many of them need mentors or coaches. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
And we can create more jobs there in a hurry than any other place. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Governor Clinton, one minute. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
This country desperately needs a jobs program, and my first priority would be to pass a jobs program, to introduce it on the first day I was inaugurated. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
I would meet with the leaders of the Congress, with all the newly elected members of the Congress and as many others with whom I could meet between the time of the election and the inauguration, and we would present a jobs program. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Then we would present a plan to control health care costs and phase in health care coverage for all Americans. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Until we control health care costs, we're not going to control the deficit. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
It is the number one culprit. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
But first we must have an aggressive jobs program. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
I live in a state where manufacturing job growth has far outpaced the nation in the last few years, where we have created more private sector jobs since Mr. Bush has been president than have been created in the entire rest of the country, where Mr. Bush's labor secretary said job growth has been enormous. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
We've done it in Arkansas. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Give me a chance to create these kind of jobs in America. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 11 Oct 1992
We can do it. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
I know we can. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 11 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 11 Oct 1992
President Bush, one minute. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
We've got the plan announced for what we can do for small business. George H. W. Bush O 1992 11 Oct 1992
I've already put forward things that'll get this country working fast, some of which have been echoed here tonight--investment tax allowance, capital gains reduction, more on research and development, tax credit for first-time home buyers. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
What I'm going to do is say to Jim Baker when this campaign is over, all right, let's sit down now, you do in domestic affairs what you've done in foreign affairs, be kind of the economic coordinator of all the domestic side of the House, and that includes all the economic side, all the training side, and bring this program together. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
We're going to have a new Congress, and we're going to say to them, you've listened to the voters the way we have. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Nobody wants gridlock anymore, and so let's get the program through. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
And I believe it'll work because, as Ross said, we got the plans. George H. W. Bush O 1992 11 Oct 1992
The plans are all over Washington. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
And I've put ours together in something called the Agenda for American Renewal, and it makes sense, it's sensible, it creates jobs, it gets to the base of the kind of jobs we need. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
And so I'll just be asking for support to get that put into effect. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
All right. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
The next question goes to Governor Clinton for 2 minutes. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
It will be asked by Sandy. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Governor Clinton, when a president running for the first time gets into the office and wants to do something about the economy, he finds in Washington there's a person who has much more power over the economy than he does: the chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, accountable to no one. Sander Vanocur O 1992 11 Oct 1992
That being the case, would you go along with proposals made by Treasury Secretary James Brady and Congressman Lee Hamilton to make the Federal Reserve Board chairman somehow more accountable to elected officials? Sander Vanocur O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Well, let me say that I think that we might ought to review the terms, the way it works. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
But frankly, I don't think that's the problem today. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
We have low interest rates today. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
At least we have low interest rates that the Fed can control. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Our long-term interest rates are still pretty high because of our deficit and because of our economic performance. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
And there was a terrible reaction internationally to Mr. Bush saying he was going to give us 4 more years of trickle-down economics--another across-the- board tax cut and most of it going to the wealthy, with no real guarantee of investment. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
But I think the important thing--the important thing-- is to use the powers the president does have on the assumption that, given the condition of this economy, we're going to keep interest rates down if we have the discipline to increase investment and reduce the debt at the same time. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
That is my commitment. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 11 Oct 1992
I think the American people are ready for action. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
I think Congress is hungry for someone who will work with them instead of manipulate them. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Someone who will not veto a bill that has an investment tax credit, middle class tax relief, research and development tax credits as Mr. Bush has done. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Give me a chance to do that. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 11 Oct 1992
I don't have to worry in the near term about the Federal Reserve. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Their policies so far, it seems to me, are pretty sound. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
President Bush you have one minute. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
I don't think the Fed ought to be put under the Executive Branch. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
There is a separation there. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
I think that's fine. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Alan Greenspan is respected. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
I've had some arguments with him about the speed in which we might have lowered interest rates, but Governor Clinton, he talks about the reaction to the markets. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
There was a momentary fear that he might win and that the markets went phwee, down like that. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
So I don't think we can judge on, the stock market has been strong. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
It's been very strong since I've been president. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
And they recognize we got great difficulties, but they're also much more optimistic than the pessimists we have up here tonight. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
In terms of vetoing tax bills, you're darn right. George H. W. Bush O 1992 11 Oct 1992
I am going to protect the American taxpayer against the spend and tax Congress. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
And I'm going to keep on vetoing them, because I don't think we're taxed too little. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
I think the government's spending too much. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
So Governor Clinton can label it tax for the rich or anything he wants. George H. W. Bush O 1992 11 Oct 1992
I'm going to protect the working man by continuing to veto, and to threaten to veto until we get this new Congress, and then we're going to move forward on our plan. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
I’ve got to protect them. George H. W. Bush O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Mr. Perot, one minute. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Keep the Federal Reserve independent, but let's live in a world of reality. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
We live in a global economy, not a national economy. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
These interest rates we have now don't make any sense. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
We have a four trillion dollar debt, and only in America would you finance seventy percent of it five years or less. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
So seventy percent of our debt is five years or less. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
It's very interest sensitive. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
We have a four percent gap between what we pay for treasuries, and what Germany pays for one to five year treasuries. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
That gap is going to close, because the Arabs, the Japanese and folks in this country are going to start buying German treasuries because they can get more money. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Every time our interest rates go up one percent, that adds 28 billion dollars to the deficit or to the debt. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Whichever place you put it. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
We are sitting on a ticking time bomb folks, because we have totally mismanaged our country, and we had better get it back under control. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Just think in your own business, if you had all of your long term problems financed short term. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
You'd go broke in a hurry. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
We're going to move to foreign affairs. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
The first question goes to Mr. Perot for a two minute answer, and Sandy will ask it. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Mr Perot, in the postwar coldwar environment, what should be the overriding U.S. national interest? Sander Vanocur O 1992 11 Oct 1992
And what can the United States do, and what can it afford to do, to defend the national interest? Sander Vanocur O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Again, if you're not rich, you're not a superpower. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 11 Oct 1992
So we have two that I'd put as number one. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 11 Oct 1992
I have number 1 and 1A. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 11 Oct 1992
One is we've got to have the money to be able to pay for defense, and we've got to manufacture here. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Believe it or not folks, you can't ship it all overseas, you've got to make it here. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
And you can't convert from potato chips to airplanes in an emergency. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
See, Willow Run could be converted from cars to airplanes in World War II because it was here. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
We've got to make things here. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
You can't ship them overseas anymore. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
I hope we can talk more about that. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Second thing, on priorities. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 11 Oct 1992
We've got to help Russia succeed in its revolution and all of its republics. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
When we think of Russia, remember we're thinking of many countries, now. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 11 Oct 1992
We've got to help them. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
That's pennies on the dollar compared to renewing the cold war. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Third, we've got all kinds of agreements on paper, and some that are being executed on getting rid of nuclear warheads. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Russia and its republics are out of control or at best in weak control right now. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
It's a very unstable situation. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
You've got every rich Middle Eastern country over there trying to buy nuclear weapons. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
As you well know. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 11 Oct 1992
And that will lead to another five star migraine headache down the road. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
We really need to nail down the big intercontinental ballistic missiles, the ones that can hit us from Russia. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
And we've focused on the tactical. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
We've made real progress there. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
We've got some agreement on the nuclear, but we don't have those things put away yet. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
The sooner the better. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
So, in terms of priorities, we've got to be financially strong. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Number two, we've got to take care of this missile situation and try to get the nuclear war behind us and give this thing very high priority. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
And number three, we need to help and support Russia and the republics in every possible way to become democratic capitalistic societies, and not just sit back and let those countries continue in turmoil. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Because they could go back worse than things used to be. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
And believe me there are a lot of old boys in the K.G.B. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
and the military that liked it better the way it used to be. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Governor Clinton, one minute. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
In order to keep America the strongest nation in the world, we need some continuity and some change. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
There are three fundamental challenges. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
First of all, the world is still a dangerous and uncertain place. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
We need a new military and a new national security policy equal to the challenges of a post cold war era, a smaller permanent military force, but one that is more mobile, well trained with high technology equipment. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
We need to continue the negotiations to reduce the nuclear arsenals in the Soviet Union, the former Soviet Union, and the United States. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
We need to stop this proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Second, we have to face that in this world, economic security is a whole lot of national security. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Our dollar's at an all time low against some foreign currencies. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
We're weak in the world. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
We must rebuild America's strength at home. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
And finally, we ought to be promoting the democratic impulses around the world. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Democracies are our partners. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
They don't go to war with each other. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
They're reliable friends in the future. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
National security, economic strength, democracy. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 11 Oct 1992
President Bush, one minute. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Well, we still are the envy of the world in terms of our military. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
There's no question about that. George H. W. Bush O 1992 11 Oct 1992
We're the envy of the world in terms of our economy, despite the difficulties we're having. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
There's no question about that. George H. W. Bush NaN 1992 11 Oct 1992
Our exports are dramatically up. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
I might say to Mr. Perot, I can understand why you might have missed it, because there's so much fascination with trivia, but I worked out a deal with Boris Yeltsin to eliminate, get rid of entirely, the most destabilizing weapons of all, the SS-18, the intercontinental ballistic missile. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
I mean, that's been done. George H. W. Bush O 1992 11 Oct 1992
And thank God, it has, because the parents of these young people around here go to bed at night without the same fear of nuclear war. George H. W. Bush O 1992 11 Oct 1992
We made dramatic progress. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
And so, we've got a good military. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
the question, to sort of get a new military, get the best in the world, we got it, and they’re keeping the peace, and they're respected around the world. George H. W. Bush O 1992 11 Oct 1992
And we're more respected because of the way we have conducted ourselves. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
We didn't listen to the nuclear freeze crowd. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
We said, "Peace through strength," and it worked and the cold war is over. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
And America understands that. George H. W. Bush O 1992 11 Oct 1992
But we're so, turned so inward we don't understand the global picture. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
And we are helping democracy, Ross. George H. W. Bush O 1992 11 Oct 1992
The Freedom Support Act is something I got through the Congress, and it's a very good thing, because it does exactly what you say, and I think you agree with that, to help Russian democracy. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
And we're going to keep on doing that. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Next question is for Governor Clinton, and John will ask it. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Governor Clinton, you accused the President of coddling tyrants, including those in Beijing. MASHEK O 1992 11 Oct 1992
As President, how would you exert U.S. power to influence affairs in China. MASHEK O 1992 11 Oct 1992
I think our relationships with China are important and I don't want to isolate China, but I think it is a mistake for us to do what this Administration did when all those kids went out there carrying the Statue of Liberty in Tiananmen Square. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Mr Bush sent two people in secret to toast the Chinese leaders and basically tell them not to worry about it. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
They rewarded him by opening negotiations with Iran to transfer nuclear technology. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
That was their response to that sort of action. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Now that the voices in the Congress and throughout the country have insisted that we do something about China, look at what has happened. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
China has finally agreed to stop sending us products made with prison labor. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Not because we coddled them, but because the Administration was pushed into doing something about it. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
And recently the Chinese have announced they are going to lower some barriers to our products, which they ought to do since they have a 15 billion dollar trade surplus with the United States under Mr. Bush. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
The second biggest surplus next to Japan. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
So I would be firm. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
I would say if you want to continue as Most Favored Nation status for your government owned industries as well as your private ones, observe human rights in the future. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Open your society. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Recognize the legitimacy of those kids that were carrying the Statue of Liberty. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
If we can stand up for our economics, we ought to be able to preserve the democratic interests of the people of China. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
And over the long run they will be more reliable partners. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
President you have one minute. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Well, the Administration was the first major country to stand up to the abuse in Tiananmen Square. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
We are the one that worked out the prison labor deal. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
We are the ones that lowered the barrier to products with Carla Hill's negotiation. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
I am the one that said let's keep the M.F.N. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
because you see China moving towards a free market economy. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
To do what the Congress and Governor Clinton is suggesting, you'd isolate and ruin Hong Kong. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
They are making some progress, not enough for us. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
We were the first ones to put sanctions on. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
We still have them on, on some things. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
But Governor Clinton's philosophy is isolate them. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
He says don't do it, but the policies he's expounding of putting conditions on M.F.N. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
and kind of humiliating them is not the way you make the kind of progress we are getting. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
And I've stood up with these people, and I understand what you have to do to be strong in this situation, and it's moving, not as fast as we'd like. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
But you isolate China and turn them inward, and then we've made a tremendous mistake. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
And I'm not going to do it. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
And I've had to fight a lot of people that were saying human rights, and we’re the ones that put the sanctions on and stood for it. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
And he can insult General Scowcroft if he wants to. George H. W. Bush O 1992 11 Oct 1992
They didn't go over to coddle. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
He went over to say we must make the very changes they're making now. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
One minute, Mr. Perot. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
All right, it's huge. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 11 Oct 1992
China, is a huge country, broken into many provinces. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
It has some very elderly leaders that will not be around too much longer. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Capitalism is growing and thriving across big portions of China. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Asia will be our largest trading partner in the future. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
It will be a growing and a closer relationship. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
We have a delicate, tight-wire walk that we must go through at the present time to make sure that we do not cozy up to tyrants, to make sure that they don't get the impression that they can suppress their people. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
But time is our friend there, because their leaders will change in not too many years, worst case, and their country is making great progress. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
One last point on the missiles. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 11 Oct 1992
I don't want the American people to be confused. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
We have written agreements and we have some missiles that have been destroyed, but we have a huge number of intercontinental ballistic missiles that are still in place in Russia. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
The fact that you have an agreement is one thing. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Till they're destroyed, some crazy person can either sell them or use them. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
All right. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
The next question goes to President Bush for a 2-minute answer, and Ann will ask it. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Mr. President, how can you watch the killing in Bosnia and the ethnic cleansing, or the starvation and anarchy in Somalia, and not want to use America's might, if not America's military, to try to end that kind of suffering? COMPTON O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Ann, both of them are very complicated situations. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
And I vowed something because I learned something from Vietnam. George H. W. Bush O 1992 11 Oct 1992
I am not going to commit US forces until I know what the mission is, till the military tell me that it can be completed, and till I know how they can come out. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
We are helping. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
American airplanes are helping today on humanitarian relief for Sarajevo. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
It is America that's in the lead in helping with humanitarian relief for Somalia. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
But when you go to put somebody else's son or daughter into war, I think you got to be a little bit careful and you have to be sure that there's a military plan that can do this. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
You have ancient ethnic rivalries that have cropped up as Yugoslavia's dissolved or getting dissolved, and it isn't going to be solved by sending in the 82nd Airborne, and I'm not going to do that as commander-in-chief. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
I am going to stand by and use the moral persuasion of the US to get satisfaction in terms of prison camps, and we're making some progress there, and in terms of getting humanitarian relief in there. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
And right now, as you know, the US took the lead in a no-fly operation up there in-- no- fly order up in the United Nations. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
We're working through the international organizations. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
That's one thing I learned by forging that tremendous and greatly--highly successful coalition against Saddam Hussein, the dictator. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Use--work internationally to do it. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
I am very concerned about it. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
I am concerned about ethnic cleansing. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
I am concerned about a tax on Muslims, for example, over there. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
But I must stop short of using American force until I know how those young men and women are going to get out of there as well as get in, know what the mission is, and define it. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
And I think I'm on the right track. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Are you designing a mission, COMPTON O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Ms.--Ann, sorry, sorry. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Time is up. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
We have to go to Mr. Perot for a one-minute response. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
I think if we learned anything in Vietnam is you first commit this nation before you commit the troops to the battlefield. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
We cannot send our people all over the world to solve every problem that comes up. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
This is basically a problem that is a primary concern to the European Community. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Certainly we care about the people, we care about the children, we care about the tragedy. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
But it is inappropriate for us, just because there's a problem somewhere around the world, to take the sons and daughters of working people--and make no mistake about it, our all- volunteer armed force is not made up of the sons and daughters of the beautiful people; it's the working folks who send their sons and daughters to war, with a few exceptions. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
It's very unlike World War II, when FDR's sons flew missions. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Everybody went. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
It's a different world now. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
It's very important that we not just, without thinking it through, just rush to every problem in the world and have our people torn to pieces. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Governor Clinton, one minute. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
I agree that we cannot commit ground forces to become involved in the quagmire of Bosnia or in the tribal wars of Somalia. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
But I think that it's important to recognize that there are things that can be done short of that, and that we do have interests there. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
There are, after all, 2 million refugees now because of the problems in what was Yugoslavia, the largest number since World War II, and there may be hundreds of thousands of people who will starve or freeze to death in this winter. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
The US should try to work with its allies and stop it. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
I urged the president to support this air cover, and he did--and I applaud that. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
I applaud the no-fly zone, and I know that he's going back to the United Nations to try to get authority to enforce it. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
I think we should stiffen the embargo on the Belgrade government, and I think we have to consider whether or not we should lift the arms embargo now on the Bosnians, since they are in no way in a fair fight with a heavily armed opponent bent on ethnic cleansing. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
We can't get involved in the quagmire, but we must do what we can. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Good evening. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Welcome to this third and final debate among the three major candidates for president of the US. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Governor Bill Clinton, the Democratic nominee, President George Bush, the Republican nominee, -- (APPLAUSE) -- and independent candidate Ross Perot. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) I am Jim Lehrer of the MacNeil-Lehrer Newshour on PBS. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I will be the moderator for this debate, which is being sponsored by the Commission on Presidential Debates. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
It will be 90 minutes long. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
It is happening before an audience on the campus of Michigan State University in East Lansing. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
The format was conceived by and agreed to by representatives of the Bush and Clinton campaigns, and it is somewhat different than those used in the earlier debates. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I will ask questions for the first half under rules that permit follow-ups. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
A panel of 3 other journalists will ask questions in the 2nd half under rules that do not. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
As always, each candidate will have 2 minutes, up to 2 minutes, to make a closing statement. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
The order of those, as well as that for the formal questioning, were all determined by a drawing. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Gentlemen, again welcome and again good evening. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
It seems, from what some of those voters said at your Richmond debate, and from polling and other data, that each of you, fairly or not, faces serious voter concerns about the underlying credibility and believability of what each of you says you would do as president in the next 4 years. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Governor Clinton, in accordance with the draw, those concerns about you are first: you are promising to create jobs, reduce the deficit, reform the health care system, rebuild the infrastructure, guarantee college education for everyone who is qualified, among many other things, all with financial pain only for the very rich. Jim Lehrer Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Some people are having trouble apparently believing that is possible. Jim Lehrer Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Should they have that concern? Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
No. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
There are many people who believe that the only way we can get this country turned around is to tax the middle class more and punish them more, but the truth is that middle-class Americans are basically the only group of Americans who've been taxed more in the 1980s and during the last 12 years, even though their incomes have gone down. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
The wealthiest Americans have been taxed much less, even though their incomes have gone up. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
Middle-class people will have their fair share of changing to do, and many challenges to face, including the challenge of becoming constantly re-educated. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
But my plan is a departure from trickle-down economics, just cutting taxes on the wealthiest Americans and getting out of the way. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
It's also a departure from tax-and- spend economics, because you can't tax and divide an economy that isn't growing. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
I propose an American version of what works in other countries -- I think we can do it better: invest and grow. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I believe we can increase investment and reduce the deficit at the same time, if we not only ask the wealthiest Americans and foreign corporations to pay their share; we also provide over $100 billion in tax relief, in terms of incentives for new plants, new small businesses, new technologies, new housing, and for middle class families; and we have $140 billion of spending cuts. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
Invest and grow. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Raise some more money, spend the money on tax incentives to have growth in the private sector, take the money from the defense cuts and reinvest it in new transportation and communications and environmental clean-up systems. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
This will work. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
On this, as on so many other issues, I have a fundamental difference from the present administration. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I don't believe trickle down economics will work. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Unemployment is up. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
Most people are working harder for less money than they were making 10 years ago. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
I think we can do better if we have the courage to change. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Mr. President, a response. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Do I have 1 minute? George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Just the ground rules here. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Roughly 1 minute. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
We can loosen that up a little bit but go ahead. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Well, he doesn't like trickle down government but I think he's talking about the Reagan-Bush years where we created 15 million jobs. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
The rich are paying a bigger percent of the total tax burden. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
And what I don't like is trickle down government. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
And therein, I think Governor Clinton keeps talking about trickle down, trickle down, and he's still talking about spending more and taxing more. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Government -- he says invest government, grow government. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Government doesn't create jobs. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
If they do, they're make-work jobs. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
It's the private sector that creates jobs. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
And yes, we've got too many taxes on the American people and we're spending too much. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
And that's why I want to get the deficit down by controlling the growth of mandatory spending. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
It won't be painless. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I think Mr. Perot put his finger on something there. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
It won't be painless but we've got to get the job done. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
But not by raising taxes. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Mr. and Mrs. America, when you hear him say we're going to tax only the rich, watch your wallet because his figures don't add up and he's going to sock it right to the middle class taxpayer and lower, if he's going to pay for all the spending programs he proposes. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
So we have a big difference on this trickle down theory. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I do not want any more trickle down government. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
It's gotten too big. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I want to do something about that. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Mr. Perot, what do you think of the governor's approach, what he just laid out? Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
The basic problem with it, it doesn't balance the budget. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
If you forecast it out, we still have a significant deficit under each of their plans, as I understand them. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Our challenge is to stop the financial bleeding. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
If you take a patient into the hospital that's bleeding arterially, step one is to stop the bleeding. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
And we are bleeding arterially. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
There's only one way out of this, and that is to stop the deterioration of our job base, to have a growing, expanding job base, to give us the tax base -- see, balancing the budget is not nearly as difficult as paying off the $4 trillion debt and leaving our children the American dream intact. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
We have spent their money. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
We've got to pay it back. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
This is going to take fair, shared sacrifice. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
My plan balances the budget within 6 years. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
We didn't do it faster than that because we didn't want to disrupt the economy. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
We gave it off to a slow start and a fast finish to give the economy time to recover. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
But we faced it and we did it, and we believe it's fair, shared sacrifice. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
The one thing I have done is lay it squarely on the table in front of the American people. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
You've had a number of occasions to see in detail what the plan is, and at least you'll understand it. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I think that's fundamental in our country, that you know what you're getting into. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Governor, the word "pain" -- one of the other leadership things that's put on you is that you don't speak of pain, that you speak of all things -- nobody's going to really have to suffer under your plan. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
You've heard what Mr. Perot has said. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
He's said it's got -- to do the things that you want to do, you can't do it by just taking the money from the rich. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
That's what the president says as well. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
How do you respond to that? Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
They said the numbers don't add up. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I disagree with both of them. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
For one thing, let me just follow up here. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I disagree with Mr. Perot that the answer is to raise -- put a 50-cent gas tax on the middle class and raise more taxes on the middle class and the working poor than on the wealthy. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
His own analysis says that unemployment will be slightly higher in 1995 under his plan than it is today. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
And as far as what Mr. Bush says, he is the person who raised taxes on the middle class after saying he wouldn't. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
And just this year, Mr. Bush vetoed a tax increase on the wealthy that gave middle class tax relief. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
He vetoed middle class tax relief this year. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
And furthermore, under this administration, spending has increased more than it has in the last 20 years and he asked Congress to spend more money than it actually spent. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
Now, it's hard to out-spend Congress but he tried to for the last 3 years. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
So my view is the middle class is the -- they've been suffering, Jim. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Now, should people pay more for Medicare if they can? William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Yes. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Should they pay more for Social Security if they get more out of it than they paid in, they're upper income people? William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Yes. William(Bill) J. Clinton NaN 1992 19 Oct 1992
But look what's happened to the middle class. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Middle class Americans are working harder for less money than they were making ten years ago and they're paying higher taxes. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
The tax burden on them has not gone down. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
It has gone up. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I don't think the answer is to slow the economy down more, drive unemployment up more and undermine the health of the private sector. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
The answer is to invest and grow this economy. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
That's what works in other countries and that's what'll work here. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
As a practical matter, Mr. President, do you agree with the governor when he says that the middle class, the taxes on the middle class -- do your numbers agree that the taxes on the middle class have gone up during the last -- Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I think everybody's paying too much taxes. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
He refers to one tax increase. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Let me remind you it was a Democratic tax increase, and I didn't want to do it and I went along with it. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
And I said I make a mistake. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
If I make a mistake, I admit it. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
That's quite different than some. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
But I think that's the American way. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I think everyone's paying too much, but I think this idea that you can go out and -- then he hits me for vetoing a tax bill. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Yes, I did. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
And the American taxpayer ought to be glad they have a president to stand up to a spending Congress. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
We remember what it was like when we had a spending president and a spending Congress, and interest rates -- who remembers that? George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
They were at 21.5% under Jimmy Carter, and inflation was 15. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
We don't want to go back to that. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
And so yes, everybody's taxed too much and I want to get the taxes down, but not by signing a tax bill that's gonna raise taxes on people. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Mr. President, when you said just then that you admit your mistakes and you looked at Governor Clinton and said -- what mistake is it that you want him to admit to? Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Well, the record in Arkansas. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I mean, look at it, and that's what we're asking America to have? George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Now look, he says Arkansas's a poor state. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
They are. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
But in almost every category they're lagging. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
I'll give you an example. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
He talks about all the jobs he's created in one or 2 years. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Over the last ten years since he's been governor, they're 30% behind, 30% -- they're 30% of the national average. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
On pay for teachers, on all these categories, Arkansas is right near the very bottom. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
You haven't heard me mention this before, but we're getting close now and I think it's about time I start putting things in perspective. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
And I'm going to do that. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
It's not dirty campaigning because he's been talking about my record for a half a year here, 11 months here. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
So we've got to do that. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I gotta get it in perspective. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
What's his mistake? George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Admit it, that Arkansas is doing very, very badly against any standard -- environment, support for police officers, whatever it is. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Governor, is that true? Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Mr. Bush's Bureau of Labor Statistics says that Arkansas ranks first in the country in the growth of new jobs this year, first. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
This year. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
4th in manufacturing jobs, 4th in the reduction of poverty, 4th in income increase. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
Over the last 10 years we've created manufacturing jobs much more rapidly than the national average. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
Over the last 5 years our income has grown more rapidly than the national average. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
We are 2nd in tax burden, the 2nd lowest tax burden in the country. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
We have the lowest per capita state and local spending in the country. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
We're low spending, low tax burden. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
We dramatically increased investment and our jobs are growing. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I wish America had that kind of record and I think most people looking at us tonight would like it if we had more jobs and a lower spending burden on the government. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Mr. Perot, if you were sitting at home now and just heard this exchange about Arkansas, who would you believe? Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I grew up 5 blocks from Arkansas. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Let's put it in perspective. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
It's a beautiful state. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
It's a fairly rural state. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
It has a population less than Chicago or Los Angeles, about the size of Dallas and Forth Worth combined. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
So I think probably we're making a mistake night after night after night to cast the nation's future on a unit that small. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Why is that a mistake? Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
It's irrelevant. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
(Laughter) Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
What he did as governor of Arkansas is irrelevant? Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
No, no, no, but I could say, you know, that I ran a small grocery store on the corner, therefore I extrapolate that into the fact that I can run Wal-Mart. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
That's not true. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
(Laughter) I can't protect an Arkansas company, you notice there, Governor. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Governor? Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Mr. Perot, with all respect, I think it is highly relevant, and I think that a 4-billion dollar budget of state and federal funds is not all that small, and I think the fact that I took a state that was one of the poorest states in the country and had been for 153 years and tried my best to modernize its economy and to make the kind of changes that have generated support from people like the presidents of Apple Computer and Hewlett-Packard and some of the biggest companies in this country, 24 retired generals and admirals and hundreds of business executives, are highly relevant. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
And, you know, I'm frankly amazed that since you grew up 5 blocks from there you would think that what goes on in that state is irrelevant. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I think it's been pretty impressive. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
It's not -- Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
And the people who have jobs -- (APPLAUSE) The people who have jobs and educations and opportunities that didn't have them 10 years ago don't think it's irrelevant at all; they think it's highly relevant and they wish the rest of the country had them. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I don't have a dog in this fight, but I'd like to get in on this. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Well, you think it's relevant. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
(Laughter) William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Governor Clinton has to operate under a balanced budget amendment -- he has to do it, that is the law. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I'd like to see a balanced budget amendment for America, to protect the American taxpayers, and then that would discipline not only the executive branch but the spending Congress, the Congress that's been in control of one party, his party, for 38 years. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
And we almost had it done. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
And that institution, the House of Representatives -- everyone is yelling "Clean House!" George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
One of the reasons is we almost had it done, and the speaker -- a very, able, decent fellow, I might add -- but he twisted the arms of some of the sponsors of that legislation and had them change their vote. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
What's relevant here is that tool, that discipline, that he has to live by in Arkansas, and I'd like it for the American people. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I want the line-item veto. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I want a check-off, so if the Congress can't do it, let people check off their income tax, 10% of it, to compel the government to cut spending. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
And if they can't do it, if the Congress can't do it, let them then have to do it across the board. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
That's what we call a sequester. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
That's the discipline we need, and I'm working for that -- to protect the American taxpayer against the big spenders. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Mr. President, let's move to some of the leadership concerns that have been voiced about you. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
And they relate to something you said in your closing statement in Richmond the other night about the president being the manager of crises. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
And that relates to an earlier criticism, that you began to focus on the economy, on health care, on racial divisions in this country, only after they became crises. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Is that a fair criticism? Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Jim, I don't think that's a fair shot. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I hear it -- I hear it echoed by political opponents. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
But I don't think it's fair. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I think we've been fighting from day one to do something about the inner cities. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I'm for enterprise zones. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I have had it in every single proposal I've sent to the Congress. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
And now we hear a lot of talk, oh, well, we all want enterprise zones, and yet the House and the Senate can't send it down without loading it up with a lot of, you know, these Christmas tree ornaments they put on the legislation. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I don't think in racial harmony that I'm a laggard on that. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I've been speaking out since day 1. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
We've gotten the Americans for Disabilities Act, which I think is one of the foremost pieces of civil rights legislation. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
And yes, it took me to veto 2 civil rights quota bills because I don't believe in quotas, and I don't think the American people believe in quotas. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
And I beat back the Congress on that, and then we passed a decent civil rights bill that offers guarantees against discrimination in employment. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
And that is good. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I've spoken out over and over again against antisemitism and racism, and I think my record as a member of Congress speaks for itself on that. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
What was the other part of it? George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Well, it's just that -- you've spoken to it. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I mean, but the idea, not so much in specifics, but that it has to be a crisis before it gets your attention. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I don't think that's true at all. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I don't think that's true, but you know, let others fire away on it. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Do you think that's true, Mr. Perot? Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I'd like to just talk about issues, and so -- Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
You don't think this is an issue? Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Well, no, but the point is that's a subjective thing. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
See, the subjective thing is when does President Bush react? Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
And it would be very difficult for me to answer that in any short period of time. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Well, then, let's phrase -- I'll phrase it differently, then. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
He said the other night in his closing words in Richmond that one of the key things that he believes the American people should decide between -- among the 3 of you is who they want in charge if this country gets to a crisis. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Now, that's what he said, and the rap on the president is that it's only crisis time that he focuses on some of these things. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
So my question to you -- we're going to talk about you in a minute -- (Laughter) -- my question to you -- Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I thought you'd forgotten I was here. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
No, no, no, no, no. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
(Laughter) But my question to you is, so -- if you have nothing to say about it, fine, I'll go to Governor Clinton, but -- Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I will let the American people decide that. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I would rather not critique the 2 candidates. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
All right. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Governor, what do you think? Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
The only thing I would say about that is, I think that on the economy, Mr. Bush said for a long time there was no recession, and then said it would be better to do nothing than to have a compromise effort with the Congress. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
He really didn't have a new economic program until over 1300 days into his presidency, and not all of his health care initiative has been presented to the Congress even now. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I think it's important to elect a president who is committed to getting this economy going again, and who realizes we have to abandon trickle-down economics and put the American people first again, and who will send programs to the Congress in the first hundred days to deal with the critical issues that America is crying out for leadership on -- jobs, incomes, the health care crisis, the need to control the economy. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Those things deserve to be dealt with from day one. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I will deal with them from day 1. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
They will be my first priority, not my election year concern. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Mr. President? Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Well, I think you're overlooking that we have had major accomplishments in the first term. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
But if you're talking about protecting the taxpayer against his friends in the US Congress, go back to what it was like when you had a Democratic president and a Democratic Congress. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
You don't have to go back to Herbert Hoover. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Go back to Jimmy Carter, and interest rates were 21%, inflation was 15%. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
The misery index -- unemployment and inflation added together -- it was invented by the Democrats -- went right through the roof. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
We've cut it in half. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
And all you hear about is how bad things are. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
You know, remember the question, are you better off? George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Well, is a homebuyer better off he can refinance the home, because interest rates are down? George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Is the senior citizen better off because inflation is not wiping out their family's savings? George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I think they are. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Is the guy out of work better off? George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Of course he's not, but he's not gonna be better off if we grow the government, if we invest, as Governor Clinton says, invest in more government. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
You've got to free up the private sector. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
You've got to let small businesses have more incentives. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
For 3 months -- quarters I've been fighting, 3 quarters been fighting to get the Congress to pass some incentives for small business. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
Capital gains, investment tax allowance, credit for first- time homebuyers. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
And it's blocked by the Congress. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
And then if a little of it comes my way, they load it up with Christmas trees and tax increases, and I have to stand up and favor the taxpayer. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I have to -- we have to talk about Ross Perot now or he'll get me, I'm sure. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Mr. Perot, on this issue that I have raised at the very beginning and we've been talking about, which is leadership, as president of the US, it concerns -- my reading of it, at least, my concerns about you, as expressed by folks in the polls and other places, it goes like this. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
You had a problem with General Motors. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
You took your $750 million and you left. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
You had a problem in the spring and summer about some personal hits that you took as a potential candidate for president of the US and you walked out. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Does that say anything relevant to how you would function as president of the US? Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I think the General Motors thing is very relevant. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I did everything I could to get General Motors to face its problems in the mid-'80s while it was still financially strong. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
They just wouldn't do it, and everybody now knows the terrible price they're paying by waiting until it's obvious to the brain-dead that they have problems. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
Now, hundreds, thousands of good, decent people, whole cities up here in this state are adversely impacted because they would not move in a timely way. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
Our government is that point now. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
The thing that I am in this race for is to tap the American people on the shoulder and to say to every single one of you, fix it while we're still relatively strong. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
If you have a heart problem, you don't wait till a heart attack to address it. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
So the General Motors experience is relevant. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
At the point when I could not get them to address those problems, I had created so much stress in the board, who wanted to just keep the Lawrence Welk music going, that they asked to buy my remaining shares. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I sold them my remaining shares. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
They went their way. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I went my way because it was obvious we had a complete disagreement about what should be done with the company. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
But let's take my life in perspective. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Again and again, on complex, difficult tasks, I have stayed the course. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
When I was asked by our government to do the POW project, within a year the Vietnamese had sent people into Canada to make arrangements to have me and my family killed. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
And I had 5 small children, and my family and I decided we would stay the course, and we lived with that problem for 3 years. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
Then I got into the Texas War on Drugs program and the big-time drug dealers got all upset. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
Then when I had 2 people imprisoned in Iran, I could have left them there. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
I could have rationalized it. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
We went over, we got them out, we brought them back home. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
And since then, for years, I have lived with the burden of the Middle East, where it's eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth country, in terms of their unhappiness with the fact that I was successful in that effort. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
Again and again and again, in the middle of the night, at 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning, my government has called me to take extraordinary steps for Americans in distress, and again and again and again I have responded. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
And I didn't wilt and I didn't quit. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
Now, what happened in July we've covered again and again and again. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
But I think in terms of the American people's concern about my commitment, I'm here tonight, folks; I never quit supporting you as you put me on the ballot in the other 26 states; and when you asked me to come back in, I came back in. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
And talk about not quitting, I'm spending my money on this campaign; the 2 parties are spending your money, taxpayer money. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
I put my wallet on the table for you and your children. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Over $60 million at least will go into this campaign to leave the American dream to you and your children, to get this country straightened out, because if anybody owes it to you, I do. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I've lived the American dream; I'd like for your children to be able to live it, too. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
(Laughter) Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Governor, do you have a response to the staying- the-course question about Mr. Perot? Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I don't have any criticism of Mr. Perot. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I think what I'd like to talk about a minute, since you're asking the question, is the General Motors issue. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I don't think there's any question that the automobile executives made some errors in the 1980s, but I also think we should look at how much productivity has increased lately, how much labor has done to increase productivity and how much management has done. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
And we're still losing a lot of auto jobs, in my judgment, because we don't have a national economic strategy that will build the industrial base of this country. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Just today I met with the presidents and the vice presidents of the Willow Run union here, near here. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
They both said they were Vietnam veterans supporting me because I had an economic program to put them back to work. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
We need an investment incentive to modernize plant and equipment; we've got to control the health care costs for those people -- otherwise we can't keep the manufacturing jobs here; and we need a tough trade policy that is fair, that insists on open markets in return for open markets. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
We ought to have a strategy that will build the economic and industrial base. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
So I think Mr. Perot was right in questioning the management practices. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
But they didn't have much of a partner in government here as compared with the policies the Germans and the Japanese followed, and I believe we can do better. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
That's one of the things I want to change. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I know that we can grow manufacturing jobs. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
We did it in my state, and we can do it nationally. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Mr. President, do you have a response? Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
To this? George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Yes. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Well, I wondered, when Governor Clinton was talking to the auto workers, whether he talked about his and Senator Gore's favoring CAFE standards, fuel efficiency standards, of 40 miles per gallon. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
That would break the auto industry and throw a lot of people out of work. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
As regarding Mr. Perot, I take back something I said about him. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I once said, in a frivolous moment, when he got out of the race: If you can't stand the heat, buy an air conditioning company. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
And I take it back, because I think -- he said he made a mistake. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
And the thing I find is if I make a mistake, I admit it. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I've never heard Governor Clinton make a mistake. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
But one mistake he's made is fuel efficiency standards at 40 to 45 miles a gallon will throw many auto workers out of work, and you can't have it both ways. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
There's a pattern here of appealing to the auto workers and then trying to appeal to the spotted owl crowds or the extremes in the environmental movement. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
You can't do it as president: you can't have a pattern of one side of the issue one day and another the next. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
So my argument is not with Ross Perot; it is more with Governor Clinton. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Governor, what about that charge? Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Do you want it both ways on this issue? Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Let's just talk about the CAFE standards -- that's the fuel efficiency standards. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
They are now 27.5 miles per gallon per automobile fleet. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I never said -- and I defy you to find where I said -- I gave an extensive environmental speech in April, and I said that we ought to have a goal of raising the fuel efficiency standards to 40 miles a gallon. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
I think that should be a goal. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I have never said we should write it into law if there is evidence that that goal cannot be achieved. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
The Natl Science Foundation did a study which said it would be difficult for us to reach fuel efficiency standards in excess of 37 miles per gallon by the year 2000. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
I think we should try to raise the fuel efficiency. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
And let me say this. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I think we ought to have incentives to do it, I think we ought to push to do it. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
That doesn't mean we have to write it into the law. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Look, I am a job creator, not a job destroyer. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
It is the Bush administration that has had no new jobs in the private sector in the last 4 years. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
In my state, we're leading the country in private sector job growth. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
But it is good for America to improve fuel efficiency. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
We also ought to convert more vehicles to compressed natural gas. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
That's another way to improve the environment. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
Mr. Perot, based on your experience at General Motors, where do you come down on this? Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
This has been thrown about, back and forth, during this campaign from the very beginning about jobs and CAFE standards. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Well, everybody's nibbling around the edges. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Let's go to the center of the bull's-eye, the core problem. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
And believe me, everybody on the factory floor all over this country knows it. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
You implement that NAFTA, the Mexican trade agreement, where they pay people a dollar an hour, have no health care, no retirement, no pollution controls, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, and you're going to hear a giant sucking sound of jobs being pulled out of this country right at a time when we need the tax base to pay the debt and pay down the interest on the debt and get our house back in order. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
We've got to proceed very carefully on that. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
See, there's a lot I don't understand. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I do understand business. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I do understand creating jobs. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I do understand how to make things work. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
And I got a long history of doing that. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Now, if you want to go to the core problem that faces everybody in manufacturing in this country, it's that agreement that's about to be put into practice. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
It's very simple. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Everybody says it'll create jobs. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Yes, it'll create bubble jobs. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Now, you know, watch this -- listen very carefully to this. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
One-time surge while we build factories and ship machine tools and equipment down there. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Then year after year for decades, they will have jobs. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
And I finally -- I thought I didn't understand it -- called all the experts, and they said, oh, it'll be disruptive for 12 to 15 years. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
We haven't got 12 days, folks. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
We cannot lose those jobs. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
They were eventually saying, Mexican jobs will eventually come to $7.50 an hour, ours will eventually go down to $7.50 an hour. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
Makes you feel real good to hear that, right? Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Let's think it through here. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Let's be careful. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I'm for free trade philosophically, but I have studied these trade agreements till the world has gone flat, and we don't have good trade agreements across the world. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I hope we'll have a chance to get into that tonight, because I can get right to the center of the bull's-eye and tell you why we're losing whole industries in this country. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Just for the record, though, Mr. Perot, I take it, then, from your answer, you do not have a position on whether or not enforcing the CAFE standards will cost jobs in the auto industry? Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Oh, no, it will cost jobs, but that's not -- let me say this. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I'd rather, if you gave me 2 bad choices -- Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Okay. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I'd rather have some jobs left here than just see everything head south, see? Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
So that means -- in other words, you agree with President Bush; is that right? Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
No, I'm saying our principal need now is to stabilize the tax base, which is the job base, and create a growing, dynamic base. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Now please, folks, if you don't hear anything else I say, remember where the -- millions of people at work are our tax base. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Jim, one quick point. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
If you confiscate the Forbes 400 wealth, take it all, you cannot balance the budget this year. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Kind of gets your head straight about where the taxes, year in and year out, have gotta come from. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Millions and millions of people at work. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Yes, sir. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I'm caught in the middle on NAFTA. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Ross says, with great conviction, he opposes the North American Free Trade Agreement. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I am for the North American Free Trade Agreement. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
My problem with Governor Clinton, once again, is that one time he's gonna make up his mind, he sees some merit in it, but then he sees a lot of things wrong with it. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Then the other day he says he's for it, however then we've got to pass other legislation. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
When you're president of the US, you cannot have this pattern of saying well, I'm for it but I'm on the other side of it. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
And it's true on this and it's true on CAFE. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Look, if Ross were right when we get a free trade agreement with Mexico, why wouldn't they have gone down there now? George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
You have a differential in wages right now. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I just have an honest philosophical difference. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I think free trade is going to expand our job opportunity. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I think it is exports that have saved us when we're in a global slowdown, a connected global slowdown, a recession in some countries. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
And it's free trade, fair trade that needs to be our hallmark, and we need more free trade agreements, not fewer. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Governor, quick answer on trade and I want to go on to something else. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I'd like to respond to that. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
You know, Mr. Bush was very grateful when I was among the Democrats who said he ought to have the authority to negotiate an agreement with Mexico. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
Neither I nor anybody else, as far a I know, agreed to give him our proxy to say that whatever he did was fine for the workers of this country and for the interests of this country. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I am the one who's in the middle on this. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Mr. Perot says it's a bad deal. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Mr. Bush says it's a hunky-dory deal. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I say on balance it does more good than harm if, if we can get some protection for the environment so that the Mexicans have to follow their own environmental standards, their own labor law standards, and if we have a genuine commitment to reeducate and retrain the American workers who lose their jobs and reinvest in this economy. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
I have a realistic approach to trade. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I want more trade, and I know there are some good things in that agreement. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
But it can sure be made better. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Let me just point out, just today in the Los Angeles Times Clyde Prestowitz, who was one of President Reagan's leading trade advisers and a life-long conservative Republican, endorsed my candidacy because he knows that I'll have a free and fair trade policy, a hard-headed, realistic policy, and not get caught up in rubber-stamping everything the Bush administration did. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
If I wanted to do that, why would I run for president, Jim? William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Anybody else can run the middle class down and run the economy in a ditch. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I want to change it. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
We've got about 4 -- Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I think he made my case. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
On the one hand, it's a good deal but on the other hand I'd make it better. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
You can't do that as president. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
You can't do it on the war, where he says well, I was with the minority but I guess I would have voted with the majority. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
This is my point tonight. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
We're talking about 2 weeks from now you've gotta decide who's gonna be president. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
And there is this pattern that has plagued him in the primaries and now about trying to have it both ways on all these issues. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
You can't do that. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
And if you make a mistake, say you made a mistake and go on about your business, trying to serve the American people. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Right now we heard it. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Ross is against it. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I am for it. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
He says on the one hand I am for it and on the other hand I may be against it. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
The governor -- (APPLAUSE) Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
That's what's wrong with Mr. Bush. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
His whole deal is you've gotta be for it or against it, you can't make it better. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I believe we can be better. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I think the American people are sick and tired of either/or solutions, people being pushed in the corner, polarized to extremes. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
GOVERNOR_CLINTON_(continuing): I want think they want somebody with common sense who can do what's best for the American people. NaN Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
And I'd be happy to discuss these other issues, but I can't believe he is accusing me of getting on both sides. NaN O 1992 19 Oct 1992
He said trickle-down economics was voodoo economics; now he's it's biggest practitioner. NaN Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
(Laughter and applause) He promised -- he -- you know -- let me just say -- NaN O 1992 19 Oct 1992
But I've always said trickle-down government is bad. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I could run this string out a long time, but remember this, Jim. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Those 209 Americans last Thursday night in Richmond told us they wanted us to stop talking about each other and start talking about Americans and their problems and their promise, and I think we ought to get back to that. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I'll be glad to answer any question you have, but this election ought to be about the American people. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Mr. Perot. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Is there an equal time rule tonight? Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Yes. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Or do you just keep lunging in at will? Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I thought we were going to have equal time, but maybe I just have to interrupt the other 2. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Is that the way it works? Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
No, it's -- Mr. Perot, you're doing fine. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Go ahead. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Whatever you want to say, say it. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Now that we've talked all around the problem about free trade, let's go again to the center of the bull's- eye. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Wait a minute. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I was going to ask -- I thought you wanted to respond to what we're talking about. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I do, I do. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
All right. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I just want to make -- foreign lobbyists, this whole thing. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Our country has sold out to foreign lobbyists. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
We don't have free trade. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Both parties have foreign lobbyists on leaves in key roles in their campaigns. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
And if there's anything more unwise than that, I don't know what it is. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Every debate I bring this up, and nobody ever addresses it. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I would like for them to look you in the eye and tell you why they have people representing foreign countries working on their campaigns. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
And you know, you've seen the list, I've seen the list, we won't go into the names, but no wonder they -- if I had those people around me all day every day, telling me it was fair and free, I might believe it. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
But if I look at the facts as a businessman, it's so tilted, the first thing you ought to do is just say, guys, if you like these deals so well, we'll give you the deal you gave us. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Now, Japanese couldn't unload the cars in this country if they had the same restrictions we had, and on and on and on and on and on. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I suggest to you that the core problem -- 1 country spent $400 million lobbying in 1988, our country. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
And it goes on and on. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
And you look at a who's who in these campaigns around the 2 candidates. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
They're foreign lobbyists taking leaves. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
What do you think they're going to do when the campaign's over? Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Go back to work at 30,000 bucks a month representing some other country. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
I don't believe that's in the American people's interest. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I don't have a one of them, and I haven't taken a penny of foreign money, and I never will. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Mr. President, how do you respond to that? Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Mr. Perot's made that charge several times. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
The fact that you have people working in your campaign who are paid foreign lobbyists. Jim Lehrer Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Most people that are lobbying are lobbying the Congress. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
And I don't think there's anything wrong with an honest person who happens to represent an interest of another country for making his case. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
That's the American way. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
And what you're assuming is that that makes the recipient of the lobbying corrupt or the lobbyist himself corrupt. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I don't agree with that. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
But if I found somebody that had a conflict of interest that would try to illegally do something as a foreign -- registered lobby, the laws cover this. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I don't know why -- I've never understood quite why Mr. Perot was so upset it, because one of the guys he used to have working for him, I believe, had foreign accounts. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Could be wrong, but I think so. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
And as soon as I found it out, he went out the door. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
(Laughter) Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Well -- (APPLAUSE) But I don't -- I think you got to look at the integrity and the honor of the people that are being lobbied and those that are lobbyists. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
The laws protect the American taxpayer in this regard. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
If the laws are violated so much, but to suggest if somebody represents a foreign country on anything, that makes him corrupt or against the taxpayer, I don't agree with that. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
One quick relevant specific. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
We're getting ready to dismantle the airlines industry in our country, and none of you know it. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
And I doubt in all candor if the president knows it. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
But this deal that we're doing with BAC and US Air and KLM and Northwest, guess who's on the president's campaign big time: a guy from Northwest. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
This deal is terribly destructive to the US airline industry. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
One of the largest industries in the world is the travel and tourist business. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
We won't be making airplanes in this country 10 years from now if we let deals like this go through. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
If the president has any interest tonight, I'll detail it to you; I won't take 10 minutes tonight. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
All these things take a few minutes. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
But that's happening as we sit here today. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
We hammerlock the American companies -- American Airlines, Delta -- the last few great we have, because we're trying to do this deal with these 2 European companies. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
And never forget, they've got Airbus over there, and it's a government-owned, privately owned, consortium across Europe. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
They're dying to get the commercial airline business. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Japan is trying to get the commercial airline business. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I don't think there are any villains inside government on this issue, but there's sure a lot of people who don't understand business. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
And maybe you need somebody up there who understands when you're getting your pocket picked. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Jim. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Governor, I'm sorry, but that concludes my time with -- well, you... Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Why, I had a great response to that. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
All right, go ahead, quick, quickly. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Just very briefly. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I think Ross is right and that we do need some more restrictions on lobbyists. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
We ought to make them disclose the people they've given money to when they're testifying before congressional committees; we ought to close the lawyers' loopholes; they ought to have to disclose when they're really lobbying. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
And we ought to have to limit -- we ought to have a much longer period of time, about 5 years, between the time when people can leave executive branch offices and then go out and start lobbying for foreign interests. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I agree with that. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
We've wrecked the airline industry already because of all these leverage buyouts and all these terrible things that have happened to the airline industry. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
We're going to have a hard time rebuilding it. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
But the real thing we got to have is a competitive economic strategy. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Look what's happening to McDonnell Douglas; even Boeing is losing market share -- because we let the Europeans spend $25-$40 billion on Airbus without an appropriate competitive response. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
What I want America to do is to trade more but to compete and win by investing in competitive ways. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
And we're in real trouble on that. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I'm going to be in real trouble if I don't bring out -- it's now time... Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I promise it's less than 10 seconds. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
OK. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I heard Gov Clinton congratulate us on 1 thing -- first time he said something pleasant about this administration. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
Productivity in this country is up, it is way up -- productivity is up. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
And that's a good thing. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
There are many good ones, but I was glad he acknowledged that. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Thank you. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Now we're going to move to the 2nd half... Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Now give me 1 second... Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
We're going to move to the... Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I've volunteered. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Now, look, I'm just kind of a, you know, cur dog here; I was put on the ballot by the people, not special interests. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
So I have to stand up for myself. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Now, Jim, let me get it out. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
On the 2nd debate, I offered, since both sides want the enterprise zones and we can't get together, I said I'll take a few days off and go to Washington and hold hands with you and we'll get it done. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I'll take a few days off and hold hands with you and get this airlines thing straightened, because that's important to this country. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
That's kind of pathetic I have to do it -- and nobody's called me yet to come up, I might mention. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
(Laughter) Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
All right, I want to bring in... Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
But if they do -- if they do, it's easy to fix. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
If you all want the enterprise zones, why don't we pass the dang thing and do it, right? Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
All right. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Now we're going to bring in 3 other journalists to ask questions. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
They are Susan Rook of CNN, Gene Gibbons of Reuters and Helen Thomas of United Press Intl. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
You thought you'd never get in here, did you? Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Uh-uh. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Uh-uh. George H. W. Bush NaN 1992 19 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
OK we're going to continue on the subject of leadership and the first question goes to Gov Clinton for a 2-minute answer. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
It will be asked by Helen Thomas. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Helen? Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
HELEN_THOMAS_(upi): Governor Clinton, your credibility has come into question because of your different responses on the Vietnam draft. NaN Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
If you had it to do over again, would you put on the nation's uniform, and if elected, could you in good conscience send someone to war? NaN O 1992 19 Oct 1992
If I had it to do over again I might answer the questions a little better. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
You know, I'd been in public life a long time and no one had ever questioned my role and so I was asked a lot of questions about things that happened a long time ago and I don't think I answered them as well as I could have. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Going back 23 years, I don't know, Helen. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I was opposed to the war. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I couldn't help that. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I felt very strongly about it, and I didn't want to go at the time. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
It's easy to say in retrospect I would have done something differently. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
President Lincoln opposed the war and there were people who said maybe he shouldn't be president, but I think he made us a pretty good president in wartime. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
We've had a lot of other presidents who didn't wear their country's uniform who had to order our young soldiers into battle, including President Wilson and President Roosevelt. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
So the answer is I could do that. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I wouldn't relish doing it but I wouldn't shrink from it. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I think that the president has to be prepared to use the power of the nation when our vital interests are threatened, when our treaty commitments are at stake, when we know that something has to be done that is in the national interest, and that is a part of being president. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Could I do it? William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Yes, I could. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
A reminder now. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
We're back on the St. Louis rules, which means that the governor had his answer and then each of you will have 1 minute to respond. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Mr. President. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Well, I've expressed my heartfelt difference with Governor Clinton on organizing demonstrations while in a foreign land against your country, when young ghetto kids have been drafted and are dying. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
My argument with him on -- the question was about the draft -- is that there's this same pattern. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
In New Hampshire Senator Kerrey said you ought to level, you ought to tell the truth about it. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
On April 17 he said he'd bring out all the records on the draft. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
They have not been forthcoming. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
He got a deferment or he didn't. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
He got a notice or he didn't. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
And I think it's this pattern that troubles me, more than the draft. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
A lot of decent, honorable people felt as he did on the draft. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
But it's this pattern. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
And again, you might be able to make amendments all the time, Governor, but you've got to, as president, you can't be on all these different sides, and you can't have this pattern of saying well, I did this or I didn't, then the facts come out and you change it. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
That's my big difference with him on the draft. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
It wasn't failing to serve. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Your minute is up, sir. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Yes, sir. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Helen? George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Mr. Perot, 1 minute. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I've spent my whole adult life very close to the military. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
I feel very strongly about the people who go into battle for our country. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I appreciate their idealism, their sacrifices. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Appreciate the sacrifices their families make. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
That's been displayed again and again in a very tangible way. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
I look on this as history. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I don't look on it personally as relevant, and I consider it really a waste of time tonight, when you consider the issues that face our country right now. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
All right. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
The next question goes to President Bush and Gene Gibbons will ask it. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Gene. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
GENE_GIBBONS_(Reuters): Mr. President, you keep saying that you made a mistake in agreeing to a tax increase to get the 1990 budget deal with Congress. NaN O 1992 19 Oct 1992
But if you hadn't gotten that deal, you would have either had to get repeal of the Gramm-Rudman Deficit Control Act or cut defense spending drastically at a time when the country was building up for the gulf war, and decimate domestic discretionary spending, including such things as air traffic control. NaN O 1992 19 Oct 1992
If you had it to do all over again, sir, which of those alternatives would you choose? NaN O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I wouldn't have taken any of the alternatives. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I believe that -- I believe I made a mistake. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I did it for the very reasons you say. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
There was one good thing that came out of that budget agreement, and that is we put a cap on discretionary spending. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
One-third of the president's budget is at the president's discretion, or really the Congress, since they appropriate every dime and tell a president how to spend every dime. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
We've put a cap on the growth of all that spending, and that's good and that's helped. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
But I was wrong because I thought the tax compromise, going along with 1 Democratic tax increase, would help the economy. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
I see no evidence that it has done it. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
So what would I have done? George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
What should I have done? George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I should have held out for a better deal that would have protected the taxpayer and not ended up doing what we had to do, or what I thought at the time would help. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
So I made a mistake, and I -- you know, the difference, I think, is that I knew at the time I was going to take a lot of political flak. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I knew we'd have somebody out there yelling "read my lips", and I did it because I thought it was right. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
And I made a mistake. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
That's quite different than taking a position where you know it's best for you. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
That wasn't best for me and I knew it in the very beginning. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
I thought it would be better for the country than it was. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
So there we are. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Mr. Perot, 1 minute. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
101 in leadership is be accountable for what you do. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
Let's go back to the tax and budget summit briefly. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Nobody ever told the American people that we increased spending $1.83 for every dollar of taxes raised. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
That's absolutely unconscionable. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Both parties carry a huge blame for that on their shoulders. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
This was not a way to pay down the deficit. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
This was a trick on the American people. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
That's not leadership. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Let's go back in terms of accepting responsibility for your actions. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
If you create Saddam Hussein, over a 10-year period, using billions of dollars of US taxpayer money, step up to the plate and say it was a mistake. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
If you create Noriega, using taxpayer money, step up to the plate and say it was a mistake. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
If you can't get your act together to pick him up one day when a Panamanian major has kidnapped him and a special forces team is 400 yards away and it's a stroll across the park to get him, and if you can't get your act together, at least pick up the Panamanian major, who they then killed, step up to the plate and admit it was a mistake. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
That's leadership, folks. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Now, leaders will always make mistakes. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
We've created, and I'm not aiming at any one person here, I'm aiming at our government -- nobody takes responsibility for anything. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
We've gotta change that. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I'm taking responsibility for saying your time's up. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I'm watching the lights. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
All right. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Governor Clinton, 1 minute, sir. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
The mistake that was made was making the "read my lips" promise in the first place just to get elected, knowing what the size of the deficit was. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) Knowing what the size of the deficit was, knowing there was no plan to control health care costs and knowing that we did not have a strategy to get real economic growth back into this economy. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
The choices were not good then. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I think at the time, the mistake that was made was signing off on the deal late on Saturday night in the middle of the night. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
That's just what the president did when he vetoed the Family Leave Act. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I think what he should have done is gone before the American people on the front end and said listen, I made a commitment and it was wrong. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I made a mistake because I couldn't have foreseen these circumstances and this is the best deal we can work out at the time. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
He said it was in the public interest at the time and most everybody who was involved in it, I guess, thought it was. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
The real mistake was the "read my lips" promise in the first place. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
You just can't promise something like that just to get elected if you know there's a good chance that circumstances may overtake you. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
All right, Mr. Perot, the question is for you. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
You have a 2-minute answer, and it will be asked by Susan Rook. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
SUSAN_ROOK_(CNN): Mr. Perot, you've talked about going to Washington to do what the people who run this country want you to do. NaN O 1992 19 Oct 1992
But it is the president's duty to lead, and often lead alone. NaN O 1992 19 Oct 1992
How can you lead if you are forever seeking consensus before you act? NaN O 1992 19 Oct 1992
You're talking about 2 different subjects. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
In order to lead, you first have to use the White House as a bully pulpit and lead; then you have to develop consensus or you can't get anything done, and that's where we are now. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
We can't get anything done. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
How do you get anything done when you've got all of these political action committees, all of these thousands of registered lobbyists -- 40,000 registered lobbyists, 23,000 special interest groups -- and the list goes on and on and on. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
And the average citizen out here is just working hard every day. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
You've got to go to the people. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I just love the fact that everybody, particularly in the media, goes bonkers over the town hall. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I guess it's because you will lose your right to tell them what to think. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
The point is, they'll get to decide what to think. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
(Laughter and applause) I love the fact that people will listen to a guy with a bad accent and a poor presentation manner talking about flip charts for 30 minutes, because they want the details. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
See, all the folks up there at the top said the attention span of the American people is no more than 5 minutes, they won't watch it. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
They're thirsty for it. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
You want to have a new program in this country. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
If you get grassroots America excited about it, and if they tap Congress on the shoulder and say do it, Charlie, it'll happen. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
And that's a whole lot different from these fellows running up and down the halls whispering in their ears now and promising campaign funds for the next election if they do it. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Now, I think that's going back to where we started. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
That's having a government from the people. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I think that's the essence of leadership, rather than cutting deals in dark rooms in Washington. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Governor Clinton, 1 minute. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Well, I believe in the town hall meetings; they started with my campaign in New Hampshire. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
And I think Ross Perot has done a good job in having them. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
And I, as you know, pushed for the debate to include the 209 American citizens who were part of it in Richmond a few days ago. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
I've done a lot of them, and I'll continue to do them as president. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
But I'd also like to point out that I haven't been part of what we're criticizing in Washington tonight. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Of the 3 of us, I have balanced a government budget 12 times, I have offered and passed campaign finance reform, offered, pushed for and passed in public referendum lobbyist restrictions, done the kinds of things you have to do to get legislators together not only to establish consensus but to challenge them to change. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
And in 12 years as governor I guess I've taken on every interest group there was in my state at one time or another to fight for change. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
It can be done. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
That's why I tried to be so specific in this campaign to have a mandate, if elected, so that Congress will know what the American people have voted for. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
President Bush, 1 minute. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I would like the record to show the panelists that Ross Perot took the first shot at the press. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
My favorite bumper sticker, though, is: Annoy the Media. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Re-elect President Bush. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
And I just had to work that in. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Sorry, Helen. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
(Laughter and applause) I'm going to pay for this later on. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Look, you have to build a consensus, but in some things -- Ross mentioned Saddam Hussein. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Yes, we tried, and, yes, we failed to bring him into the family of nations; he had the 4th largest army. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
But then when he moved against Kuwait, I said this will not stand. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
And it's hard to build a consensus. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
We went to the UN, we made historic resolutions up there, the whole world was united, our Congress was dragging its feet. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Governor Clinton said, well, I might have been with the minority, let sanctions work -- but I guess I would have voted with the majority. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
A president can't do that. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Sometimes he has to act. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
And in this case I'm glad we did, because if we had let sanctions work and tried to build a consensus on that, Saddam Hussein today would be in Saudi Arabia controlling the world's oil supply, and he would be there maybe with a nuclear weapon. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
We busted the 4th largest army, and we did it through leadership. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
All right, we're going to go on to another subject now, and the subject is priorities. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
The first question goes to you, President Bush, and Susan will ask it. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
President Bush, gentlemen, I acknowledge that all of you have women and ethnic minorities working for you and working with you. ROOK O 1992 19 Oct 1992
But when we look at the circle of the key people closest to you, your inner circle of advisers, we see white men only. ROOK Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Why? ROOK O 1992 19 Oct 1992
And when will that change? ROOK O 1992 19 Oct 1992
You don't see Margaret Tutwiler sitting in there with me today. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
The key people, President Bush. ROOK O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Huh? George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
The key people, the people beyond the glass ceiling. ROOK Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) ROOK O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I happen to think she's a key person. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I think our Cabinet members are key people. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I think the woman that works with me, Rose Zamaria, is about as tough as a boot out there and makes some discipline and protects the taxpayer. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
Look at our Cabinet. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
You talk about somebody strong. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Look at Carla Hills. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
Look at Lynn Martin, who's fighting against this glass ceiling and doing a first-class job on it. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
Look at our surgeon general, Dr. Novello. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
You can look all around and you'll see first-class strong women. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Jim Baker's a man. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
Yeah, I plead guilty to that. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
(Laughter) But look who's around with him there. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
I mean, this is a little defensive on your part, Susan, to be honest with you. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
We've got a very good record appointing women to high positions and positions of trust, and I'm not defensive at all about it. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
What we got to do is keep working, as the Labor Dept is doing a first-class job on, to break down discrimination, to break down the glass ceiling. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
And I am not apologetic at all about our record with women. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
We've got, I think -- you know, you think about women in government, I think about women in business. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Why not try to help them with my small business program to build some incentives into the system? George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I think we're making progress here. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
You got a lot of women running for office. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
As I said the other night, I hope a lot of them lose because they're liberal Democrats -- (Laughter) -- and we don't need more of them in the Senate or more of them in the House. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
But nevertheless, they're out there. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
And we got some very good Republican women running. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
So we're making dramatic progress. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Mr. Perot, 1 minute. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Well, I come from the computer business, and everybody knows the women are more talented than the men. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
So we have a long history of having a lot of talented women. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
One of our first officers was a woman, the chief financial officer. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
She was a director. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
And it was so far back, it was considered so odd, and even though we were a tiny, little company at the time, it made all the national magazines. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
But in terms of being influenced by women and being a minority, there they are right out there, my wife and my 4 beautiful daughters, and I just have 1 son, so he and I are surrounded by women, giving -- telling us what to do all the time. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
(Laughter) And the rest of my minute, I want to make a very brief comment here in terms of Saddam Hussein. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
We told him that we wouldn't get involved with his border dispute, and we've never revealed those papers that were given to Ambassador Glaspie on July the 25th. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I suggest, in the sense of taking responsibility for your actions, we lay those papers on the table. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
They're not the secrets to the nuclear bomb. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Secondly, we got upset when he took the whole thing, but to the ordinary American out there who doesn't know where the oil fields are in Kuwait, they're near the border. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
We told him he could take the northern part of Kuwait, and when he took the whole thing, we went nuts. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
And if we didn't tell him that, why won't we even let the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the Senate Intelligence Committee see the written instructions for Ambassador Glaspie? Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I've got reply on that. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
That gets to the national honor. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
We did not say to Saddam Hussein, Ross, you can take the northern part of Kuwait. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Well, where are the papers? Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
That is absolutely absurd. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Where are the papers? Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Glaspie has testified -- (APPLAUSE) -- and Glaspie's papers have been presented to the US Senate. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
Please, let's be factual. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
If you have time, go through Nexis and Lexis, pull all the old news articles, look at what Ambassador Glaspie said all through the fall and what-have-you, and then look at what she and Kelly and all the others in State said at the end when they were trying to clean it up. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
And talk to any head of any of those key committees in the Senate. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
They will not let them see the written instructions given to Ambassador Glaspie. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
And I suggest that in a free society owned by the people, the American people ought to know what we told Ambassador Glaspie to tell Saddam Hussein, because we spent a lot of money and risked lives and lost lives in that effort, and did not accomplish most of our objectives. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
We got Kuwait back to the emir but he's still not his nuclear, his chemical, his bacteriological and he's still over there, right? Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
I'd like to see those written instructions. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Mr. President, just to make sure that everybody knows what's going on here, when you responded directly to Mr. Perot, you violated the rule, your rules. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Now -- Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
For which I apologize. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
When I make a mistake I say I'm sorry. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
(Laughter.) George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I just want to make sure everybody understands. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
If you all want to change the rules, we can do it. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
No, I don't. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I apologize for it but that one got right to the national honor and I'm sorry. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I just couldn't let it stand. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Governor Clinton, you have a minute. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Susan, I don't agree that there are no women and minorities in important positions in my campaign. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
There are many. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
But I think even more relevant is my record at home. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
For most of my time as governor a woman was my chief of staff. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
An African American was my chief cabinet officer. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
An African American was my chief economic development officer. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
It was interesting today. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
There was a story today or yesterday in the Washington Post about my economic programs and my chief budget officer and my chief economic officer were both African Americans, even though the Post didn't mention that, which I think is a sign of progress. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
The Natl Women's Political Caucus gave me an award, one of their Good Guy Awards, for my involvement of women in high levels of government, and I've appointed more minorities to positions of high level in government than all the governors in the history of my state combined, before me. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
So that's what I'll do as president. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I don't think we've got a person to waste and I think I owe the American people a White House staff, a Cabinet and appointments that look like America but that meet high standards of excellence, and that's what I'll do. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
All right. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Next question goes to you, Mr. Perot. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
It's a 2-minute question and Helen will ask it. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Helen? Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Mr. Perot, what proof do you have that Saddam Hussein was told that he could have the -- do you have any actual proof or are you asking for the papers? THOMAS O 1992 19 Oct 1992
And also, I really came in with another question. THOMAS O 1992 19 Oct 1992
What is this penchant you have to investigate everyone? THOMAS O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Are those accusations correct -- investigating your staff, investigating the leaders of the grassroots movement, investigating associates of your family? THOMAS O 1992 19 Oct 1992
No. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
They're not correct and if you look at my life, until I got involved in this effort, I was one person. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
And then after the Republican dirty tricks group got through with me I'm another person, which I consider an absolutely sick operation. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
And all of you in the press know exactly what I'm talking about. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
They investigated every single one of my children. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
They investigated my wife. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
They interviewed all of my children's friends from childhood on. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
They went to extraordinary sick lengths, and I just found it amusing that they would take 2 or 3 cases where I was involved in lawsuits and would engage an investigator -- the lawyers would engage an investigator, which is common. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
And the only difference between me and any other businessman that has the range of businesses that I have is I haven't had that many lawsuits. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
So that's just another one of those little fruit-loopy things they make up to try to, instead of facing issues, to try to redefine a person that's running against them. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
This goes on night and day. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I will do everything I can, if I get up there, to make dirty tricks a thing of the past. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
One of the 2 groups has raised it to an art form. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
It's a sick art form. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Now, let's go back to Saddam Hussein. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
We gave Ambassador Glaspie written instructions. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
That's a fact. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
We've never let the Congress and the Foreign Relations, Senate Intelligence Committees see them. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
That's a fact. Henry Ross Perot NaN 1992 19 Oct 1992
Ambassador Glaspie did a lot of talking right after July 25 and that's a fact and it's in all the newspapers. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
And you pull all of it at once and read it and I did, and it's pretty clear what she and Kelly and the other key guys around that thing thought they were doing. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Then at the end of the war, when they had to go testify about it, their stories are a total disconnect from what they said in August, September and October. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
So I say this is very simple. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Saddam Hussein released a tape, as you know, claiming it was a transcript of their meeting, where she said we will not become involved in your border dispute and, in effect, you can take the northern part of the country. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
We later said no, that's not true. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I said well, this is simple. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
What were her written instructions? Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
We guard those like the secrets of the atomic bomb, literally. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Now, I say whose country is this? Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
This is ours. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Who will get hurt if we lay those papers on the table? Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
The worst thing is, again, it's a mistake. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Nobody did any of this with evil intent. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I just object to the fact that we cover up and hide things. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Whether it's Iran-contra, Iraq-gate or you name it, it's a steady stream. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Governor Clinton, you have 1 minute. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Let's take Mr. Bush for the moment at his word -- he's right, we don't have any evidence at least that our government did tell Saddam Hussein he could have that part of Kuwait. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
And let's give him the credit he deserves for organizing Operation Desert Storm and Desert Shield. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
It was a remarkable event. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
But let's look at where I think the real mistake was made. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
In 1988 when the war between Iraq and Iran ended, we knew Saddam Hussein was a tyrant, we had dealt with him because he was against Iran -- the enemy of my enemy maybe is my friend. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
All right, the war's over; we know he's dropping mustard gas on his own people, we know he's threatened to incinerate half of Israel. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Several government departments -- several -- had information that he was converting our aid to military purposes and trying to develop weapons of mass destruction. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
But in late '89 the president signed a secret policy saying we were going to continue to try to improve relations with him, and we sent him some sort of communication on the eve of his invasion of Kuwait that we still wanted better relations. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
So I think what was wrong -- I give credit where credit is due -- but the responsibility was in coddling Saddam Hussein when there was no reason to do it and when people at high levels in our government knew he was trying to do things that were outrageous. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Mr. President, you have a moment -- a minute, I'm sorry. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Well, it's awful easy when you're dealing with 90-90 hindsight. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
We did try to bring Saddam Hussein into the family of nations; he did have the 4th largest army. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
All our Arab allies out there thought we ought to do just exactly that. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
And when he crossed the line, I stood up and looked into the camera and I said: This aggression will not stand. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
And we formed a historic coalition, and we brought him down, and we destroyed the 4th largest army. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
And the battlefield was searched, and there wasn't one single iota of evidence that any US weapons were on that battlefield. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
And the nuclear capability has been searched by the United Nations, and there hasn't been one single scintilla of evidence that there's any US technology involved in it. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
And what you're seeing on all this Iraq-gate is a bunch of people who were wrong on the war trying to cover their necks here and try to do a little revisionism. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
And I cannot let that stand, because it isn't true. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Yes, we had grain credits for Iraq, and there isn't any evidence that those grain credits were diverted into weaponry -- none, none whatsoever. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) And so I just have to say, it's fine. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
You can't stand there, Governor Clinton, and say, well, I think I'd have been -- I have supported the minority, let sanctions work or wish it would go away -- but I would have voted with the majority. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Come on, that's not leadership. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
All right, the next question goes to Governor Clinton, and Gene Gibbons will ask it. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Gene? Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Governor, an important aspect of leadership is, of course, anticipating problems. GIBBONS Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
During the 1988 campaign there was little or no mention of the savings and loan crisis that has cost the American people billions and billions of dollars. GIBBONS O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Now there are rumblings that a commercial bank crisis is on the horizon. GIBBONS Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Is there such a problem, sir? GIBBONS O 1992 19 Oct 1992
If so, how bad is it and what will it cost to clean it up? GIBBONS O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Gene, there is a problem in the sense that there are some problem banks, and on December 19th new regulations will go into effect which will in effect give the government the responsibility to close some banks that are not technically insolvent but that are plainly in trouble. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
On the other hand, I don't think that we have any reason to believe that the dimensions of this crisis are anywhere near as great as the savings and loan crisis. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
The mistake that both parties made in Washington with the S&L business was deregulating them without proper capital requirements, proper oversight and regulation, proper training of the executives. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Many people predicted what happened, and it was a disaster. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
The banking system in this country is fundamentally sound with some weak banks. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I think that our goal ought to be first of all not to politicize it, not to frighten people; secondly to say that we have to enforce the law in 2 ways. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
We don't want to overreact, as the federal regulators have in my judgment, on good banks so that they've created credit crunches, that is, they have made our recession worse in the last couple of years -- but we do want to act prudently with the banks that are in trouble. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
We also want to say that insofar as is humanly possible the banking industry itself should pay for the cost of any bank failures; the taxpayers should not. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
And that will be my policy. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
And I believe if we have a good balanced approach, we can get the good banks loaning money again, end the credit crunch, have proper regulation on the ones that are in trouble, and not overreact. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
It is a serious problem, but I don't see it as the kind of terrible, terrible problem that the S&L problem was. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
President Bush, one minute. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Well, I don't believe it would be appropriate for a president to suggest that the banking system is not sound. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
It is sound. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
There are some problem banks out there. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
But what we need is financial reform; we need some real financial reform, banking reform legislation. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
And I have proposed that. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
And when I am re-elected, I believe one of the first things ought to be to press a new Congress not beholden to the old ways to pass financial reform legislation that modernizes the banking system, doesn't put a lot of inhibitions on it, and protects the depositors through keeping the FDIC sound. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
But I think that -- I just was watching some of the proceedings of the American Bankers Assn, and I think the general feeling is most of the banks are sound, certainly there's no comparison here between what happened to the S&Ls and where the banks stand right now, in my view. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Mr. Perot, 1 minute. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Well, nobody's gotten into the real issue yet on the savings and loan again -- nobody's got a business background, I guess. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
The whole problem came up in 1984. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
The president of the US was told officially it was a $20-billion problem. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
These crooks -- now, Willie Sutton would have gone to own a savings and loan rather than rob banks, because he robbed banks because that's where the money is; owning a savings and loan is where the money was. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Now, in 1984 they were told. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I believe the vice president was in charge of deregulation. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Nobody touched that tar baby till the day after election in 1988 because they were flooding both parties with crooked PAC money, and it was in many cases stolen PAC money. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Now, you and I never got a ride on a lot of these yachts and fancy things it bought, but you and I are paying for it. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
And they buried it till right after the election. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
Now, if you believe The Washington Post and you believe this extensive study that's been done -- and I'm reading it -- right after election day this year they're going to hit us with a hundred banks, it will be a $100-billion problem. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
Now, if that's true, just tell me now. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I'm grownup, I can deal with it, I'll pay my share. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
But just tell me now; don't bury until after the election twice. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I say that to both political parties. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
The people deserve that since we have to pick up the tab; you got the PAC money, we'll pay the tab. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Just tell us. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
All right, Mr. Perot, the next question -- we're going into a new round here on a category just called differences, and the question goes to you, Mr. Perot, and Gene will ask it. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Gene? Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Mr. Perot, aside from the deficit, what government policy or policies do you really want to do something about? GIBBONS O 1992 19 Oct 1992
What really sticks in your craw about conditions in this country -- beside the deficit -- that you would want to fix as president? GIBBONS O 1992 19 Oct 1992
The debt and the deficit. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Well, if you watched my television show the other night, you saw it. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
And if you watch it Thursday, Friday, Saturday this week, you'll get more. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
A shameless plug there, Mr. President. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
But in a nutshell we've got to reform our government or we won't get anything done. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
We have a government that doesn't work. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
All these specific examples I'm giving tonight -- if you had a business like that, they'd be leading you away and boarding up the doors. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
We have a government that doesn't work. Henry Ross Perot NaN 1992 19 Oct 1992
It's supposed to come from the people, it comes at the people. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
The people need to take their government back. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
You've got to reform Congress, they've got to be servants of the people again; you've got to reform the White House. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
We've got to turn this thing around. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
And it's a long list of specific items. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
And I've covered it again and again in print and on television. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
But very specifically the key thing is to turn the government back to the people and take it away from the special interests and have people go to Washington to serve. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Who can give themselves a 23% pay raise anywhere in the world except Congress? Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
Who would have 1200 airplanes worth 2 billion a year just to fly around in? Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
I don't have a free reserved parking place at Natl Airport, why should my servants? Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
I don't have an indoor gymnasium and an indoor tennis and an indoor every other thing they can think of; I don't have a place where I can go make free TV to send to my constituents to try to brainwash them to elect me the next time. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
And I'm paying for all that for those guys. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I'm going to be running an ad pretty soon that shows they promised us they were going to hold the line on spending at the tax and budget summit, and I'm going to show how much they've increased this little stuff they do for themselves. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
And it is silly putty, folks, and the American people have had enough of it. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Step one, if I get up there, we're going to clean that up. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
You say, how can I get Congress to do that? Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I'll have millions of people at my shoulder, shoulder to shoulder with me, and we will see it done work speed -- because it's wrong. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
We've turned the country upside down. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Governor Clinton, you have one minute. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Governor? Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I would just point out, on the point Mr. Perot made, I agree that we need to cut spending in Congress. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I've called for a 25% reduction in congressional staffs and expenditures. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
But the White House staff increased its expenditures by considerably more than Congress has in the last 4 years under the Bush administration, and Congress has actually spent a billion dollars less than President Bush asked them to spend. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
Now, when you out-spend Congress you're really swinging. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
That, however, is not my only passion. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
The real problem in this country is that most people are working hard and falling farther behind. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
My passion is to pass a jobs program and get incomes up with an investment incentive program to grow jobs in the private sector, to waste less public money and invest more, to control health care costs and provide for affordable health care for all Americans and to make sure we've got the best trained workforce in the world. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
That is my passion. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
We've gotta get this country growing again and this economy strong again or we can't bring down the deficit. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Economic growth is the key to the future of this country. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
President Bush, one minute. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
On government reform? George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Sir? Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Government reform? George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Yes, exactly. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Well, to respond to the subject that Mr. Perot mentioned. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Well, how about this for a government reform policy? George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Reduce the White House staff by a 3rd after or at the same time the Congress does the same thing for their staff. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Term limits for members of the US Congress. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Give the government back to the people. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Let's do it that way. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
The president has term limits. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Let's limit some of these guys sitting out here tonight. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) Term limits. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
And then how about a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution? George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Forty-3 -- more than that -- states have it, I believe. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Let's try that. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
And you want to do something about all this extra spending that concerns Mr. Perot and me? George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Okay. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
How about a line item veto? George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Forty-three governors have that. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
And give it to the president, and if the Congress isn't big enough to do it, let the president have a shot at this excess spending. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
A line item veto. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
That means you can take a line and cut out some of the pork out of a meaningful bill. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Governor Clinton keeps hitting me on vetoing legislation. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Well, that's the only protection the taxpayer has against some of these reckless pork programs up there, and I'd rather be able to just line it right out of there and get on about passing some good stuff but leave out the garbage. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Line item veto -- there's a good reform program for you. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
All right. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) Next question goes to Governor Clinton. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
You have 2 minutes, Governor, and Susan will ask it. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Governor Clinton, you said that you will raise taxes on the rich, people with incomes of $200,000 a year or higher. ROOK Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
A lot of people are saying that you will have to go lower than that, much lower. ROOK Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Will you make a pledge tonight below which, an income level that you will not go below? ROOK O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I'm looking for numbers, sir, not just a concept. ROOK O 1992 19 Oct 1992
My plan -- you can read my plan. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
My plan says that we want to raise marginal incomes on family incomes above $200,000 from 31 to 36 percent, that we want to ask foreign corporations simply to pay the same percentage of taxes on their income that American corporations play (sic) in America, that we want to use that money to provide over $100 billion in tax cuts for investment in new plant and equipment, for small business, for new technologies, and for middle class tax relief. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Now, I'll tell ya this. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I will not raise taxes on the middle class to pay for these programs. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
If the money does not come in there to pay for these programs, we will cut other government spending or we will slow down the phase-in of the programs. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
I am not gonna raise taxes on the middle class to pay for these programs. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Now furthermore, I am not gonna tell you "read my lips" on anything because I cannot foresee what emergencies might develop in this country. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
And the president said never, never, never would he raise taxes in New Jersey, and within a day Marlin Fitzwater, his spokesman, said now, that's not a promise. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
So I think even he has learned that you can't say "read my lips" because you can't know what emergencies might come up. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
But I can tell you this. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I'm not gonna raise taxes on middle class Americans to pay for the programs I've recommended. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Read my plan. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
And you know how you can trust me about that? William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Because you know, in the first debate, Mr. Bush made some news. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
He'd just said Jim Baker was going to be secretary of state and in the first debate he said no, now he's gonna be responsible for domestic economic policy. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
Well, I'll tell ya. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I'll make some news in the 3rd debate. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
The person responsible for domestic economic policy in my administration will be Bill Clinton. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I'm gonna make those decisions, and I won't raise taxes on the middle class to pay for my programs. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
President Bush, you have one minute. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
That's what worries me -- (Laughter and applause) -- that he's going to be responsible. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
He's going to do -- and he would do for the US what he's done to Arkansas. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
He would do for the US what he's done to Arkansas. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
We do not want to be the lowest of the low. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
We are not a nation in decline. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) We are a rising nation. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Now, my problem is -- I heard what he said. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
He said I want to take it from the rich, raise $150 billion from the rich. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
To get it, to get $150 billion in new taxes, you got to go down to the guy that's making $36,600. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
And if you want to pay for the rest of his plan, all the other spending programs, you're going to sock it to the working man. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
So when you hear "tax the rich," Mr. and Mrs. America, watch your wallet. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Lock your wallet because he's coming right after you just like Jimmy Carter did and just like you're going to get -- you're going to end up with interest rates at 21%, and you're going to have inflation going through the roof. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Yes, we're having tough times, but we do not need to go back to the failed policies of the past, when you had a Democratic president and a spendthrift Democratic Congress. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) George H. W. Bush NaN 1992 19 Oct 1992
Mr. Perot. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Jim, you permitted Mr. Bush to break the rules, he said, to defend the honor of the country. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
What about the honor of my state? William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
We rank first in the country in job growth, we got the lowest spending, state and local, in the country, and the 2nd lowest tax burden. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
And the difference between Arkansas and the US is that we're going in the right direction and this country's going in the wrong direction. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
And I have to defend the honor of my state. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
We've got a wash, according to my calculation. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
We have a wash. And we go to Mr. Perot for one minute. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
In other words, it's a violation of the rule, that's what I meant, Mr. Perot. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
So I'm the only one that's untarnished at this point? Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
That's right. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
You're clear. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
(Laughter and applause) Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I'm sure I'll do it before it's over. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
(Laughter) Key thing here, see, we all come up with images. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Images don't fix anything. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I think -- you know, I'm starting to understand it. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
You stay around this long enough, you think about -- if you talk about it in Washington, you think you did it. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
If you've been on television about it, you think you did it. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
(Laughter) What we need is people to stop talking and start doing. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Now, our real problem here is they both have plans that will not work. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
The Wall Street Journal said your numbers don't add up. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
And you can take it out on charts, you look at all the studies the different groups have done, you go out 4, 5, 6 years, we're still drifting along with a huge deficit. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
So let's come back to harsh reality, and what I -- you know, everybody says, gee, Perot, you're tough. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I'm saying, well, this is not as tough as World War II and it's not as tough as the revolution. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
And it's fair, shared sacrifice to do the right thing for our country and for our children. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
And it will be fun if we all work together to do it. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
All right. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
This is the last question, and it goes to President Bush for a 2-minute answer. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
And it will be asked by Helen. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Mr. President, why have you dropped so dramatically in the leadership polls, from the high 80s to the 40s? THOMAS O 1992 19 Oct 1992
And you have said that you will do anything you have to do to get reelected. THOMAS O 1992 19 Oct 1992
What can you do in 2 weeks to win reelection? THOMAS O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Well, I think the answer to why the drop, I think, has been the economy in the doldrums. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Why I'll win is I think I have the best plan of the 3 of us up here to do something about it. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Mine does not grow the government, it does not invest, have government invest. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
It says we need to do better in terms of stimulating private business. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
We got a big philosophical difference here tonight between one who thinks the government can do all these things through tax and spend, and one who thinks it ought to go the other way. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
And so I believe the answer is, I'm going to win it because I'm getting into focus my agenda for America's renewal, and also I think that Governor Clinton's had pretty much of a free ride. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
On looking specifically at the Arkansas record -- he keeps criticizing us, criticizing me, I'm the incumbent, fine. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
But he's an incumbent, and we've got to look at all the facts. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
They're almost at the bottom on every single category. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
We can't do that to the American people. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
And then, Helen, I really believe where people are going to ask this question about trust, because I do think there's a pattern by Governor Clinton of saying one thing to please one group, and then trying to please another group. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
And I think that pattern is a dangerous thing to suggest would work for the Oval Office. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
It doesn't work that way when you're president. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Truman is right. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
The buck stops there. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
And you have to make decisions even when it's against your own interest. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
And I've done that. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
It's against my political interest to say go ahead and go along with the tax increase, but I did what I thought was right at the time. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
So I think people are going to be looking for trust and experience. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
And then, I mentioned it the other night, I think if there's a crisis, people are going to say, well, George Bush has taken us through some tough crises, and we trust him to do that. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
And so I'll make the appeal on a wide array of issues. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Also I got a philosophical difference. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I got to watch the clock here. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I don't think we're a declining nation. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
The whole world has had economic problems. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
We're doing better than a lot of the countries in the world. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
And we're going to lead the way out of this economic recession across this world and economic slowdown here at home. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Mr. Perot, you have -- Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
That's why I think I'll win. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Mr. Perot -- sorry, excuse me, sir. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Mr. Perot, you have one minute. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I'm the last one, right? Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
No, Governor Clinton has a minute after you. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Then we have the closing statements. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
One minute after you. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Right. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I'm totally focussed on the fact that we may have bank failures and nobody answered it. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I'm totally focussed on the fact that we are still evading the issue of the Glaspie papers. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I'm totally focussed on the fact that we still could have enterprise zones, according to both parties, but we don't. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
So I am still focussed on gridlock, I guess. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
And I am also focussed on the fact that isn't it a paradox that we have the highest productivity in our workforce in the industrialized world and at the same time have the largest trade deficit, and at the same time rank behind 9 other nations in what we pay our most productive people in the world, and we're losing whole industries overseas. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Now, can't somebody agree with me that the government is breaking business's legs with these trade agreements? Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
They're breaking business's legs in a number of different ways. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
We have an adversarial relationship that's destroying jobs and sending them overseas while we have the finest workers in the world. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Keep in mind a factory worker has nothing to do with anything except putting it together on the factory floor. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
It's our obligation to make sure that we give him the finest products in the world to put together and we don't break his legs in the process. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Governor Clinton, one minute. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I really can't believe Mr. Bush is still trying to make trust an issue after "read my lips" and 15 million new jobs and embracing what he called voodoo economics and embracing an export enhancement program for farmers he threatened to veto and going all around the country giving out money in programs that he once opposed. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
But the main thing is he still didn't get it, from what he said the other night to that fine woman on our program, the 209 people in Richmond. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
They don't want us talking about each other. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
They want us to talk about the problems of this country. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I don't think he'll be reelected because trickle down economics is a failure and he's offering more of it, and what he's saying about my program is just not true. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Look at the Republicans that have endorsed me. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
High tech executives in Northern California. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
Look at the 24 generals and admirals, retired, that have endorsed me, including the deputy commander of Desert Storm. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
Look at Sarah Brady, Jim Brady's wife, President Reagan's press secretary, who endorsed me because he knuckled under to the NRA and wouldn't fight for the Brady Bill. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
We've got a broad-based coalition that goes beyond party because I am going to change this country and make it better, with the help of the American people. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
All right. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Now, that was the final question and answer and we now go to the closing statements. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Each candidate will have up to 2 minutes. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
The order was determined by a drawing. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Governor Clinton, you're first. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Governor. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
First, I'd like to thank the commission and my opponents for participating in these debates and making them possible. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I think the real winners of the debates were the American people. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I was especially moved in Richmond a few days ago when 209 of our fellow citizens got to ask us questions. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
They went a long way toward reclaiming this election for the American people and taking their country back. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I want to say, since this is the last time I'll be on a platform with my opponents, that even though I disagree with Mr. Perot on how fast we can reduce the deficit and how much we can increase taxes on the middle class, I really respect what he's done in this campaign to bring the issue of deficit reduction to our attention. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I'd like to say to Mr. Bush, even though I've got profound differences with him, I do honor his service to our country. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I appreciate his efforts and I wish him well. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I just believe it's time to change. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I offer a new approach. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
It's not trickle down economics. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
It's been tried for 12 years and it's failed. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
More people are working harder for less, 100,000 people a month losing their health insurance, unemployment going up, our economy slowing down. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
We can do better. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
And it's not tax and spend economics. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
It's invest and grow, put our people first, control health care costs and provide basic health care to all Americans, have an education system 2nd to none and revitalize the private economy. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
That is my commitment to you. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
It is the kind of change that can open up a whole new world of opportunities to America as we enter the last decade of this century and move towards the 21st century. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I want a country where people who work hard and play by the rules are rewarded, not punished. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I want a country where people are coming together across the lines of race and region and income. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I know we can do better. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
It won't take miracles and it won't happen overnight, but we can do much, much better if we have the courage to change. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Thank you very much. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 19 Oct 1992
President Bush, your closing statement, sir. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Three weeks from now -- 2 weeks from tomorrow, America goes to the polls and you're going to have to decide who you want to lead this country to economic recovery. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
On jobs -- that's the number one priority, and I believe my program for stimulating investment, encouraging small business, brand-new approach to education, strengthening the American family, and, yes, creating more exports is the way to go. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I don't believe in trickle-down government, I don't believe in larger taxes and larger government spending. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
On foreign affairs, some think it's irrelevant. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I believe it's not. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
We're living in an interconnected world. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
The whole world is having economic difficulties. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
The US is doing better than a lot. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
But we've got to do even better. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
And if a crisis comes up, I ask who has the judgment and the experience and, yes, the character to make the right decision? George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
And, lastly, the other night on character Governor Clinton said it's not the character of the president but the character of the presidency. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I couldn't disagree more. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Horace Greeley said the only thing that endures is character. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
And I think it was Justice Black who talked about great nations, like great men, must keep their word. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
And so the question is, who will safeguard this nation, who will safeguard our people and our children? George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
I need your support, I ask for your vote. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
And may God bless the US of America. George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) George H. W. Bush O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Mr. Perot, your closing statement, sir. Jim Lehrer O 1992 19 Oct 1992
To the millions of fine decent people who did the unthinkable and took their country back in their own hands and put me on the ballot, let me pledge to you that tonight is just the beginning. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
These next 2 weeks we will be going full steam ahead to make sure that you get a voice and that you get your country back. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
This Thursday night on ABC from 8:30 to 9, Friday night on NBC from 8 to 8:30, and Saturday night on CBS from 8 to 8:30, we'll be down in the trenches under the hood working on fixin' the old car to get it back on the road. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Now, the question is, can we win? Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Absolutely we can win, because it's your country. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
Question really is who do you want in the White House. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
It's that simple. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Now, you got to stop letting these people tell you who to vote for, you got to stop letting these folks in the press tell you you're throwing your vote away -- you got to start using your own head. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) Then the question is, can we govern? Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I love that one. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
The "we" is you and me. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
You bet your hat we can govern because we will be in there together and we will figure out what to do, and you won't tolerate gridlock, you won't tolerate endless meandering and wandering around, and you won't tolerate non-performance. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
And, believe me, anybody that knows me understands I have a very low tolerance for non-performance also. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 19 Oct 1992
Together we can get anything done. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 19 Oct 1992
The president mentioned that you need the right person in a crisis. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Well, folks, we got one, and that one is a financial crisis. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Pretty simply, who's the best-qualified person up here on the stage to create jobs? Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Make your decision and vote on November the 3rd. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I suggest you might consider somebody who's created jobs. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Who's the best person to manage money? Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
I suggest you pick a person who's successfully managed money. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Who's the best person to get results and not talk? Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Look at the record and make your decision. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
And, finally, who would you give your pension fund and your savings account to manage? Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
And, last one, who would you ask to be the trustee of your estate and take care of your children if something happened to you? Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Finally, to you students up there -- God bless you, I'm doing this for you: I want you to have the American dream. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) To the American people, I'm doing this because I love you. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
That's it. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
Thank you very much. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 19 Oct 1992
(APPLAUSE) Henry Ross Perot NaN 1992 19 Oct 1992
Brief, Governor Clinton. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Thank you. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
We have a question right here. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Yes. AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
How has the national debt personally affected each of your lives? AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
And if it hasn't, how can you honestly find a cure for the economic problems of the common people if you have no experience in what's ailing them? AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
May I answer that? Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Well, Mr. Perot -- yes, of course. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Who do you want to start with? Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
My question is for each of you, so- AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
It caused me to disrupt my private life and my business to get involved in this activity. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
That's how much I care about it. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
And believe me, if you knew my family and if you knew the private life I have, you would agree in a minute that that's a whole lot more fun than getting involved in politics. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
But I have lived the American dream. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I came from very modest background. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Nobody's been luckier than I've been, all the way across the spectrum, and the greatest riches of all are my wife and children. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
That's true of any family. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
But I want all the children -- I want these young people up here to be able to start with nothing but an idea like I did and build a business. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
But they've got to have a strong basic economy and if you're in debt, it's like having a ball and chain around you. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I just figure, as lucky as I've been, I owe it to them and I owe it to the future generations and on a very personal basis, I owe it to my children and grandchildren. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Thank you, Mr. Perot. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Mr. President. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Well, I think the national debt affects everybody. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
You personally. AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Obviously it has a lot to do with interest rates -- George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
She's saying, "you personally" Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
You, on a personal basis -- how has it affected you? AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Has it affected you personally? Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I'm sure it has. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I love my grandchildren -- George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
How? AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I want to think that they're going to be able to afford an education. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I think that that's an important part of being a parent. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
If the question -- maybe I -- get it wrong. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Are you suggesting that if somebody has means that the national debt doesn't affect them? George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
What I'm saying is -- AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I'm not sure I get -- help me with the question and I'll try to answer it. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Well, I've had friends that have been laid off from jobs. AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Yeah. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I know people who cannot afford to pay the mortgage on their homes, their car payment. AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I have personal problems with the national debt. AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
But how has it affected you and if you have no experience in it, how can you help us, if you don't know what we're feeling? AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I think she means more the recession -- the economic problems today the country faces rather than the deficit. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Well, listen, you ought to be in the White House for a day and hear what I hear and see what I see and read the mail I read and touch the people that I touch from time to time. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I was in the Lomax AME Church. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
It's a black church just outside of Washington, DC. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
And I read in the bulletin about teenage pregnancies, about the difficulties that families are having to make ends meet. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I talk to parents. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I mean, you've got to care. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Everybody cares if people aren't doing well. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
But I don't think it's fair to say, you haven't had cancer. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Therefore, you don't know what's it like. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I don't think it's fair to say, you know, whatever it is, that if you haven't been hit by it personally. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
But everybody's affected by the debt because of the tremendous interest that goes into paying on that debt everything's more expensive. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Everything comes out of your pocket and my pocket. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
So it's that. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
But I think in terms of the recession, of course you feel it when you're president of the US. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
And that's why I'm trying to do something about it by stimulating the export, vesting more, better education systems. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Thank you. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I'm glad you clarified it. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Governor Clinton. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Tell me how it's affected you again. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Um -- AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
You know people who've lost their jobs and lost their homes? William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Well, yeah, uh-huh. AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Well, I've been governor of a small state for 12 years. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I'll tell you how it's affected me. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Every year Congress and the president sign laws that make us do more things and gives us less money to do it with. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I see people in my state, middle class people -- their taxes have gone up in Washington and their services have gone down while the wealthy have gotten tax cuts. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I have seen what's happened in this last 4 years when -- in my state, when people lose their jobs there's a good chance I'll know them by their names. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
When a factory closes, I know the people who ran it. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
When the businesses go bankrupt, I know them. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
And I've been out here for 13 months meeting in meetings just like this ever since October, with people like you all over America, people that have lost their jobs, lost their livelihood, lost their health insurance. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
What I want you to understand is the national debt is not the only cause of that. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
It is because America has not invested in its people. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
It is because we have not grown. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
It is because we've had 12 years of trickle down economics. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
We've gone from first to twelfth in the world in wages. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
We've had 4 years where we've produced no private sector jobs. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Most people are working harder for less money than they were making ten years ago. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
It is because we are in the grip of a failed economic theory. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
And this decision you're about to make better be about what kind of economic theory you want, not just people saying I'm going to go fix it but what are we going to do? William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I think we have to do is invest in American jobs, American education, control American health care costs and bring the American people together again. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Thank you. AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Thank you, Governor Clinton. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
We are a little more than halfway through this program and I'm glad we're getting the diversity of questions that we are, and I don't want to forget these folks on the wings over here so let's go over here. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Do you have a question? Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Yes, I do. AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
My name is Ben Smith. AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I work in the financial field, counseling retirees, and I'm personally concerned about three major areas. AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
One is the Social Security Administration or trust fund is projected to be insolvent by the year 2036. AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
And we funded the trust fund with IOUs in the form of Treasury bonds. AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
The Pension Guarantee Fund, which backs up our private retirement plans for retirees, is projected to be bankrupt by the year 2026, not to mention the cutbacks by private companies. AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
And Medicare is projected to be bankrupt maybe as soon as 1997. AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
And I would like from each of you a specific response as to what you intend to do for retirees relative to these issues, not generalities but specifics because I think they're very disturbing issues. AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
President Bush, may we start with you? Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Well, the Social Security -- you're an expert and I could, I'm sure, learn from you the details of the Pension Guarantee Fund and the Social Security Fund. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
The Social Security system was fixed about 5 years, and I think it's projected out to be sound beyond that. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
So at least we have time to work with it. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
But on all of these things, a sound economy is the only way to get it going. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Growth in the economy is gonna add to the overall prosperity and wealth. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I can't give you a specific answer on Pension Guarantee Fund. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
All I know is that we have firm government credit to guarantee the pensions. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
And that is very important. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
But it's -- the full faith and credit of the US, in spite of our difficulties, is still pretty good. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
It's still the most respected credit. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
So I would simply say, as these dates get close, you're going to have to reorganize and refix as we did with the Social Security Fund. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
And I think that's the only answer. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
But the more immediate answer is to do what this lady was suggesting we do, and that is to get this deficit down and get on without adding to the woes, and then restructure. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
One thing I've called for that has been stymied, and I'll keep on working for it, is a whole financial reform legislation. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
It is absolutely essential in terms of bringing our banking system and credit system into the new age instead of having it living back in the dark ages. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
And it's a big fight. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
And I don't want to give my friend Ross another shot at me here but I am fighting with the Congress to get this through. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
And you can't just go up and say I'm going to fix it. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
You've got some pretty strong-willed guys up there that argue with you. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
But that's what the election's about. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I agree with the governor. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
That's what the election's about. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
And sound fiscal policy is the best answer, I think, to all the three problems you mentioned. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Thank you. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Mr. Perot. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
On the broad issue here, when you're trying to solve a problem, you get the best plans. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
You have a raging debate about those plans. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Then out of that debate, with leadership, comes consensus. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Then, if the plans are huge and complex like health care, I would urge you to implement pilot programs. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Like the old carpenter says measure twice, cut once. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Let's make sure this thing's as good as we all think it is at the end of the meeting. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Then finally, our government passes laws and freezes the plan in concrete. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Anybody that's ever built a successful business will tell you you optimize, optimize, optimize after you've put something into effect. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
The reason Medicare and Medicaid are a mess is we froze them. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Everybody knows how to fix them. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
There are people all over the federal government, if they could just touch it with a screwdriver, could fix it. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Now, back over here. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
See, we've got a $4 trillion debt and only in America would you have $2.8 trillion of it or 70% of it financed 5 years or less. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Now, that's another thing for you to think about when you go home tonight. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
You don't finance long-term debt with short-term money. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Why did our government do it? Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
To get the interest rates down. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
A 1% increase in interest rates in that $2.8 trillion is $28 billion a year. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Now, when you look at what Germany pays for money and what we don't pay for money, you realize there's quite a spread, right, and you realize this is a temporary thing and there's going to be another sucking sound that runs our deficit through the roof. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
You know, and everybody's ducking it so I'm gonna say it, that we are not letting that surplus stay in the bank. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
We are not investing that surplus like a pension fund. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
We are spending that surplus to make the deficit look smaller to you than it really is. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Now, that -- put you in jail in corporate America if you kept books that way but in government it's just kind of the way things are. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
That's because it comes at you, not from you. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Now then, that money needs to be -- they don't even pay interest on it. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
They just write a note for the interest. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Mr. Perot, can you wrap it up? Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Do you want to fix the problem or sound-bite it? Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I understand the importance of time but see, here's how we get to this mess we're in. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
But we've got to be fair. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
This is just 1 of 1000. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Now then, to nail it, there's one way out -- a growing, expanding job base. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
A growing, expanding job base to generate the funds and the tax revenues to pay off the mess and rebuild America. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
We've got to double-hit. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
If we're $4 trillion down, we should have everything perfect, but we don't. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
We've got to pay it off and build money to renew it- -spend money to renew it, and that's going to take a growing, expanding job base. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
That is priority one in this country. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Put everybody that's breathing to work. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
And I'd love to be out of workers and have to import them, like some of our international competitors. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Mr. Perot, I'm sorry. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I'm going to -- Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Sorry. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
And I don't want to sound-bite you but we are trying to be fair -- Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Okay. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
-- to everyone. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Absolutely. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I apologize. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
All right. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Governor Clinton. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I think I remember the question. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
(Laughter.) William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Let me say first of all, I want to answer your specific question but first of all, we all agree that there should be a growing economy. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
What you have to decide is who's got the best economic plan. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
And we all have ideas out there, and Mr. Bush has a record. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
So I don't want you to read my lips and I sure don't want you to read his. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I do hope you will read our plans. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Now, specifically, one, on Medicare, it is not true that everyone knows how to fix it. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
There are different ideas -- the Bush plan, the Perot plan, the Clinton -- we have different ideas. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I am convinced, having studied health care for a year hard and talking to hundreds and hundreds of people all across America, that you cannot control the cost of Medicare until you control the cost of private health care and public health care, with managed competition, ceiling on cost, and radical reorganization of the insurance markets. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
You've got to do that; we got to get those costs down. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Number 2, with regard to Social Security, that program -- a lot of you may not know this -- it produces a $70 billion surplus a year. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Social Security is in surplus $70 billion. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Six increases in the payroll tax -- that means people with incomes of $51,000 a year or less pay a disproportionally high share of the federal tax burden, which is why I want some middle-class tax relief. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
What do we have to do? William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
By the time the century turns, we have got to have our deficit under control, we have to work out of so that surplus is building up so when the baby boomers like me retire, we're okay. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Number 3, on the pension funds, I don't know as much about it, but I will say this. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
What I would do is to bring in the pension experts of the country, take a look at it, and strengthen the pension requirements further, because it's not just enough to have the guarantee. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
We had a guarantee on the S&Ls, right? William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
We had a guarantee -- and what happened? William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
You picked up a $500-billion bill because of the dumb way the federal government deregulated it. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
So I think we are going to have to change and strengthen the pension requirements on private retirement plans. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Thank you. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I think we have a question here on international affairs, hopefully. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
We've come to a position where we're in the new world order, and I'd like to know what the candidates feel our position is in this new world order, and what our responsibilities are as a superpower? AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Mr. President. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Well, we have come to that position. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Since I became president, 43, 44 countries have gone democratic, no longer totalitarian, no longer living under dictatorship or communist rule. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
This is exciting. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
New world order to me means freedom and democracy. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I think we will have a continuing responsibility, as the only remaining superpower, to stay involved. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
If we pull back in some isolation and say we don't have to do our share, or more than our share, anymore, I believe you are going to just ask for conflagration that we'll get involved in the future. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
NATO, for example, has kept the peace for many, many years, and I want to see us keep fully staffed in NATO so we'll continue to guarantee the peace in Europe. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
But the exciting thing is, the fear of nuclear war is down. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
And you hear all the bad stuff that's happened on my watch; I hope people will recognize that this is something pretty good for mankind. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I hope they'll think it's good that democracy and freedom is on the move. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
And we're going to stay engaged, as long as I'm president, working to improve things. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
You know, it's so easy now to say, hey, cut out foreign aid, we got a problem at home. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I think the US has to still have the Statue of Liberty as a symbol, caring for others. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Right this very minute we're sending supplies in to help these little starving kids in Somalia. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
It's the US that's taken the lead in humanitarian aid into Bosnia. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
We're doing this all around the world. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Yes, we got problems at home. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
And I think I got a good plan to help fix those problems at home. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
But because of our leadership, because we didn't listen to the freeze -- the nuclear-freeze group, do you remember -- freeze it, back in the late 70s -- freeze, don't touch it; we're going to lock it in now or else we'll have war. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
President Reagan said no, peace through strength. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
It worked. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
The Soviet Union is no more, and now we're working to help them become totally democratic through the Freedom Support Act that I led on, a great Democratic ambassador, Bob Strauss, over there, Jim Baker, all of us got this thing passed -- through cooperation, Ross -- it worked with cooperation, and you're for that, I'm sure, helping Russia become democratic. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
So the new world order to me means freedom and democracy, keep engaged, do not pull back into isolation. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
And we are the US, and we have a responsibility to lead and to guarantee the security. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
If it hadn't been for us, Saddam Hussein would be sitting on top of three-fifths of the oil supply of the world and he'd have nuclear weapons. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
And only the US could do this. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Excuse me, Carole. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Thank you. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Mr. Perot. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Well, it's cost-effective to help Russia succeed in its revolution; it's pennies on the dollar compared to going back to the Cold War. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Russia is still very unstable; they could go back to square one, and worse. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
All the nuclear weapons are not dismantled. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I am particularly concerned about the intercontinental weapons, the ones that can hit us. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
We've got agreements, but they are still there. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
With all this instability and breaking into republics, and all the Middle Eastern countries going over there and shopping for weapons, we've got our work cut out for us. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
So we need to stay right on top of that and constructively help them move toward democracy and capitalism. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
We have to have money to do that. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
We have to have our people at work. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
See, for 45 years we were preoccupied with the Red Army. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I suggest now that our number one preoccupation is red ink and our country and we've got to put our people back to work so that we can afford to do these things we want to do in Russia. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
We cannot be the policeman for the world any longer. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
We spent $300 billion a year defending the world. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Germany and Japan spend around $30 billion a piece. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
If I can get you to defend me and I can spend all my money building industry that's a home run for me. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Coming out of World War II it made sense. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Now, the other superpowers need to do their part. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I'll close on this point. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
You can't be a superpower unless you're an economic superpower. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
If we're not an economic superpower, we're a used to be and we will no longer be a force for good throughout the world. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
And if nothing else gets you excited about rebuilding our industrial base maybe that will because job one is to put our people back to work. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Governor Clinton, the president mentioned Saddam Hussein. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Your vice president and you have had some words about the president and Saddam Hussein. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Would you care to comment? Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I'd rather answer her question first and then I'll be glad to. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Because the question you ask is important. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
The end of the Cold War brings an incredible opportunity for change. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Winds of freedom blowing around the world, Russia demilitarizing. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
And it also requires us to maintain some continuity -- some bipartisan American commitment to certain principles. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
And I would just say there are three things that I would like to say -- number one -- we do have to maintain the world's strongest defense. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
We may differ about what the elements of that are. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I think that defense needs to be -- with fewer people in permanent armed services but with greater mobility on the land, in the air and on the sea, with a real dedication to continuing development of high technology weaponry and well trained people. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I think we're going to have to work to stop the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Got to keep going until all those nuclear weapons in Russia are gone and the other republics. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Number 2, if you don't rebuild the economic strength of this country at home, we won't be a superpower. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
We can't have any more instances like what happened when Mr. Bush went to Japan and the Japanese prime minister said he felt sympathy for our country. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
We have to be the strongest economic power in the world. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
That's what got me into this race, so we could rebuild the American economy. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
And number three, we need to be a force for freedom and democracy and we need to use our unique position to support freedom, whether it's in Haiti or in China or in any other place, wherever the seeds of freedom are sprouting. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
We can't impose it, but we need to nourish it and that's the kind of thing that I would do as president -- follow those three commitments into the future. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Okay. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
We have a question up there. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Yes. AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
We've talked a lot tonight about creating jobs. AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
But we have an awful lot of high school graduates who don't know how to read a ruler, who cannot fill out an application for a job. AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
How can we create high paying jobs with the education system we have and what would you do to change it? AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Who would like to begin -- the education president? Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Go ahead, sir. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Yeah, go ahead. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I'd be delighted to, because you can't do it the old way. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
You can't do it with the school bureaucracy controlling everything and that's why we have a new program that I hope people have heard about. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
It's being worked now in 1700 communities -- bypassed Congress on this one, Ross -- 1700 communities across the country. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
It's called America 2000. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
And it literally says to the communities, re-invent the schools, not just the bricks and mortar but the curriculum and everything else. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Think anew. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
We have a concept called the New American School Corporation where we're doing exactly that. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
And so I believe that we've got to get the power in the hands of the teachers, not the teachers' union. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
What's happening up there? George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
(Laughter) And so our America 2000 program also says this. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
It says let's give parents the choice of a public, private or public school -- public, private or religious school. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
And it works- -it works in Milwaukee. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Democratic woman up there -- taking the lead in this. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
The mayor up there, on the program. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
And the schools that are not chosen are improved -- competition does that. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
So we've got to innovate through school choice. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
We've got to innovate through this America 2000 program. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
But she is absolutely right. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
The programs that we've been trying where you control everything and mandate it from Washington don't work. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
The governors -- and I believe Governor Clinton was in on this -- but maybe -- I don't want to invoke him here. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
But they come to me and they say, please get the Congress to stop passing so many mandates telling us how to control things. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
We know better how to do it in California or Texas or wherever it is. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
So this is what our program is all about. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
And I believe you're right on to something, that if we don't change the education we're not going to be able to compete. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Federal funding for education is up substantially -- Pell grants are up. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
But it isn't going to get the job done if we don't change K through 12. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Governor Clinton. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
First of all, let me say that I've spent more of my time and life on this in the last 12 years than any other issue. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Seventy percent of my state's money goes to the public schools, and I was really honored when Time magazine said that our schools have shown more improvement than any other state in the country except one other -- they named 2 states showing real strides forward in the 80s. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
So I care a lot about this, and I've spent countless hours in schools. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
But let me start with what you said. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I agree with some of what Mr. Bush said, but it's nowhere near enough. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
We live in a world where what you earn depends on what you can learn, where the average 18- year-old will change jobs 8 times in a lifetime and where none of us can promise any of you that what you now do for a living is absolutely safe from now on. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Nobody running can promise that, there's too much change in the world. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
So what should we do? William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Let me reel some things off real quick, because you said you wanted specifics. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Number one, under my program we would provide matching funds to states to teach everybody with a job to read in the next 5 years and give everybody with a job the chance to get a high school diploma, in big places on the job. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Number 2, we would provide 2-year apprenticeship programs to high school graduates who don't go to college. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
And community colleges are on the job. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Number three, we'd open the doors to college education to high school graduates without regard to income. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
They could borrow the money and pay it back as a percentage of their income or with a couple of years of service to our nation here at home. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Number 4, we would fully fund the Head Start program to get little kids off to a good start. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
And, 5, I would have an aggressive program of school reform, more choices -- I favor public schools or these new charter schools -- we can talk about that if you want. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I don't think we should spend tax money on private schools. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
But I favor public school choice, and I favor radical decentralization in giving more power to better-trained principals and teachers with parent councils to control their schools. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Those things would revolutionize American education and take us to the top economically. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Thank you, Governor Clinton. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
What are they going to cost? AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
The question is, what is it going to cost? Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
What is it going to cost? Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
In 6 years -- I budget all this in my budget, and in 6 years the college program would cost 8 billion dollars over and above what -- the present student loan program costs 4; you pay 3 billion dollars for busted loans, because we don't have an automatic recovery system, and a billion dollars in bank fees. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
So the net cost would be 8 billion 6 years from now in a trillion-plus budget -- not very much. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
The other stuff -- all the other stuff I mentioned -- costs much less than that. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
The Head Start program full funding would cost about 5 billion more. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
And it's all covered in my budget from -- the plans that I've laid out -- from raising taxes on families with incomes above $200,000 and asking foreign corporations to pay the same tax that American corporations do on the same income, from $140 billion in budget cuts, including what I think are very prudent cuts in the defense budget. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
It's all covered in the plan. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Thank you. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Mr. Perot, you on education, please. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Yes, I've got scars to show for being around education reform. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
And the first word you need to say in every city and state, and just draw a line in the sand, is public schools exist for the benefit of the children. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
You're going to see a lot of people fall over it, because any time you're spending $199 billion dollars a year, somebody's getting it. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
And the children get lost in the process. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
So that's step one. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Keep in mind in 1960, when our schools were the envy of the world, we were spending $16 billion on them; now we spend more than any other nation in the world -- 199 billion a year -- and rank at the bottom of the industrialized world in terms of education achievement. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
One more time you've bought a front-row box seat and got a third-rate performance. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
This is a government that is not serving you. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
By and large it should be local -- the more local, the better. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Interesting phenomenon: small towns have good schools, big cities have terrible schools. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
The best people in a small town will serve on the school board; you get into big cities, it's political patronage, stepping stones -- you get the job, give your relatives a janitor's job at $57,000 a year, more than the teachers make, and with luck they clean the cafeteria once a week. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Now, you're paying for that. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Those schools belong to you. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
And we put up with that. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Now, as long as we put up with that, that's what you're going to get. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
And these folks are just dividing up 199 billion bucks and the children get lost. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
If I could wish for one thing for great public schools, it would be a strong family unit in every home -- nothing will ever replace that. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
You say, well, gee, what are you going to do about that? Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Well, the White House is a bully pulpit, and I think we ought to be pounding on the table every day. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
There's nothing -- the most efficient unit of government the world will ever know is a strong loving family unit. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Next thing. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
You need small schools, not big schools. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
In a little school everybody is somebody; individualism is very important. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
These big factories? Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Everybody told me they were cost-effective. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I did a study on it; they're cost- ineffective. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
5000 students -- why is a high school that big? Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
One reason. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Sooner or later you get 11 more boys that can run like the devil that weigh 250 pounds and they might win district. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Now, that has nothing to do with learning. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Secondly, across Texas, typically half of the school day was non-academic pursuits -- in one place it was 35%. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
In Texas you could have unlimited absences to go to livestock shows. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Found a boy -- excuse me, but this gives the flavor -- a boy in Houston kept a chicken in the bathtub in downtown Houston and missed 65 days going to livestock shows. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Finally had to come back to school, the chicken lost its feathers. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
That's the only way we got him back. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
(Laughter) Now, that's your tax money being wasted. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Now, neighborhood schools. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
It is terrible to bus tiny little children across town. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
And it is particularly terrible to take poor tiny little children and wait until the first grade and bus them across town to Mars, where the children know their numbers, know their letters, have had every advantage. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
At the end of the first day, that little child wants out. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I'll close on this. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
You've got to have world class teachers, world class books. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
If you ever got close to how textbooks were selected, you wouldn't want to go back the second day. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I don't have time to tell you the stories. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
No, you don't. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Finally, if we don't fix this, you're right. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
We can't have the industries of tomorrow unless we have the best educated workforce. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
And here you've got, for the disadvantaged children, you've got to have early childhood development. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Cheapest money you'll ever spend. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
First contact should be with the money when she's pregnant. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
That little child needs to be loved and hugged and nurtured and made to feel special, like your children were. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
They learn to think well or poorly of themselves in the first 18 months. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Thank you. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Thank you, Mr. Perot. AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
And in the first few years they either learn how to learn or don't learn how to learn. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
And if they don't, they wind up in prison. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Thank you, Mr. Perot. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
And it costs more to keep them in prison than it does to send them to Harvard. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I rest my case. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Thank you. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
President Bush, you wanted to answer. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I just had a word of clarification because of something Governor Clinton said. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
My school choice program, GI Bill for Kids, does not take public money and give it to private schools. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
It does what the GI Bill itself did when I came out of World War II. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
It takes public money and gives it to families or individuals to choose the school they want. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
And where it's been done, those schools, like in Rochester, those schools that weren't chosen find that they then compete and do better. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
So I think it's worth a shot. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
We've got a pilot program. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
It ought to be tried. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
School choice -- public, private or religious. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Not to the schools but to -- you know, 46% of the teachers in Chicago, public school teachers, send their kids to private school. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Now, I think we ought to try to help families and see if it will do what I think -- make all schools better. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I just want to mention if I could -- William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Very briefly. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Very briefly. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Including the parents in the preschool education of their kids, even if they're poor and uneducated, can make a huge difference. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
We have a big program in my state that teaches mothers or fathers to teach their kids to get ready for school. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
It's the most successful thing we've ever done. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Just a fact clarification real quickly. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
We do not spend a higher percentage of our income on public education than every other country. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
There are 9 countries that spend more than we do on public education. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
We spend more on education 'cause we spend so much more on colleges. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
But if you look at public education alone and you take into account the fact that we have more racial diversity and more poverty, it makes a big difference. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
There are great public schools where there's public school choice, accountability and brilliant principals. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I'll just mention one -- the Beasley Academic Center in Chicago. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I commend it to anybody. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
It's as good as any private school in the country. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
We have very little time left and it occurs to me that we have talked all this time and there has not been one question about some of the racial tensions and ethnic tensions in America. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Is there anyone in this audience that would like to pose a question to the candidates on this? Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
What I'd like to know, and this is to any of the three of you, is aside from the recent accomplishment of your party, aside from those accomplishments in racial representation, and without citing any of your current appointments or successful elections, when do you estimate your party will both nominate and elect an Afro-American and female ticket to the presidency of the U.S.? AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Governor Clinton, why don't you answer that first? Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Well, I don't have any idea but I hope it will happen some time in my lifetime. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I do, too. AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I believe that this country is electing more and more African Americans and Latinos and Asian Americans who are representing districts that are themselves not necessarily of a majority of their race. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
The American people are beginning to vote across racial lines, and I hope it will happen more and more. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
More and more women are being elected. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Look at all these women Senate candidates we have here. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
And you know, according to my mother and my wife and my daughter, this world would be a lot better place if women were running it most of the time. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I do think there are special experiences and judgments and backgrounds and understandings that women bring to this process, by the way. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
This lady said here, how have you been affected by the economy. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I mean, women know what's it like to be paid an unequal amount for equal work. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
They know what it's like not to have flexible working hours. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
They know what it's like not to have family leave or childcare. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
So I think it would be a good thing for America if it happened. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
And I think it will happen in my lifetime. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Okay. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I'm sorry. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
We have just a little bit of time left. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Let's try to get responses from each of them. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
President Bush or Mr. Perot? Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I think if Barbara Bush were running this year she'd be elected. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
But it's too late. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
(Laughter) You don't want us to mention appointees, but when you see the quality of people in our administration, see how Colin Powell performed -- I say administration -- George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
(Inaudible). AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
You weren't impressed with the fact that he -- George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Excuse me. AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I'm extremely impressed with that. AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Yeah, but wouldn't that suggest to the American people, then, here's a quality person, if he decided that he could automatically get the nomination of either party? George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Sure -- I just wanted to know -- yes. AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Huh? George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I'm totally impressed with that. AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I just wanted to know is, when's your- AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Oh, I see. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
When? AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
You mean, time? George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Yeah. AUDIENCE_MEMBER O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I don't know -- starting after 4 years. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
(Laughs) AUDIENCE_MEMBER O 1992 15 Oct 1992
No, I think you'll see -- George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Mr. Perot. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I think you'll see more minority candidates and women candidates coming forward. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
We have -- thank you. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
This is supposed to be the year of the women in the Senate. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Let's see how they do. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I hope a lot of -- George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Mr. Perot -- I don't want to cut you off any more but we only have a minute left. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I have a fearless forecast. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
A message just won't do it. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Colin Powell will be on somebody's ticket 4 years from now -- right? Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Right? Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
He wanted that said -- 4 years. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
How about a woman? Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Now, if won't be, General Waller would be -- you say, why do you keep picking military people. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
These are people that I just happen to know and have a high regard for. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I'm sure there are hundreds of others. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
How about Dr. Lou Sullivan? George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Absolutely. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Yeah, a good man. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
What about a woman? Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Oh, oh. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
(Inaudible) totally agree. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
My candidate's back there. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
(Laughs) Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Okay. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I can think of many. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Many? Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Absolutely. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
When? Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
All right. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
How about Sandra Day O'Connor as an example? Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Hm-hm. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Dr. Bernadine Healy -- Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Good. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
National Institutes of Health. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I'll yield the floor. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
All good Republicans. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Name some more. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
(Laughter) Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Thank you. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I want to apologize to our audience because there were 209 people here and there were 209 questions. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
We only got to a fraction of them and I'm sorry to those of you that didn't get to ask your questions but we must move to the conclusion of the program. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
It is time now for the 2 minute closing statements and by prior agreement President Bush will go first. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
May I ask for an exception because I think we owe Carole Simpson -- anybody who can stand in between these three characters here and get the job done -- we owe her a round of applause. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
(Applause) But don't take it out of my time! George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
(Applause) George H. W. Bush NaN 1992 15 Oct 1992
That's right. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I feel strongly about it because I don't want it to come out of my time. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Give this man more time. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
(Laughs) Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
No, but let me just stay to the American people in 2 and a half weeks we're going to choose who should sit in this Oval Office, who to lead the economic recovery, who to be the leader of the free world, who to get the deficit down. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
three ways to do that. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
One is to raise taxes. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
One is to reduce spending -- controlling that mandatory spending. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Another one is to invest and save and to stimulate growth. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I do not want to raise taxes. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I differ with the 2 here on that. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I'm just not going to do that. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I do believe that we need to control mandatory spending. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I think we need to invest and save more. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I believe that we need to educate better and retrain better. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I believe that we need to export more so I'll keep working for export agreements where we can sell more abroad and I believe that we must strengthen the family. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
We've got to strengthen the family. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Now, let me pose this question to America. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
If in the next 5 minutes a television announcer came on and said, there is a major international crisis -- there is a major threat to the world or in this country a major threat -- my question is, who, if you were appointed to name 1 of the 3 of us, who would you choose? George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Who has the perseverance, the character, the integrity, the maturity, to get the job done? George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I hope I'm that person. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Thank you very, very much. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Thank you, Mr. President. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
And now a closing statement from Mr. Perot. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
If the American people want to do it and not talk about it, then they ought to -- you know, I'm one person they ought to consider. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
If they just want to keep slow dancing and talk about it and not do it, I'm not your man. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I am results oriented. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I am action oriented. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I've dealt my businesses. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Getting things done in three months that my competitors took 18 months to do. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Everybody says you can't do that with Congress. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Sure, you can do that with Congress. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Congress -- they're all good people. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
They're all patriots but you've got to link arms and work with them. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Sure, you'll have arguments. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Sure, you'll have fights. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
We have them all day every day. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
But we get the job done. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Now, I have to come back in my clothes to one thing because I am passionate about education. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I was talking about early childhood education for disadvantaged little children. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
And let me tell you one specific pilot program where children who don't have a chance go to this program when they're 3. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Now we're going back to when the mother's pregnant and they'll start right after they're born. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Starting when they're 3 and going to this school until they're 9 and then going into the public school in the 4th grade. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Ninety percent are on the honor role. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Now that will change America. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Those children will all go to college. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
They will live the American dream. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
And I beg the American people, any time they think about reforming education to take this piece of society that doesn't have a chance and take these little pieces of clay that can be shaped and molded and give them the same love and nurture and affection and support you give your children and teach them that they're unique and that they're precious and that there's only one person in the world like them and you will see this nation bloom. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
And we will have so many people who are qualified for the top job that it will be terrific. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Now, finally, if you can't pay the bills you're dead in the water. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
And we have got to put our nation back to work. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Now, if you don't want to really do that I'm not your man. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I'd go crazy sitting up there slow dancing that one. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
In other words, unless we're going to do it, then pick somebody who likes to talk about it. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Now, just remember when you think about me -- I didn't create this mess. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I've been paying taxes just like you and Lord knows, I've paid my share -- over a billion in taxes. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
And for a guy that started out with everything he owned in the trunk of his car -- Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Mr. Perot, I'm sorry -- Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
-- that ain't bad. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
-- once again. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
But it's in your hands. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I wish you well. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I'll see you tomorrow night -- (Laughter) on NBC -- 10:30 to 11:00 Eastern Time. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
(Laughter) Henry Ross Perot NaN 1992 15 Oct 1992
And finally, last but not least -- Governor Clinton. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Thank you, Carole, and thank you, ladies and gentlemen. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Since I suggested this format I hope it's been good for all of you. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I really tried to be faithful to your request that we answer the questions specifically and pointedly. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I thought I owed that to you and I respect you for being here and for the impact you've had on making this a more positive experience. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
These problems are not easy. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
They're not going to be solved overnight. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
But I want you to think about just 2 or 3 things. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
First of all, the people of my state have let me be their governor for 12 years because I made commitments to 2 things -- more jobs and better schools. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Our schools are now better. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Our children get off to a better start from pre-school programs and smaller classes in the early grades, and we have one of the most aggressive adult education programs in the country. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
We talked about that. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
This year my state ranks first in the country in job growth, 4th in manufacturing in job growth, 4th in income growth, 4th in the decline of poverty. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I'm proud of that. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
It happened because I could work with people -- Republicans and Democrats. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
That's why we've had 24 retired generals and admirals, hundreds of business people, many of them Republican, support this campaign. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
You have to decide whether you want to change or not. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
We do not need 4 more years of an economic theory that doesn't work. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
We've had 12 years of trickle down economics. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
It's time to put the American people first, to invest and grow this economy. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I'm the only person here who's ever balanced a government budget and I've presented 12 of them and cut spending repeatedly. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
But you cannot just get there by balancing the budget. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
We've got to grow the economy by putting people first -- real people like you. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I got into this race because I did not want my child to grow up to be part of the first generation of Americans to do worse than her parents. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
We're better than that. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
We can do better than that. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I want to make America as great as it can be and I ask for your help in doing it. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Thank you very much. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Good evening and welcome to this second of three presidential debates between the major candidates for president of the US. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
The candidates are the Republican nominee, President George Bush, the independent Ross Perot and Governor Bill Clinton, the Democratic nominee. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
My name is Carole Simpson, and I will be the moderator for tonight's 90-minute debate, which is coming to you from the campus of the University of Richmond in Richmond, Virginia. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Now, tonight's program is unlike any other presidential debate in history. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
We're making history now and it's pretty exciting. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
An independent polling firm has selected an audience of 209 uncommitted voters from this area. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
The candidates will be asked questions by these voters on a topic of their choosing -- anything they want to ask about. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
My job as moderator is to, you know, take care of the questioning, ask questions myself if I think there needs to be continuity and balance, and sometimes I might ask the candidates to respond to what another candidate may have said. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Now, the format has been agreed to by representatives of both the Republican and Democratic campaigns, and there is no subject matter that is restricted. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Anything goes. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
We can ask anything. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
After the debate, the candidates will have an opportunity to make a closing statement. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
So, President Bush, I think you said it earlier -- let's get it on. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Let's go. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
And I think the first question is over here. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Yes. AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I'd like to direct my question to Mr. Perot. AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
What will you do as president to open foreign markets to fair competition from American business and to stop unfair competition here at home from foreign countries so that we can bring jobs back to the US? AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
That's right at the top of my agenda. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
We've shipped millions of jobs overseas and we have a strange situation because we have a process in Washington where after you've served for a while you cash in, become a foreign lobbyist, make $30,000 a month, then take a leave, work on presidential campaigns, make sure you've got good contacts and then go back out. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Now, if you just want to get down to brass tacks, first thing you ought to do is get all these folks who've got these 1-way trade agreements that we've negotiated over the years and say fellas, we'll take the same deal we gave you. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
And they'll gridlock right at that point because for example, we've got international competitors who simply could not unload their cars off the ships if they had to comply -- you see, if it was a 2-way street, just couldn't do it. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
We have got to stop sending jobs overseas. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
To those of you in the audience who are business people: pretty simple. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
If you're paying $12, $13, $14 an hour for a factory worker, and you can move your factory south of the border, pay $1 an hour for labor, hire a young -- let's assume you've been in business for a long time. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
You've got a mature workforce. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Pay $1 an hour for your labor, have no health care -- that's the most expensive single element in making the car. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Have no environmental controls, no pollution controls and no retirement. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
And you don't care about anything but making money. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
There will be a job-sucking sound going south. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
If the people send me to Washington the first thing I'll do is study that 2000-page agreement and make sure it's a 2-way street. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
One last point here. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I decided I was dumb and didn't understand it so I called a "Who's Who" of the folks that have been around it, and I said why won't everybody go south; they said it will be disruptive; I said for how long. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I finally got 'em for 12 to 15 years. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
And I said, well, how does it stop being disruptive? Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
And that is when their jobs come up from a dollar an hour to $6 an hour, and ours go down to $6 an hour; then it's leveled again, but in the meantime you've wrecked the country with these kind of deals. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
We got to cut it out. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Thank you, Mr. Perot. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I see that the president has stood up, so he must have something to say about this. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Carole, the thing that saved us in this global economic slowdown has been our exports, and what I'm trying to do is increase our exports. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
And if indeed all the jobs were going to move south because there are lower wages, there are lower wages now and they haven't done that. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
And so I have just negotiated with the president of Mexico the North American Free Trade Agreement -- and the prime minister of Canada, I might add -- and I want to have more of these free trade agreements, because export jobs are increasing far faster than any jobs that may have moved overseas. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
That's a scare tactic, because it's not that many. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
But any one that's here, we want to have more jobs here. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
And the way to do that is to increase our exports. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Some believe in protection. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I don't; I believe in free and fair trade, and that's the thing that saved us. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
So I will keep on as president trying to get a successful conclusion to the GATT Round, the big Uruguay Round of trade which will really open up markets for our agriculture particularly. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I want to continue to work after we get this NAFTA agreement ratified this coming year. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I want to get one with Eastern Europe; I want to get one with Chile. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
And free and fair trade is the answer, not protection. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
And, as I say, we've had tough economic times, and it's exports that have saved us, exports that have built. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Governor Clinton. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I'd like to answer the question, because I've actually been a governor for 12 years, so I've known a lot of people who have lost their jobs because of jobs moving overseas, and I know a lot of people whose plants have been strengthened by increasing exports. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
The trick is to expand our export base and to expand trade on terms that are fair to us. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
It is true that our exports to Mexico, for example, have gone up and our trade deficit has gone down; it's also true that just today a record high trade deficit was announced with Japan. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
So what is the answer? William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Let me just mention three things very quickly. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Number one, make sure that other countries are as open to our markets as our markets are to them, and, if they're not, have measures on the books that don't take forever and a day to implement. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Number two, change the tax code. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
There are more deductions in the tax code for shutting plants down and moving overseas than there are for modernizing plant and equipment here. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Our competitors don't do that. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Emphasize and subsidize modernizing plant and equipment here, not moving plants overseas. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Number three, stop the federal government's program that now gives low-interest loans and job training funds to companies that will actually shut down and move to other countries, but we won't do the same thing for plants that stay here. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
So more trade but on fair terms -- and favor investment in America. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Thank you. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I think we have a question over here. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
This is for Governor Clinton. AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
In the real world, that is, outside of Washington, DC, compensation and achievement are based on goals defined and achieved. AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
My question is about the deficit. AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Would you define in specific dollar goals how much you would reduce the deficit in each of the 4 years of a Clinton administration and then enter into a legally binding contract with the American people, that if you did not achieve those goals that you would not seek a 2nd term? AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Answer yes or no and then comment on your answer, please. AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
No, and here's why. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
And I'll tell you exactly why. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Because the deficit now has been building up for 12 years. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I'll tell you exactly what I think can be done. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I think we can bring it down by 50% in 4 years and grow the economy. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Now, I could get rid of it in 4 years in theory on the books now, but to do it you'd have to raise taxes too much and cut benefits too much to people who need them and it would even make the economy worse. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Mr. Perot will tell you, for example, that the expert he hired to analyze his plan says that it will bring the deficit down in 5 years but it will make unemployment bad for 4 more years. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
So my view is, sir, you have to increase investment, grow the economy and reduce the deficit by controlling health care costs, prudent reductions in defense, cuts in domestic programs and asking the wealthiest Americans and foreign corporations to pay their fair share of taxes and investing and growing this economy. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I ask everybody to look at my economic ideas and 9 Nobel prize winners and over 500 economists and hundreds of business people, including a lot of Republicans said, this is the way you've got to go. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
If you don't grow the economy you can't get it done. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
But I can't foresee all the things that will happen, and I don't think a president should be judged solely on the deficit. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Let me also say, we're having an election today. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
You'll have a shot at me in 4 years and you can vote me right out if you think I've done a lousy job and I would welcome you to do that. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Mr. President. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Well, I'm a little confused here, because I don't see how you can grow the deficit down by raising people's taxes. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
You see, I don't think the American people are taxed too little. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I think they're taxed too much. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I went for one tax increase and when I make a mistake I admit it. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I said that wasn't the right thing to do. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Governor Clinton's program wants to tax more and spend more -- $150 billion in new taxes, spend another $220. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I don't believe that's the way to do it. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Here's some thing that'll help. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Give us a balanced budget amendment. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
He always talks about Arkansas having a balanced budget and they do, but he has a balanced budget amendment. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Have to do it. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I'd like the government to have that. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
And I think it would discipline not only the Congress, which needs it, but also the executive branch. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I'd like to have what 43 governors have -- the line item veto, so if the Congress can't cut, and we've got a reckless spending Congress, let the president have a shot at it by wiping out things that are pork barrel or something of that nature. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I've proposed another one. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Some sophisticates think it may be a little gimmicky. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I think it's good. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
It's a check- off. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
It says to you as a taxpayer -- say you're going to pay a tax of 1000 bucks or something. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
You can check 10% of that if you want to, in the 1 box, and that 10%, $100, or if you're paying $10,000, whatever it is, $1000, check it off and make the government, make it lower the deficit by that amount. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
And if the Congress won't do it, if they can't get together and negotiate how to do that, then you'd have a sequester across the board. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
You'd exempt Social Security -- I don't want to tax or touch Social Security. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I'm the president that said hey, don't mess with Social Security, and we haven't. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
So I believe that we need to control the growth of mandatory spending, back to this gentleman's question. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
That's the main growing thing in the budget. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
The program that the president -- two-thirds of the budget, I as president never get to look at, never get to touch. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
We've got to control that growth to inflation and population increase, but not raise taxes on the American people now. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I just don't believe that would stimulate any kind of growth at all. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
How about you, Mr. Perot? Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Well, we're $4 trillion in debt. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
We're going into debt an additional $1 billion, little more than $1 billion every working day of the year. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Now, the thing I love about it -- I'm just a businessman. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I was down in Texas taking care of business, tending to my family. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
This situation got so bad that I decided I'd better get into it. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
The American people asked me to get into it. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
But I just find it fascinating that while we sit here tonight we will go into debt an additional $50 million in an hour and a half. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Now, it's not the Republicans' fault, of course, and it's not the Democrats' fault. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
And what I'm looking for is who did it? Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Now, they're the 2 folks involved so maybe if you put them together, they did it. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Now, the facts are we have to fix it. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I'm here tonight for these young people up here in the balcony from this college. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
When I was a young man, when I got out of the Navy I had multiple job offers. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Young people with high grades can't get a job. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
People -- the 18- to 24-year-old high school graduates 10 years ago were making more than they are now. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
In other words, we were down to 18% of them were making -- 18- to 24-year- olds were making less than $12,000. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Now that's up to 40%. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
And what's happened in the meantime? Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
The dollar's gone through the floor. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Now, whose fault is that? Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Not the Democrats. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Not the Republicans. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Somewhere out there there's an extraterrestrial that's doing this to us, I guess. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
And everybody says they take responsibility. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Somebody somewhere has to take responsibility for this. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Put it to you bluntly, American people. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
If you want me to be your president, we're going to face our problems. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
We’ll deal with our problems, we’ll solve our problems. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
We'll down our debt. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
We'll pass on the American dream to our children, and I will not leave our children a situation that they have today. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
When I was a boy it took 2 generations to double the standard of living. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Today it will take 12 generations. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Our children will not see the American dream because of this debt that somebody somewhere dropped on us. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
You're all wonderful speakers, and I know you have lots more to add, but I've talked to this audience, and they have lots of questions on other topics. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Can we move to another topic, please? Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
We have one up here, I think. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Yes, I'd like to address all the candidates with this question. AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
The amount of time the candidates have spent in this campaign trashing their opponents' character and their programs is depressingly large. AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Why can't your discussions and proposals reflect the genuine complexity and the difficulty of the issues to try to build a consensus around the best aspects of all proposals? AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Who wants to take that one? Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Mr. Perot, you have an answer for everything, don't you? Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Go right ahead, sir. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
No, I don't have an answer for everything. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
As you all know, I've been buying 30-minute segments to talk about issues. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
And tomorrow night on NBC, from 10:30 to 11 Eastern, we're going to talk about how you pay the debt down, so we're going to come right down to that one. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
We'll be on again Saturday night, 8 to 9 o'clock on ABC. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
So the point is -- Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Like Jerry Brown, the 800 number. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
-- I couldn't agree with you more, couldn't agree with you more. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
And I have said again and again and again let's get off mud wrestling, let's get off personalities and let's talk about jobs, health care, crime, the things that concern the American people. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I'm spending my money -- not PAC money, not foreign money, my money -- to take this message to the people. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Thank you, Mr. Perot. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
So that seems directed; he would say it's you gentlemen that have been doing that. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Mr. Clinton, Governor Clinton -- oh, President Bush, how would you like to respond? Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Well, in the first place, I believe that character is a part of being president. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I think you have to look at it. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I think that has to be a part of a candidate for president or being president. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
In terms of programs, I've submitted, what, 4 different budgets to the US Congress in great detail. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
It's so heavy they'd give you a broken back. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
And everything in there says what I am for. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Now I've come out with a new agenda for America's renewal, a plan that I believe really will help stimulate the growth of this economy. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
My record on world affairs is pretty well known because I've been president for 4 years, so I feel I've been talking issues. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
You know, nobody likes who shot John, but I think the first negative campaign run in this election was by Governor Clinton, and I'm not going to sit there and be a punching bag; I'm going to stand up and say, hey, listen, here's my side of it. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
But character is an important part of the equation. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
The other night Governor Clinton raised my -- I don't know if you saw the debate the other night. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
You did -- suffered through that? George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Well, he raised the question of my father -- it was a good line, well rehearsed and well delivered. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
But he raised the question of my father and said, well, your father, Prescott Bush, was against McCarthy, you should be ashamed of yourself, McCarthyism. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I remember something my dad told me -- I was 18 years old going to Penn Station to go on into the Navy, and he said write your mother -- which I faithfully did; he said serve your country -- my father was an honor, duty and country man; and he said tell the truth. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
And I've tried to do that in public life, all through it. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
That says something about character. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
My argument with Governor Clinton -- you can call it mud wrestling, but I think it's fair to put it in focus is -- I am deeply troubled by someone who demonstrates and organizes demonstration in a foreign land when his country's at war. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Probably a lot of kids here disagree with me. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
But that's what I feel. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
That's what I feel passionately about. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I'm thinking of Ross Perot's running mate sitting in the jail. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
How would he feel about it? George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
But maybe that's generational. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I don't know. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
But the big argument I have with the governor on this is this taking different positions on different issues -- trying to be one thing to one person here that's opposing the NAFTA agreement and then for it -- what we call waffling. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
And I do think that you can't turn the White House into the Waffle House. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
You've got to say what you're for and you've got to -- George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Mr. President, I'm getting time cues and with all due respect -- Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Excuse me. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I don't want to -- George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I'm sorry. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I don't want to -- George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Governor Clinton. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I get wound up because I feel strongly -- George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Yes, you do. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
(Laughter) Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Let me say first of all to you that I believe so strongly in the question you asked that I suggested this format tonight. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I started doing these formats a year ago in New Hampshire and I found that we had huge crowds because all I did was let people ask questions and I tried to give very specific answers. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I also had a program starting last year. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I've been disturbed by the tone and the tenor of this campaign. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Thank goodness the networks have a fact check so I don't have to just go blue in the face anymore. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Mr. Bush said once again I was going to have $150 billion tax increase. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
When Mr. Quayle said that all the networks said, that's not true. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
He's got over $100 billion of tax cuts and incentives. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
So I'm not going to take up your time tonight, but let me just say this. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
We'll have a debate in 4 days and we can talk about this character thing again. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
But the Washington Post ran a long editorial today saying they couldn't believe Mr. Bush was making character an issue and they said he was the greatest quote "political chameleon" for changing his positions of all times. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Now, I don't want to get into that -- William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Please don't get into the Washington Post. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Wait a minute. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Let's don't -- you don't have to believe it. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Here's my point. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I'm not interested in his character. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I want to change the character of the presidency. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
And I'm interested in what we can trust him to do and what you can trust me to do and what you can trust Mr. Perot to do for the next 4 years. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
So I think you're right and I hope the rest of the night belongs to you. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
May I -- I talked to this audience before you gentlemen came and I asked them about how they felt about the tenor of the campaign. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Would you like to let them know what you thought about that, when I said are you pleased with how the campaign's been going? Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
(Audience: "No.") Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Who wants to say why you don't like the way the campaign is going? Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
We have a gentleman back here. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
And forgive the notes here but I'm shy on camera. AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
The focus of my work as a domestic mediator is meeting the needs of the children that I work with, by way of their parents, and not the wants of their parents. AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
And I ask the three of you, how can we, as symbolically the children of the future president, expect the two of you, the three of you to meet our needs, the needs in housing and in crime and you name it, as opposed to the wants of your political spin doctors and your political parties? AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
So your question is? Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Can we focus on the issues and not the personalities and the mud? AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I think there's a need, if we could take a poll here with the folks from Gallup perhaps, I think there's a real need here to focus at this point on the needs. AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
How do you respond? Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
How do you gentlemen respond to -- Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I agree with him. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Let's do it. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
President Bush? Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Let's do it. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Let's talk about programs for children. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Could we cross our hearts? AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
It sounds silly here but could we make a commitment? AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
You know, we're not under oath at this point but could you make a commitment to the citizens of the US to meet our needs, and we have many, and not yours again? AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I repeat that. AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
It's a real need, I think, that we all have. AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I think it depends how you define it. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I mean, I think in general, let's talk about these issues. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Let's talk about the programs. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
But in the presidency, a lot goes into it. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Caring goes into it. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
That's not particularly specific. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Strength goes into it. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
That's not specific. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Standing up against aggression. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
That's not specific in terms of a program. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
This is what a president has to do. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
So in principle, though, I'll take your point and think we ought to discuss child care or whatever else it is. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
And you, too? Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Ross had his hand up. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Yes. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Just no hedges, no ifs, ands and buts. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I'll take the pledge because I know the American people want to talk about issues and not tabloid journalism. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
So I'll take the pledge and will stay on the issues. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Now, just for the record, I don't have any spin doctors. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I don't have any speechwriters. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Probably shows. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I make those charts you see on television. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
But you don't have to wonder if it's me talking. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
See, what you see is what you get and if you don't like it, you got two other choices, right? Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Wait a minute. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I want to say just one thing now, Ross, in fairness. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
The ideas I express are mine. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I've worked on these things for 12 years and I'm the only person up here who hasn't been part of Washington in any way for the last 20 years. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
So I don't want the implication to be that somehow everything we say is just cooked up and put in our head by somebody else. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I worked 12 years very hard as a governor on the real problems of real people. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I'm just as sick as you are by having to wake up and figure out how to defend myself every day. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I never thought I'd ever be involved in anything like this. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
May I finish? Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Yes, you may finish. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Very briefly? Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Yes, very briefly. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
And I don't have any foreign money in my campaign. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I don't have any foreign lobbyists on leave in my campaign. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I don't have any PAC money in my campaign. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I've got 5.5 million hard-working people who put me on the ballot, and I belong to them. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
And they're interested in what you're interested in. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I take the pledge. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I've already taken the pledge on cutting the deficit in half. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I never got to say that. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
There's a great young group, Lead or Leave, college students, young people, who don't want us to spend their money. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I took the pledge we'd cut it out. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Thank you. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
We have a question here. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Yes. AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I would like to get a response from all three gentlemen. AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
And the question is, what are your plans to improve the physical infrastructure of this nation, which includes the water system, the sewer system, our transportation systems, etcetera. AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Thank you. AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
The cities. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Who's going to fix the cities and how? Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I'll be glad to take a shot at it. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Please. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I'm not sure that -- and I can understand if you haven't seen this, because there's been a lot of hue and cry. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
We passed this year the most furthest looking transportation bill in the history of this country since Eisenhower started the interstate highways -- $150 billion for improving the infrastructure. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
That happened when I was president. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
And so I'm very proud of the way that came about and I think it's a very, very good beginning. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Like Mr. Perot, I am concerned about the deficits and $150 billion is a lot of money, but it's awful hard to say we're going to go out and spend more money when we're trying to get the deficit down. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
But I would cite that as a major accomplishment. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
We hear all the negatives. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
When you're president you expect this. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Everybody's running against the incumbent. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
They can do better. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Everyone knows that. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
But here's something that we can take great pride in because it really does get to what you're talking about. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Our home initiative -- our home ownership initiative -- HOPE -- that passed the Congress is a good start for having people own their own homes instead of living in these deadly tenements. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Our enterprise zones, that we hear a lot of lip service about in Congress, would bring jobs into the inner city. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
There's a good program. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
And I need the help of everybody across this country to get it passed in a substantial way by the Congress. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
When we went out to south central in Los Angeles -- some of you may remember the riots there. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I went out there. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I went to a boys' club. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
And everyone of them -- the boys' club leaders, the ministers -- all of them were saying pass enterprise zones. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
We go back to Washington and very difficult to get it through the Congress. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
But there's going to be a new Congress. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
No one likes gridlock. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
There's going to be a new Congress because the old one -- I don't want to get this man made at me -- but there was a post office scandal and a bank scandal. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
You're going to have a lot of new members of Congress. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
And then you can sit down and say, help me do what we should for the cities. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Help me pass these programs. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Mr. President, aren't you threatening to veto the bill -- the urban aid bill -- that included enterprise zones? Carole Simpson Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Sure, but the problem is, you get so many things included in a great big bill that you have to look at the overall good. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
That's the problem with our system. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
If you had a line item veto you could knock out the pork. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
You could knock out the tax increases and you could do what the people want, and that's create enterprise zones. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Governor Clinton, you're chomping at the bit. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
That bill pays for these urban enterprise zones by asking the wealthiest Americans to pay a little more. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
And that's why he wants to veto it, just like he vetoed an earlier bill this year. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
This is not mud slinging. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
This is fact slinging -- a bill earlier this year. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
This is facts -- that would have given investment tax credits and other incentives to reinvest in our cities, in our country. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
But it asked the wealthiest Americans to pay a little more. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Mr. Perot wants to do the same thing. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I agree with him. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I mean, we agree with that. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
But let me tell you specifically what my plan does. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
My plan would dedicate $20 billion a year in each of the next 4 years for investments in new transportation, communications, environmental clean-ups and new technologies for the 21st century. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
And we would target it especially in areas that have been either depressed or which have lost a lot of defense related jobs. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
There are 200,000 people in California, for example, who have lost their defense related jobs. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
They ought to be engaged in making high speed rail. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
They ought to be engaged in breaking ground in other technologies, doing waste recycling, clean water technology and things of that kind. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
We can create millions of jobs in these new technologies- -more than we're going to lose in defense -- if we target it. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
But we're investing a much smaller percentage of our income in the things you just asked about than all of our major competitors, and our wealth growth is going down as a result of it. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
It's making the country poorer, which is why I answered the gentleman the way I did before. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
We have to both bring down the deficit and get our economy going through these kinds of investments in order to get the kind of wealth and jobs and incomes we need in America. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Mr. Perot, what about your plans for the cities? Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
You want to tackle the economy and the deficit first. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
First you've got to have money to pay for these things. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
So you've got to create jobs. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
There are all kinds of ways to create jobs in the inner city. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I'm not a politician, but I think I could go to Washington in a week and get everybody holding hands and get this bill signed because I talk to the Democratic leaders and they want it. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I talk to the Republican leaders and they want it. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
But since they're bred from childhood to fight with one another rather than get results, you know, I would be glad to drop out and spend a little time and see if we couldn't build some bridges. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Now, results is what counts. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
The president can't order Congress around. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Congress can't order the president around. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
That's not bad for a guy that's never been there, right? Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
But you have to work together. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Now, I have talked to the chairmen of the committees that want this. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
They're Democrats. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
The president wants it, but we can't get it because we sit here in gridlock because it's a campaign year. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
We didn't fund a lot of other things this year, like the savings and loan mess. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
That's another story that we're going to pay a big price for right after the election. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
The facts are though -- the facts are -- the American people are hurting. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
These people are hurting in the inner cities. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
We're shipping the quote, "low paying jobs" overseas. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
What are low paying jobs? Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Textiles, shoes, things like that that we say are yesterday's industries. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
They're tomorrow's industries in the inner cities. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Let me say in my case, if I'm out of work, I'll cut grass tomorrow to take care of my family; I'll be happy to make shoes, I'll be happy to make clothing, I'll make sausage. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
You just give me a job. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Put those jobs in the inner cities instead of doing diplomatic deals and shipping them to China where prison labor does the work. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Mr. Perot, everybody thought you won the first debate because you were plain-speaking and you made it sound, oh, so simple. Carole Simpson Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Well, just do it. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
What makes you think that you're going to be able to get the Democrats and Republicans together any better than these guys? Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
If you ask me if I could fly a fighter plane or be an astronaut, I can't. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I've spent my life creating jobs. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
That's something I know how to do. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
And, very simply, in the inner city, they're starved -- you see, small business is the way to jump start the inner city, not -- Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Are you answering my question? Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
You want jobs in the inner city? Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Do you want jobs in the inner city? Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Is that your question? Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
No, I want you to tell me how you're going to be able to get the Republicans and Democrats in Congress to work together better than these two gentlemen. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Oh, I'm sorry. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Well, I've listened to both sides, and if they would talk to one another instead of throwing rocks, I think we could get a lot done. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
And, among other things, I would say, okay, over here in this Senate committee to the chairman who is anxious to get this bill passed, the president who is anxious, I'd say rather than just yelling at one another, why don't we find out where we're apart, try to get together, get the bill passed and give the people the benefits and not play party politics right now. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
And I think the press would follow that so closely that probably they would get it done. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
That's the way I would do it. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I doubt if they'll give me the chance, but I will drop everything and go work on it. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Okay, I have a question here. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
My question was originally for Governor Clinton, but I think I would welcome a response from all three candidates. AUDIENCE_QUESTION Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
As you are aware, crime is rampant in our cities. AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
And in the Richmond area -- and I'm sure it's happened elsewhere -- 12-year-olds are carrying guns to school. AUDIENCE_QUESTION Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
And I'm sure when our Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution they did not mean for the right to bear arms to apply to 12-year-olds. AUDIENCE_QUESTION Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
So I'm asking: Where do you stand on gun control, and what do you plan to do about it? AUDIENCE_QUESTION Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Governor Clinton? Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I support the right to keep and bear arms. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I live in a state where over half the adults have hunting or fishing licenses, or both. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
But I believe we have to have some way of checking hand guns before they're sold, to check the criminal history, the mental health history, and the age of people who are buying them. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Therefore I support the Brady bill which would impose a national waiting period unless and until a state did what only Virginia has done now, which is to automate its records. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Once you automate your records, then you don't have to have a waiting period, but at least you can check. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I also think we should have frankly restrictions on assault weapons whose only purpose is to kill. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
We need to give the police a fighting chance in our urban areas where the gangs are building up. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
The third thing I would say -- it doesn't bear directly on gun control, but it's very important -- we need more police on the street. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
There is a crime bill which would put more police on the street, which was killed for this session by a filibuster in the Senate, mostly be Republican senators, and I think it's a shame it didn't pass, I think it should be made the law -- but it had the Brady bill in it, the waiting period. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I also believe that we should offer college scholarships to people who will agree to work them off as police officers, and I think, as we reduce our military forces, we should let people earn military retirement by coming out and working as police officers. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Thirty years ago there were three police officers on the street for every crime; today there are three crimes for every police officer. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
In the communities which have had real success putting police officers near schools where kids carry weapons, to get the weapons out of the schools, are on the same blocks, you've seen crime go down. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
In Houston there's been a 15- percent drop in the crime rate in the last year because of the work the mayor did there in increasing the police force. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
So I know it can work; I've seen it happen. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Thank you. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
President Bush? Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I think you put your finger on a major problem. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I talk about strengthening the American family and it's very hard to strengthen the family if people are scared to walk down to the corner store and, you know, send their kid down to get a loaf of bread. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
It's very hard. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I have been fighting for very strong anti-crime legislation -- habeas corpus reform, so you don't have these endless appeals, so when somebody gets sentenced, hey, this is for real. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I've been fighting for changes in the exclusionary rule so if an honest cop stops somebody and makes a technical mistake, the criminal doesn't go away. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I'll probably get into a fight in this room with some but I happen to think that we need stronger death penalties for those that kill police officers. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Virginia's in the lead in this, as Governor Clinton properly said, on this identification system for firearms. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I am not for national registration of firearms. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Some of the states that have the toughest anti-gun laws have the highest levels of crime. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I am for the right, as the governor says- -I'm a sportsman and I don't think you ought to eliminate all kinds of weapons. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
But I was not for the bill that he was talking about because it was not tough enough on the criminal. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I'm very pleased that the Fraternal Order of Police in Little Rock, Arkansas endorsed me because I think they see I'm trying to strengthen the anti-crime legislation. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
We've got more money going out for local police than any previous administration. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
So we've got to get it under control and there's one last point I'd make. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Drugs. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
We have got to win our national strategy against drugs, the fight against drugs. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
And we're making some progress, doing a little better on interdiction. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
We're not doing as well amongst the people that get to be habitual drug-users. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
The good news is, and I think it's true in Richmond, teenage use is down of cocaine, substantially, 60% in the last couple of years. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
So we're making progress but until we get that one done, we're not going to solve the neighborhood crime problem. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Mr. Perot, there are young black males in America dying at unprecedented rates -- Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I didn't get to make a comment on this. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Yes, I'm getting to that. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Oh, you're going to let me. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Excuse me. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
The fact that homicide is the leading cause of death among young black males 15 to 24 years old. Carole Simpson Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
What are you going to do to get the guns off the street? Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
On any program, and this includes crime, you'll find we have all kinds of great plans lying around that never get enacted into law and implemented. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I don't care what it is -- competitiveness, health care, crime, you name it. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Brady Bill, I agree that it's a timid step in the right direction but it won't fix it. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
So why pass a law that won't fix it? Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Now, what it really boils down to is can you live -- we become so preoccupied with the rights of the criminal that we've forgotten the rights of the innocent. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
And in our country we have evolved to a point where we've put millions of innocent people in jail because you go to the poor neighborhoods and they've put bars on their windows and bars on their doors and put themselves in jail to protect the things that they acquired legitimately. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
That's where we are. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
We have got to become more concerned about people who play by the rules and get the balance we require. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
This is going to take first, building a consensus at grassroots America. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Right from the bottom up, the American people have got to say they want it. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
And at that point, we can pick from a variety of plans and develop new plans. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
And the way you get things done is bury yourselves in the room with one another, put together the best program, take it to the American people, use the electronic town hall, the kind of thing you're doing here tonight, build a consensus and then do it and then go on to the next one. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
But don't just sit here slow dancing for 4 years doing nothing. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Thank you. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Thank you, Mr. Perot. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
We have a question up here. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Please state your position on term limits, and, if you are in favor of them, how will you get them enacted? AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Any order? George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I'll be glad to respond. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Thank you. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I strongly support term limits for members of the US Congress. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I believe it would return the government closer to the people, the way that Ross Perot is talking about. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
The president's terms are limited to 2, a total of 8 years. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
What's wrong with limiting the terms of members of Congress to 12? George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Congress has gotten kind of institutionalized. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
For 38 years one party has controlled the House of Representatives, and the result, a sorry little post office that can't do anything right and a bank that has more overdrafts than all the Chase Bank and Citibank put together. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
We've got to do something about it. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
And I think you get a certain arrogance, bureaucratic arrogance, if people stay there too long. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
And so I favor, strongly favor, term limits. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
And how to get them passed? George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Send us some people that will pass the idea. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
And I think you will. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I think the American people want it now. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Every place I go I talk about it, and I think they want it done. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Actually, you'd have to have some amendments to the Constitution because of the way the Constitution reads. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Thank you. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Governor Clinton. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I know they're popular, but I'm against them. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I'll tell you why. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I believe, number one, it would pose a real problem for a lot of smaller states in the Congress who have enough trouble now making sure their interests are heard. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Number 2, I think it would increase the influence of unelected staff members in the Congress who have too much influence already. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I want to cut the size of the congressional staffs, but I think you're going to have too much influence there with people who were never elected, who have lots of expertise. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Number 3, if the people really have a mind to change, they can. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
You're going to have 120 to 150 new members of Congress. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Now, let me tell you what I favor instead. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I favor strict controls on how much you can spend running for Congress, strict limits on political action committees, requirements that people running for Congress appear in open public debates like we're doing now. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
If you did that you could take away the incumbents' advantage because challengers like me would have a chance to run against incumbents like him for House races and Senate races, and then the voters could make up their own mind without being subject to an unfair fight. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
So that's how I feel about it, and I think if we had the right kind of campaign reform, we'd get the changes you want. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Mr. Perot, would you like to address term limitations? Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Yes. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Let me do first on a personal level. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
If the American people send me up to do this job, I intend to be there one term. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I do not intend to spend one minute of one day thinking about re-election. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
And as a matter of principle -- and my situation is unique, and I understand it -- I would take absolutely no compensation; I go as their servant. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Now, I have set as strong an example as I can, then at that point when we sit down over at Capitol Hill -- tomorrow night I'm going to be talking about government reform -- it's a long subject, you wouldn't let me finish tonight. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
If you want to hear it, you get it tomorrow night -- you'll hear it tomorrow night. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
But we have got to reform government. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
If you put term limits in and don't reform government, you won't get the benefits you thought. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
It takes both. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
So we need to do the reforms and the term limits. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
And after we reform it, it won't be a lifetime career opportunity; good people will go serve and then go back to their homes and not become foreign lobbyists and cash in at 30,000 bucks a month and then take time off to run some president's campaign. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
They're all nice people, they're just in a bad system. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I don't think there are any villains, but, boy, is the system rotten. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Thank you very much. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
We have a question over here. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I'd like to ask Governor Clinton, do you attribute the rising costs of health care to the medical profession itself, or do you think the problem lies elsewhere? AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
And what specific proposals do you have to tackle this problem? AUDIENCE_QUESTION O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I've had more people talk to me about their health care problems I guess than anything else, all across America -- you know, people who've lost their jobs, lost their businesses, had to give up their jobs because of sick children. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
So let me try to answer you in this way. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Let's start with a premise. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
We spend 30% more of our income than any nation on earth on health care, and yet we insure fewer people. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
We have 35 million people without any insurance at all -- and I see them all the time. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
A hundred thousand Americans a month have lost their health insurance just in the last 4 years. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
So if you analyze where we're out of line with other countries, you come up with the following conclusions. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Number one, we spend at least $60 billion a year on insurance, administrative cost, bureaucracy, and government regulation that wouldn't be spent in any other nation. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
So we have to have, in my judgment, a drastic simplification of the basic health insurance policies of this country, be very comprehensive for everybody. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Employers would cover their employees, government would cover the unemployed. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Number 2, I think you have to take on specifically the insurance companies and require them to make some significant change in the way they rate people in the big community pools. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I think you have to tell the pharmaceutical companies they can't keep raising drug prices at three times the rate of inflation. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I think you have to take on medical fraud. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I think you have to help doctors stop practicing defensive medicine. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I've recommended that our doctors be given a set of national practice guidelines and that if they follow those guidelines that raises the presumption that they didn't do anything wrong. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I think you have to have a system of primary and preventive clinics in our inner cities and our rural areas so people can have access to health care. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
The key is to control the cost and maintain the quality. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
To do that you need a system of managed competition where all of us are covered in big groups and we can choose our doctors and our hospitals, a wide range, but there is an incentive to control costs. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
And I think there has to be -- I think Mr. Perot and I agree on this, there has to be a national commission of health care providers and health care consumers that set ceilings to keep health costs in line with inflation, plus population growth. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Now, let me say, some people say we can't do this but Hawaii does it. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
They cover 98% of their people and their insurance premiums are much cheaper than the rest of America, and so does Rochester, New York. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
They now have a plan to cover everybody and their premiums are two-thirds of the rest of the country. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
This is very important. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
It's a big human problem and a devastating economic problem for America, and I'm going to send a plan to do this within the first 100 days of my presidency. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
It's terribly important. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Thank you. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Sorry to cut you short but President Bush, health care reform. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I just have to say something. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
I don't want to stampede. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Ross was very articulate across the country. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I don't want anybody to stampede to cut the president's salary off altogether. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Barbara's sitting over here and I -- but what I have proposed, 10% cut, downsize the government, and we can get that done. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
She asked a question, I think, is whether the health care profession was to blame. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
No. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
One thing to blame is these malpractice lawsuits. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
They're breaking the system. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
It costs $20-25 billion a year, and I want to see those outrageous claims capped. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Doctors don't dare to deliver babies sometimes because they're afraid that somebody's going to sue them. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
People don't dare -- medical practitioners, to help somebody along the highway that are hurt because they're afraid that some lawyer's going to come along and get a big lawsuit. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
So you can't blame the practitioners for the health problem. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
And my program is this. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Keep the government as far out of it as possible, make insurance available to the poorest of the poor, through vouchers, next range in the income bracket, through tax credits, and get on about the business of pooling insurance. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
A great big company can buy -- Ross has got a good-sized company, been very successful. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
He can buy insurance cheaper than Mom and Pop's store on the corner. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
But if those Mom and Pop stores all get together and pool, they too can bring the cost of insurance down. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
So I want to keep the quality of health care. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
That means keep government out of it. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I want to do -- I don't like this idea of these boards. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
It all sounds to me like you're going to have some government setting price. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I want competition and I want to pool the insurance and take care of it that way and have -- oh, here's the other point. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I think medical care should go with the person. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
If you leave a business, I think your insurance should go with you to some other business. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
You shouldn't be worrying if you get a new job as to whether that's gonna -- and part of our plan is to make it what they call portable -- big word, but that means if you're working for the Jones Company and you go to the Smith Company, your insurance goes with you. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I think it's a good program. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
I'm really excited about getting it done, too. George H. W. Bush O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Mr. Perot. Carole Simpson O 1992 15 Oct 1992
We have the most expensive health care system in the world. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Twelve percent of our gross national product goes to health care. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Our industrial competitors, who are beating us in competition, spend less and have better health care. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Japan spends a little over 6% of its gross national product. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Germany spends 8%. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
It's fascinating. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
You've bought a front row box seat and you're not happy with your health care and you're saying tonight we've got bad health care but very expensive health care. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Folks, here's why. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
Go home and look in the mirror. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
You own this country but you have no voice in it the way it's organized now, and if you want to have a high risk experience, comparable to bungee jumping, go into Congress some time when they're working on this kind of legislation, when the lobbyists are running up and down the halls. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Wear your safety toe shoes when you go. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
And as a private citizen, believe me, you are looked on as a major nuisance. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
The facts are you now have a government that comes at you. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
You're supposed to have a government that comes from you. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Now, there are all kinds of good ideas, brilliant ideas, terrific ideas on health care. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
None of them ever get implemented because -- let me give you an example. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
A senator runs every 6 years. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
He's got to raise 20,000 bucks a week to have enough money to run. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Who's he gonna listen to -- us or the folks running up and down the aisles with money, the lobbyists, the PAC money? Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
He listens to them. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Who do they represent? Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
Health care industry. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Not us. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Now, you've got to have a government that comes from you again. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
You've got to reassert your ownership in this country and you've got to completely reform our government. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
And at that point they'll just be like apples falling out of a tree. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 15 Oct 1992
The programs will be good because the elected officials will be listening to -- I said the other night I was all ears and I would listen to any good idea. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
I think we ought to do plastic surgery on a lot of these guys so that they're all ears, too, and listen to you. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Then you get what you want, and shouldn't you? Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
You paid for it. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Why shouldn't you get what you want, as opposed to what some lobbyist cuts a deal, writes a little piece in the law and he goes through. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
That's the way the game's played now. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
Till you change it you're gonna be unhappy. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
SIMPSON_(continuing): You wanted one brief point in there. NaN O 1992 15 Oct 1992
One brief point. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 15 Oct 1992
We have elections so people can make decisions about this. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
The point I want to make to you is, a bipartisan commission reviewed my plan and the Bush plan and there were as many Republicans as Democratic health care experts on it. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
They concluded that my plan would cover everybody and his would leave 27 million behind by the year 2000 and that my plan in the next 12 years would save $2.2 trillion in public and private money to reinvest in this economy and the average family would save $1200 a year under the plan that I offered without any erosion in the quality of health care. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
So I ask you to look at that. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
And you have to vote for somebody with a plan. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
That's what you have elections for. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
If people would say, well, he got elected to do this and then the Congress says, okay, I'm going to do it. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 15 Oct 1992
That's what the election was about. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 15 Oct 1992
All right, moving on now to divisions in our country, the first question goes to Governor Clinton for 2 minutes, and Ann will ask it. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Governor Clinton, can you tell us what your definition of the word "family" is? COMPTON O 1992 11 Oct 1992
A family involves at least one parent, whether natural or adoptive or foster, and children. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
A good family is a place where love and discipline and good values are transmuted (sic) from the elders to the children, a place where people turn for refuge, and where they know they're the most important people in the world. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
America has a lot of families that are in trouble today. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
There's been a lot of talk about family values in this campaign. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 11 Oct 1992
I know a lot about that. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 11 Oct 1992
I was born to a widowed mother who gave me family values, and grandparents. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
I've seen the family values of my people in Arkansas. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
I've seen the family values of all these people in America who are out there killing themselves working harder for less in a country that's had the worst economic years in 50 years and the first decline in industrial production ever. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
President Bush, one minute. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Well, I would say that one meeting that made a profound impression on me was when the mayors of the big cities, including the mayor of Los Angeles, a Democrat, came to see me, and they unanimously said the decline in urban America stems from the decline in the American family. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
So I do think we need to strengthen family. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
When Barbara holds an AIDS baby, she's showing a certaincompassion for family; when she reads to children, the same thing. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
All right, Mr. Perot, you have one minute. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
If I had to solve all the problems that face this country and I could be granted one wish as we started down the trail to rebuild the job base, the schools and so on and so forth, I would say a strong family unit in every home, where every child is loved, nurtured, and encouraged. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
A little child before they're 18 months learns to think well of himself or herself or poorly. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
They develop a positive or negative self- image. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
At a very early age they learn how to learn. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
If we have children who are not surrounded with love and affection -- you see, I look at my grandchildren and wonder if they'll ever learn to walk because they're always in someone's arms. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
And I think, my gosh, wouldn't it be wonderful if every child had that love and support. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
But they don't. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
New question, two-minute answer, goes to President Bush. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Sandy will ask it. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Mr. President, there's been a lot of talk about Harry Truman in this campaign, so much so that I think tomorrow I'll wake up and see him named as the next commissioner of baseball. Sander Vanocur O 1992 11 Oct 1992
No, I don't think that's the right answer. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
I don't believe legalizing narcotics is the answer. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
I just don't believe that's the answer. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
I do believe that there's some fairly good news out there. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
The use of cocaine, for example, by teenagers is dramatically down. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
But we've got to keep fighting on this war against drugs. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
We're doing a little better in interdiction. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Many of the countries below that used to say, well, this is the US' problem -- if you'd get the demand down, then we wouldn't have the problem -- are working cooperatively with the DEA and the military. George H. W. Bush O 1992 11 Oct 1992
We're using the military more now in terms of interdiction. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Our funding for recovery is up, recovering the addicts. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Mr. Perot, one minute. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Anytime you think you want to legalize drugs, go to a neonatal unit --if you can get in. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
They're between 100 and 200% capacity up and down the East Coast. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
And the reason is crack babies being born, babies in the hospital 42 days. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Typical cost to you and me is $125,000. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Again and again and again, the mother disappears in 3 days, and the child becomes a ward of the state because he's permanently and genetically damaged. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Governor Clinton, one minute. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Like Mr. Perot, I have held crack babies in my arms. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
But I know more about this, I think, than anybody else up here because I have a brother who's a recovering drug addict. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
I'm very proud of him. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Next question is to you, Mr. Perot. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
You have two minutes to answer it and John will ask it. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Mr. Perot, racial division continues to tear apart our great cities, the last episode being this spring in Los Angeles. MASHEK O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Why is this still happening in America, and what would you do to end it? MASHEK O 1992 11 Oct 1992
This is a relevant question here tonight. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 11 Oct 1992
The first thing I'd do is, during political campaigns, I would urge everybody to stop trying to split this country into fragments and appeal to the differences between us and then wonder why the melting pot is all broken to pieces after November the 3rd. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Governor Clinton, one minute. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
I grew up in the segregated South, thankfully raised by a grandfather with almost no formal education but with a heart of gold who taught me early that all people were equal in the eyes of God. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Mr. President, one minute. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Well, I think Governor Clinton is committed. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
I do think it's fair to note -- he can rebut it -- but Arkansas is one of the few states that doesn't have any civil rights legislation. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Time, Mr. President. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
All right. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Let's go now to another subject, the subject of health. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
The first question for 2 minutes is to President Bush, and John will ask it. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Mr. President, yesterday tens of thousands of people paraded past the White House to demonstrate their concern about the disease AIDS. MASHEK O 1992 11 Oct 1992
A celebrated member of your commission, Magic Johnson, quit saying that there was too much inaction. MASHEK O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Coming from the political process. George H. W. Bush O 1992 11 Oct 1992
We have increased funding for AIDS. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
We've doubled it on research and on every other aspect of it. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
My request for this year was $4.9 billion for AIDS -- ten times as much per AIDS victim as per cancer victim. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
One minute, Mr. Perot. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
First, I think Mary Fisher was a great choice. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
We're lucky to have her heading the commission. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Secondly, I think one thing that if I were sent to do the job, I would sit down with FDA, look at exactly where we are. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Then I would really focus on let's get these things out. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
If you're going to die, you don't have to go through this ten-year cycle that FDA goes through on new drugs. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
2nd thing, there are not many times in your life when you get to talk to a whole country. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
But let me just say to all of America: if you hate people, I don't want your vote. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 11 Oct 1992
That's how strongly I feel about it. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Governor Clinton, one minute. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Over 150,000 Americans have died of AIDS. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Well over a million and a quarter Americans are HIV-positive. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
We need to put one person in charge of the battle against AIDS to cut across all the agencies that deal with it. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
We need to accelerate the drug approval process. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
We need to fully fund the act named for that wonderful boy Ryan White to make sure we're doing everything we can on research and treatment. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
New question for Mr. Perot. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
You have 2 minutes to answer, and Ann will ask it. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Mr. Perot, even if you've got what people say are the guts to take on changes in the most popular, the most sacred of the entitlements, Medicare, people say you haven't a prayer of actually getting anything passed in Washington. COMPTON O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Two ways. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Number one, if I get there, it will be a very unusual and historical event -- Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Governor, one minute. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Ross, that's a great speech, but it's not quite that simple. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
One minute, President Bush. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Well, first place, I'd like to clear up something because every 4 years, the Democrats go around and say, Republicans are going to cut Social Security and Medicare. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
They started it again. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
New question, it is for Governor Clinton, 2 -minute answer. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Sandy will ask it. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Governor Clinton, Ann Compton has brought up Medicare. Sander Vanocur O 1992 11 Oct 1992
I remember in 1965, when Wilbur Mills of Arkansas, the chairman of Ways and Means, was pushing it through the Congress. Sander Vanocur O 1992 11 Oct 1992
The charge against it was it's socialized medicine. Sander Vanocur O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Mr. Bush made that charge. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Well, he served with him 2 years later, in 1967, where I first met him. Sander Vanocur O 1992 11 Oct 1992
The 2nd point, though, is that it is now skyrocketing out of control. Sander Vanocur O 1992 11 Oct 1992
People want it. Sander Vanocur O 1992 11 Oct 1992
We say it's going bonkers. Sander Vanocur O 1992 11 Oct 1992
I thought the Oregon plan should at least have been allowed to be tried because at least the people in Oregon were trying to do something. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Let me go back to the main point, Sandy. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Mr. Bush is trying to run against Lyndon Johnson and Jimmy Carter and everybody in the world but me in this race. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
I have proposed a managed competition plan for health care. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
you cannot control health care costs simply by cutting Medicare. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Look what's happened. William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 11 Oct 1992
The federal government has cut Medicare and Medicaid in the last few years, states have cut Medicaid -- we've done it in Arkansas under budget pressures. William(Bill) J. Clinton Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
But what happens? William(Bill) J. Clinton O 1992 11 Oct 1992
More and more people get on the rolls as poverty increases. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
If you don't control the health care costs of the entire system, you cannot get control of it. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
President Bush, one minute. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Well, I don't have time in 30 seconds, or whatever -- a minute -- to talk about our health care reform plan. George H. W. Bush O 1992 11 Oct 1992
The Oregon plan made some good sense, but it's easy to dismiss the concerns of the disabled. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
As president I have to be sure that those waivers, which we're approving all over the place, are covered under the law. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Maybe we can work it out. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
But the Americans with Disabilities Act, speaking about sound and sensible civil rights legislation, was the most foremost piece of legislation passed in modern times, and so wedo have something more than a technical problem. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Mr. Perot, one minute. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
We got the most expensive health care system in the world; it ranks behind 15 other nations when we come to life expectancy, and 22 other nations when we come to infant mortality. Henry Ross Perot Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
So we don't have the best. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
And that's exactly what we're going to do. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
That was, in fact, the final question and answer. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
We're now going to move to closing statements. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Each candidate will have up to 2 minutes. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
The order, remember, was determined by drawing, and Mr. Perot, you are first. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Well, it's been a privilege to be able to talk to the American people tonight. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 11 Oct 1992
I make no bones about it. Henry Ross Perot O 1992 11 Oct 1992
I love this country. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
I love the principle it's founded on. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
I love the people here. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
I don't like to see the country's principles violated. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
I don't like to see the people in a deteriorating economy in a deteriorating country because our government has lost touch with the people. Henry Ross Perot Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Governor Clinton, your closing statement. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
I'd like to thank the people of St. Louis and Washington University, the Presidential Debate Commission and all those who made this night possible. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
And I'd like to thank those of you who are watching. William(Bill) J. Clinton Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
President Bush, your opposing statement. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
Let me tell you a little what it's like to be president. George H. W. Bush O 1992 11 Oct 1992
In the Oval Office, you can't predict what kind of crisis is going to come up. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
You have to make tough calls. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
You can't be on one hand this way and one hand another. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
You can't take different positions on these difficult issues. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
And then you need a philosophical -- I'd call it a philosophical underpinning. George H. W. Bush Premise 1992 11 Oct 1992
Mine for foreign affairs is democracy and freedom, and look at the dramatic changes around the world. George H. W. Bush O 1992 11 Oct 1992
The Cold War is over. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
The Soviet Union is no more and we're working with a democratic country. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, the Baltics are free. George H. W. Bush Claim 1992 11 Oct 1992
Don't go away yet. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
I just want to thank the three panelists and thank the three candidates for participating -- President Bush, Governor Clinton and Mr. Perot. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992
They will appear again together on October the 15th and again on October 19th, and next Tuesday there will be a debate among the three candidates for vice president. Jim Lehrer O 1992 11 Oct 1992